Author Topic: The "ABCs of BBM": Round 965! (Rules in first post)  (Read 6661286 times)

Offline memento

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"M" is melodrama
« Reply #22470 on: March 10, 2012, 07:13:37 pm »
icky Luzón's review of Brokeback Mountain at Cinema, Culture and Society includes the following:

"Ang Lee has said that he considers Brokeback Mountain to be just a love story, not a western. I couldn’t agree more. In fact, it is significant that the IMDB places the film within the categories of drama and love, not western. Like classical melodrama the film portrays a doomed love story between two men who happen to be cowboys. However, they could have been clerks and the result would most likely have been the same. Yet, the fact that the men are cowboys adds to the intensity of this melodrama. In most examples of the genre, the protagonists’ pursuits of happiness are thwarted due to powerful social pressures to conform to what is correct, proper and normal. It is the social environment that crushes their aspirations, with different but often heartbreaking consequences. For two gay cowboys in Wyoming in the 1960s the pressures must have been (and without doubt still are) unbearable indeed."

=aside= Fran
Thanks for finding this article!  

=aside= players
I'll be in CA for a couple of weeks visiting my sister.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 12:54:41 pm by Fran »

Offline Fran

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"N" is Noon
« Reply #22471 on: March 11, 2012, 12:58:00 pm »
alerie Planche's acting filmography at IMDb includes the films Bad Money (1999), Shanghai Noon (2000), The Claim (2000), and, surprisingly, Brokeback Mountain (2005).

=reply= Sandy
Too bad there wasn't an unplayed "N" in there

Safe travels and my best regards to your sister.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2012, 12:53:36 pm by Fran »

Offline southendmd

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"O" is okaying
« Reply #22472 on: March 14, 2012, 10:14:28 am »
irile Ennis seemed to be okaying his relations with Jack when he said, "It's a one-shot thing we got goin' on here". 

Offline Marina

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"P" is puking
« Reply #22473 on: March 14, 2012, 11:44:29 am »
isceral in his description of what separating from Jack had felt like, Ennis said he'd pulled over to the side of the road, dizzy and near to puking his guts out, realizing later that he shouldn't have let Jack out of his sights.
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"R" is role
« Reply #22474 on: March 14, 2012, 12:45:49 pm »
ictor Reyes had a small role in Brokeback Mountain.  He played Chilean Sheepherder #1.

Offline southendmd

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"S" is surfacing
« Reply #22475 on: March 14, 2012, 12:55:11 pm »
ery cold water led to shouts from Jack and Ennis as they were surfacing from the river.

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"T" is tush
« Reply #22476 on: March 15, 2012, 03:45:08 pm »
ery disturbed by Jack's initiative at FNIT, Ennis threw him to the ground and uncovered his tush.

Düva pööp is a förce of natüre

Offline Fran

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"U" is unhidden
« Reply #22477 on: March 15, 2012, 04:48:37 pm »
erbalizing his fears and concerns, Ennis tells Jack about his father's unhidden contempt for gays and about Earl's murder.
« Last Edit: March 16, 2012, 12:30:28 am by Fran »

Offline southendmd

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"W" is well-meant
« Reply #22478 on: March 16, 2012, 07:36:35 am »
enting her anger at Ennis, Alma began with the well-meant comment about his being lonely. 

Offline Fran

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Round 943!
« Reply #22479 on: March 16, 2012, 09:49:34 am »
Round 943!

The letter "W" is next.

Each post will begin with a word that starts
with the letter "W" and include an unplayed word.

In Brokeback Mountain, author Annie Proulx made mention of
the direction west more times than any other direction:

In August Ennis spent the whole night with Jack in the main camp and in a blowy
hailstorm the sheep took off west and got among a herd in another allotment.

The next week Joe Aguirre sent word to bring them down -- another, bigger storm
was moving in from the Pacific -- and they packed in the game and moved off the
mountain with the sheep, stones rolling at their heels, purple cloud crowding in
from the west and the metal smell of coming snow pressing them on.

The day was hot and clear in the morning, but by noon the clouds had pushed up
out of the west rolling a little sultry air before them.

Ennis, weather-eyed, looked west for the heated cumulus that might come up on
such a day but the boneless blue was so deep, said Jack, that he might drown looking up.

On the third morning there were the clouds Ennis had expected, a grey racer out of
the west, a bar of darkness driving wind before it and small flakes.

The bedroom, at the top of a steep stair that had its own climbing rhythm, was tiny
and hot, afternoon sun pounding through the west window, hitting the narrow
boy's bed against the wall, an ink-stained desk and wooden chair, a b.b. gun
in a hand-whittled rack over the bed.

The direction west is available to assist us
with this round, so please be sure to include
the following symbol at the beginning of your post: