Author Topic: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings  (Read 2719081 times)

Offline Lynne

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Re: The Bricks Are Here!
« Reply #380 on: December 13, 2006, 05:13:59 am »
This afternoon a small group from th elocal Realtors Association got to take a tour of the new Virginia Museum of Natural History. This is the museum I purchased a couple of memorial "paver bricks", one of which is for Ennis and Jack.

The director showed us where they will be planted and told us they have arrived and will be installed any day now. I am tickled, can't wait to see them, and have my picture made with them. Can't wait to see and hear peoples reaction.  :o

OOOOhh!! Terrific!!!  Will the pics be digital? Or do you need to order extra prints??  I WANNA see!  I can drive thru your town next week - will they be in place then?...I KNOW where you live!  ;)  Well, not exactly, but you bet I can find a museum!

And WTF is up with the weather anyhow??!?!!??

We better pack hikin' clothes instead of ski gear!
"Laß sein. Laß sein."

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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"I just love this place"
« Reply #381 on: December 14, 2006, 12:20:59 pm »
This morning I went on a frantic search for a key I had last night. I retraced my steps, called places I have been and found it finally, in the posket of the shirt I am wearing.

And they guy I who is supposed to pick it up has yet to show.....such is life.  8)
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #382 on: December 14, 2006, 03:09:32 pm »
Last week after work I was helping decorate the office for Xmess. I was one of three people untangling some lights, the others being a man originally from Manchester, England and a woman originally from Mexico City, Mexico.
The Englishman made an observation and the Mexicana looked at me for a clarification and I had to tell her:

"I'm sorry, I don't speak English." ;D :laugh:
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Katie77

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #383 on: December 14, 2006, 04:33:42 pm »
I know how you feel Shakes......we have a Scottish friend....when we first met him he had only been out here for a couple of years......OMG did we have trouble understanding him.....many many times I said to him "Jimmy, I didnt understand a word you just said".......

I remember one incident, that we still laugh about....we were at a wedding and he went up to the bar and asked for a "cork" (he was saying "Coke")...the girl behind the bar asked him if he wanted one out of a wine bottle.....
Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfection

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #384 on: December 15, 2006, 11:55:33 am »
In my quest to see all of Heath Ledger's movies, last night I watched a charming film from 1999 entitled "Two Hands". It was made in Australia, in Australian, in association with Showtime Australia. I am going to read up on it more. I thought: Here is is at 19, wow.

Heath plays a thug wanna be named Jimmy, and it opens with Jimmy's dead brother digging his way up from hell. The brother says something in the intro that was so cool I went back and wrote it down:

"If you are going thru some sort of shit  in your life,  chances are someone else has been thru it before ya, and, they've written it down. Some poet of philsopher has been thru the same type of crap and they've written about it. And when you find that poem or that piece of writing  and you think 'Bloody Hell! This bastards just summed it all up.' It's kinda comforting. Know what I mean?"

Yes, I do. I recognize too how it is all related, and will continue to be.

In the movie Jimmy finds nothing written down, but he learns the truth about his brothers death. The only thing close to a revelation is when the brothers spirit touches him on the cheek on the train, waking him in time.

"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #385 on: December 18, 2006, 04:45:14 pm »
 ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??? ???

So late last week one of the agents in my office gets a call from the elementary school her grandaughter attends (she has part custody). Seems the little 4th grader's class was making gingerbreadMEN and she made one with breasts. The teacher sent her to the principal, who refered her to the local mental health agency, which entails a call to social services. This is insane.

We are all so livid we don't know where to begin. why can't there be GingerbreadWOMEN or GingerbreadWOMYN or gingerbreadsheep, etc? what are wrong with Breasts? A lot of people have them. This little girl will probably have them and is being told something is wrong with them. What in the hell is wrong with these people?

I told grandma to call Inside Edition.
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."

Offline Shakesthecoffecan

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"Strange name for a woman"
« Reply #386 on: December 20, 2006, 01:32:08 pm »
I can't remember when I had such a good time, oh yeah I do, in Boston last September.

Lynne, Ellemeno and myself had been planning to meet for lunch for about three weeks, with Lynne making the heroic road trip from the central time zone o' Tennessee. I invited her to come by my place and she did! I hope she suffers no long term ill effects of my bony futon.

Meanwhile Ellemeno went on line and found us a nice smoke free environment to have lunch roughly half way betwixt my house and her mothers, in Lynchburg, Virginia, right across the street from Jerry Falwell's Liberty University. If you are one of the few people on earth that don't know about this place, check out the link:

It was a nice day for a trip, partly cloudy and warmish. I wore my Jack Nasty cap and we took off up Rt 57 to Chatham, them up Rt 29 to Lynchburg, the four lane turning into Wards Ferry Road, we found our destination with plenty of time to spare. Plenty of time for mischeif.

There is surely more than one entrance to Falwell's encampment, a sprawling place with winding narrow roads crawling aside hills. The entrance we saw was accessed thru a Sonic Drive In parking lot, up a hill, across railroad tracks, and on this day, past the carcas of a smashed rabbit, before entering the gates. We both felt strange being there, paranoid even though my car has no stickers on it to id me as a sodomite. We located the student center and parked by a car that advertized it was protected by the second amendment.

It was the perfect cover, male and female, just like on the bumperstickers that tell us what marriage should be, I got a young man is shorts to take our picture, with the sign in the background, wished him happy hollidaze.

Lynne has the sweetest mischevious grinn, opening the doors and steping inside, the hours of operation stating when they would be closed for church. What could they do to us? We weren't doing anything. Most of the students had already left for Xmess, but a kind young lady at the counter, like, directed us, like, to where the vending machines were, as we were getting hungry.

That was when we say the cameras. Those mirror semi-ball things attached to the ceiling usually, these dangeled down to get a better view and we could soon see why. On the unfinshed sheetrock of the hallway of this prefab metal building , some one, perhaps more than one, had written, GRAFFITTI!

I mean it was nothing offensive, something like someone had a flea market booth set up there once. I looked at Lynne, I looked at the camera, we were going to have to be quick. I whipped out my pen (never leave home without one), what to write, "Jack Twist died for your sins?" nah, this is about love, this needs to be a message of love. I drew a heart, I put an arrow thru it, "Jack -n- Ennis". I should have wrote "loves" I was in too big a hurry.

We walked at an excellerated rate toward the front door, giddy with excitement. We had had been to the cave of the beast, and left our mark. Now come and get us.

Lynne suggested we go ahead an head to Crackerbarrell to get a table since it was getting near lunch time. I told her from memory about the time back in the early 90's when a Crackerbarrell down south had fired all its gay employees, and the local gay community had staged a quiet sit in. On sundays they would go in, sit and only order tea. Tea has free refills. They would sit there all afternoon, tipping with waitstaff handsomely so as not to cause them financial hardship, until the powers that be gave in. We ended up doing much the same thing.

I told the young hostess lady we needed a table for three. 

"Your last name?"


Ellemeno strode into the establishment like she owned the place. Neither of us had ever seen her before, suddenly she was made real. Here was a person who was not a client, not a professional acquaintence, but someone I would be getting to know and hopefully become friends with. Improbable meeting of three people who a year ago were in different worlds, and now were in Lynchburg, Virginia, to speak our truths to one another, and anyone else listening.  Our table sat under an old MovieTone advertizement of Max Factor restoring dignity to some post war wife whose husband had shorn her hair to keep men from looking at her. Poor old Rosalie, what if she were an 85 year old woman come in to eat her green beans and cornbread and looked up to see her long ago dark humiliation?

We spent FOUR HOURS at that table. Burning the ears of our friends, acquaintences, people remembered, threads remembered, toasting Jake Gyllenhaal's 26th Natal Anniversary, proudly and boldly, as generations of diners about us sometimes hazard a glance when they head us say "gay' or "fuck" or "Brokeback". We remembered and entoned Geoffrey Chapman, Matthew Sheppard, Geraldine Peroni, shared and got to know one another like late night dorm mates. Decks of card sailing across shag carpet. Spoke to wulfar and Dee on the phone, where are those paper plates?

The sweetest moment I think was Ellemeno telling us how she had switched on the TV the night before and there was Brokeback Mountain, just coming on, the title just comming up. She watched it of course, and later on when her daughter came in on Cassie dragging Ennis to the dance floor, she point out what a careful dancer she was being. "She's looking both ways".

When we gather, and share our knowledge, it is amazing the extent this thing has been carried. The rhyming meter that was found in some of the dialogue for one. Jack's tugging of Ennis's ear and Ennis's tugging of Jenny's ear. The last hour or so, no one brought us any tea, which was fine, we were floating.

I hated to say good bye. We hugged and hugged mightily. It was time to go down from the mountain, back to our seperate and unqual lives. Bless you, Friend.

Driving back down Rt. 29 me and Lynne listened to Cambell Scott's recording of the story, she'd not heard it. Ennis tells Jack: "Earl and Rich, they were purdy tough old birds" and ahead of us, a wild turkey flew across the four lane.

"Why do we do this to ourselves?" Lynne asked me when the CD was done. I don't know why really, but as much sadness as it sometimes brings up in my, it also brings release, thru tears, and like any other addiction, I am unwilling to give it up.

The security guard, clip board in hand, makes a mental note from the survalience tapes, yes the man was Jack, it was on the hat he wore. The woman must have been Ennis. "Strange name for a woman, must be Irish."

« Last Edit: December 20, 2006, 01:56:58 pm by shakestheground »
"It was only you in my life, and it will always be only you, Jack, I swear."


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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #387 on: December 20, 2006, 03:22:58 pm »
what are wrong with Breasts? A lot of people have them.
Almost all human beings have breasts, though they remain undeveloped on many (such as males) or as yet undeveloped on others still (such as prepubescent females). There probably is some kind of medical anomaly by which some people are born without any breasts at all, which would account for the small fraction of humans who truly lack them.

This story is more evidence of the absolute hysteria our culture has devolved into regarding children and sexuality. We have really regressed in this area, a century after Freud, and are now in an historical moment where children's innocent and natural curiosity about the body and its processes cannot be seen except through the lens of anxiety and suspicion. Lives have been damaged and families broken over this endemic social immaturity.

Offline nakymaton

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #388 on: December 20, 2006, 04:19:10 pm »
What a great story about meeting Clarissa! Thank you for sharing that. :)

And the gingerbread chyk with breasts? You know, it's a weird world we live in. Kids watch TV and movies from young ages, so much so that I've read complaints that there aren't any movies for kids between 6 and 10. (That would be because the kids have already watched the Spiderman movies when they were THREE.) And they're bombarded with sexualized images, on commercials during TV sports, in the PG-13 movies their parents show them when they are toddlers. And they're maturing earlier. And at the same time, there's this incredible fear of the human body, male and female. (A friend of a friend got called to talk to a teacher because her son knew the word "penis." Come on. Yes, he's got one. It is not a bad thing to know what it is called!) And breasts -- so there's this movement to convince mothers of newborns to breastfeed their babies for at least a few weeks, if not for a year or more. It's good for the babies, and good for the mothers, and it's especially helpful for people who can't afford expensive formula. But in a lot of places, women get in trouble if they try to breastfeed their babies in a public place. (A woman recently got kicked off an airplane for breastfeeding. The flight attendant was new, and hadn't yet learned that a screaming newborn is far more disruptive than a bared breast!)

Anyway... rant over. ;D
Watch out. That poster has a low startle point.

Offline Katie77

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Re: Shakesthegrounds Rumblings
« Reply #389 on: December 20, 2006, 07:36:46 pm »
Wow, Truman, what a gathering of good friends....thank you for the great story,made me feel like I was there with good you left your mark there with the heart, now that is really special.....

I can't remember when I had such a good time, oh yeah I do, in Boston last September.

We spent FOUR HOURS at that table. Burning the ears of our friends, acquaintences, people remembered, threads remembered, toasting Jake Gyllenhaal's 26th Natal Anniversary, proudly and boldly, as generations of diners about us sometimes hazard a glance when they head us say "gay' or "fuck" or "Brokeback". We remembered and entoned Geoffrey Chapman, Matthew Sheppard, Geraldine Peroni, shared and got to know one another like late night dorm mates. Decks of card sailing across shag carpet. Spoke to wulfar and Dee on the phone, where are those paper plates?

A special thanks for the conversation and remembering of my dad (Geoffrey Chapman) got no idea, how my heart swelled to think that his name was mentioned and that he too was a part of a such a special have his name mentioned in a conversations between three people all the way over there, well, its a little overwhelming, but truely wonderful....thank you, thank you so much for remembering him.......

Being happy doesn't mean everything is perfect.

It means you've decided to see beyond the imperfection