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The Full Moon

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I feel like, at least during the summer months, we have to keep track of the full moons. This is in service of our Brokeback Cult development, and also for personal enlightenment. As a Cancerian, I have to be aware of when the full moon is coming, and brace for it. It seems to bring out my Brokeholism and intensify it too. There's no reins on me at that time!!

Here's the link to the Farmer's Almanac with moon as well as planet info:

I'm not into astrology, but you have me a fellow Cancerian, what is it that happens to us when there is a full moon....

I'm curious, too.  I'm also a Cancerian....


Sheriff Roland:
As a teacher, I must admit that certain phenomenon of nature will highten kids' (& teachers') excitability. The approach of a storm, the high times of the year (Hollowe'en, Christmas, Easter, the end of the school year) and the two or three days before every full moon.

Kids (& teachers) are more excited, less focused and, dare I say, rash in their decisions. It's always harder to have kids do their work / stay out of trouble during these high times. That is why certain times of the year are crucial to getting more work done than others.

I find it strange that some people are non-believers in this phenomenon, but as for me ... I believe !

I've noticed that internet message boards get a little crazy around the full moon.  :o (Not this one in particular -- all of the ones I've been on, for like the past five years or so.) So nobody delete your account for the next three days, ok? It will all be better soon.

Meanwhile, I get PMS during the full moon.  ::) Not only am I rash, I am also extremely unpleasant to deal with.  ::)


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