Susie, My Love!! First of all, HI!!!!

I haven't been around lately... Just sooo busy with sooo much and also summer is just so hectic.
Anyway, I miss all you guys terribly, and really need to just make time to come on every now and again and read and post. I miss Jack and Ennis, too!!!
BUT, Malina told me today about how you had saved all these classic Jack with Ennis stories, many of which I authored. I didn't realize I had written so many, especially at the beginning when Malina and I were totally caught up in it all and really just finishing each other's stories and sentences.
It brings back so many wonderfully fond memories, but I am mostly so very grateful to you, Susie, because, a couple of weeks ago, my computer at home crashed, and, while I managed to reinstall my operating system and most everything else, I lost all the text files which I had saved of all the IMDb Jack with Ennis Chapters. I literally cried at having lost them, only to find, today, TAH-DAH

that you had saved them and have re-posted them here, and I was SOOOO happy you have no idea.
Anyway, thank you, thank you, thank you, Susie My Sweet!!!!! You are the very best!!!!
Love You