Higgins Gift Shop {End-of-Summer $ale!}
determinedly went into the gift shop in search of a postcard of Brokeback Mountain. He didn't find one but he ordered it.

(In fact, somebody toasted our BBM postcard; it's gone!)
SheyneSheyne & Will went to Greenwich Village in Manhattan and the first place I took her was the original Stonewall Club! We cruised down gay Christopher Street. We ate at Manatus Restaurant out front -- a good place to see and be seen! Among local celebs who I proudly intro'd Sheyne to were (a) the legendary "Rollerina", (b) a chief advisor at City Hall and (c) a head of the Gay police officers group (who had 3 prisoners in his NYCPD van). S & I were served cold bubblies, such as strawberry daiquiris and piña coladas, and hot dishes -- and we also dished hotly! We can't repeat
anything here at the ver' censored BM forum.) Sheyne & I had unbridled fun!
=announcement= PlayerzSunday, Sept. 24th, is the Manhattan Brunchero
at the appropriately-named Rodeo Restaurant.
Confirmed "
ABCz" Playerz include 6:
Meryl &
Event is from 12 noon to 3 p.m.
Mayor Will-ABC"411" postz!!!!
ABCz-ville, NA