Author Topic: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl  (Read 746943 times)

Offline David In Indy

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #910 on: December 02, 2006, 02:51:29 pm »
Hey, what about poor Jack??  ;)

Yeah..... :'(

Hey - what about poor us?  :)


Oh yeah.....that too..... :'(


Well! I see I'm the only member of the "Poor Ennis Club" right now. I have been feeling sorry for Jack throughout this entire story.... but I feel sorry for Ennis today. Hhere's why...

 :o :o SPOILERS!!!  :o :o

They wouldn't let Ennis up to the hospital room to see Jack, Jack has Dane to lean on right now (Ennis doesn't have anyone) and now Jack breaks up with Ennis and leaves him sitting on the park bench. Besides Ennis may lose his job now.

Poor Ennis.  :'(

But I  have a funny feeling about Colin. I think he might be "family".
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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #911 on: December 02, 2006, 02:57:42 pm »

But I  have a funny feeling about Colin. I think he might be "family".

Yeah you told me, what is that all about?  :o ;)

But I agree, we feel sorry for both of them, we ache for both of them...

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #912 on: December 02, 2006, 03:19:26 pm »

Well! I see I'm the only member of the "Poor Ennis Club" right now. I have been feeling sorry for Jack throughout this entire story.... but I feel sorry for Ennis today. Hhere's why...

I feel equally sorry for both of them, David  :(


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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #913 on: December 02, 2006, 03:20:28 pm »

But I  have a funny feeling about Colin. I think he might be "family".

Colin?!?!?!   :o

My goodness I never got that feeling from him at all.  What makes you say that?

Offline Kazza

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #914 on: December 02, 2006, 05:17:34 pm »
Amy has said that we haven't seen the last of Alma. I really hope that Ennis, in his awful loneliness doesn't try for the safe and straight life that he had planned before meeting Jack.

I have to hope that they are each going to work out their inner demons and find their way back to each other. What will be the trigger for this though I wonder? Will we be seeing Hinestroza again I wonder.

David I hope that you are right about Colin, because Ennis sure as hell needs some support right now.

We have to wait another few days for the next installment folks.

Anyone know how many chapters Amy has planned? Then again, maybe I don't want to know - might spoil the suspense.


Offline David In Indy

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #915 on: December 02, 2006, 11:25:36 pm »
Yeah you told me, what is that all about?  :o ;)

Colin?!?!?!   :o

My goodness I never got that feeling from him at all.  What makes you say that?

I don't know. Gay men's intuition I guess.  :)

Of course Amy can take this story in any direction she wants, so my intuition could be very wrong I suppose.

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #916 on: December 03, 2006, 04:31:53 am »
Amy has said that we haven't seen the last of Alma. I really hope that Ennis, in his awful loneliness doesn't try for the safe and straight life that he had planned before meeting Jack.

I have to hope that they are each going to work out their inner demons and find their way back to each other. What will be the trigger for this though I wonder? Will we be seeing Hinestroza again I wonder.

David I hope that you are right about Colin, because Ennis sure as hell needs some support right now.

We have to wait another few days for the next installment folks.

Anyone know how many chapters Amy has planned? Then again, maybe I don't want to know - might spoil the suspense.


Well, we still need to find out what it is that Ennis told her exactly when Alma caught them at Ennis' apartment. I don't think there is a way back for Ennis, so I don't think he will try that safe way and I don't think SOG!Alma is as Story/Film!Alma, I don't think she will want him back after this. Ennis might go and apologize and try to explain what happened more honestly.

Yeah, I am also really wondering how they will get back together and how long it will take. Months? a year? Longer? I don't think H. will be the trigger, Amy went to great lengths to tell the reader that he never goes back on his words. But then again, that would show the evilness of the man to the reader, the fact that you can never trust criminals, and especially the maffia, and that you should never make a pact with them... :o

Amy doesn't normally tell her readers how many chapters she has planned, at least that's what she told us here.  ;)

Every week I think I could not possibly be more excited about a new chapter than this and I am always wrong!

Offline Kazza

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #917 on: December 03, 2006, 05:25:47 am »

Every week I think I could not possibly be more excited about a new chapter than this and I am always wrong!

Oh absolutely - can barely wait for the next update. I thought following an enthralling drama serial on the TV was exciting, but my addiction to fan fiction has surpased that.


Offline Bigheart

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #918 on: December 03, 2006, 06:22:51 am »
Oh absolutely - can barely wait for the next update. I thought following an enthralling drama serial on the TV was exciting, but my addiction to fan fiction has surpased that.


Oh yes Karen, I know exactly what you mean. My addiction sometimes really scares me, lol I used to love watching drama and thriller series on tv or going to the movies but I hardly do that anymore cause all I want to do is spend  my time reading fan fiction and talking about it  ::)

Offline Kazza

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Re: Shades of Grey by Midwest-girl
« Reply #919 on: December 04, 2006, 07:22:35 am »
Well hallo all you Shades fans.

It's Monday, and so begins the build up to the next update.

It's funny, but that's how I map the days for this fic. Thursday = update day. Then Friday to Sunday  = review and comedown. Then Monday onwards, looking forwards to the next upate.

I hope that there is a glimmer of happiness for our fave chaps in this one. I so hope that Jack will be able to find some self esteem. I can't imagine what kind of employment that he could go for now, or even be fit for at the moment. I know earning a living is dull, but it is a factor in his rehabilitation. It would be easy for him to be drawn back into crime. On the more emotional front, he needs to begin the path to healing by forgiving himself for Ortiz's death, and for the choices that he has made in the past.

As for Ennis, well he's going to feel lost without Jack. He needs to fully accept who he is, without Jack to lead the way. He needs to deal with Alma and re-evaluate his position with the FBI.

Lots of deep thinking to be done.

Oh, and I'm looking forward to Colin reaction to all that has happened.
