Author Topic: In praise of all things BetterMost  (Read 6908 times)

Offline BlissC

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Re: In praise of all things BetterMost
« Reply #10 on: April 12, 2008, 05:30:43 am »
laff = laugh

"No matter how hard you try, You're still in prison, If ya born with wings and you never fly."

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Re: In praise of all things BetterMost
« Reply #11 on: April 12, 2008, 07:04:58 am »

Please use the following links when shopping online -It will help us raise money without costing you a penny.

Offline optom3

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Re: In praise of all things BetterMost
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2008, 09:54:42 am »
Sanity's over-rated though.

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!  :P

You made me chuckle!! I remember a long time ago a psychiatrist telling me,that the truly insane are actually really happy as they do not know they are mad!!!! It is other people who confer labels on them.Apparantly I was not going "mad" because I still had the powers to deduce I might be.Make of that what you will !!!
It did not help me much at the time because I still felt crap. I do remember thinking though that maybe if I completely let go and stopped fighting I tip over the edge and become truly nuts and therefore happy.
Anyway the sun is shining today,and the new puppy has finally slept through the night so it could be a good day!!!

Offline Artiste

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Re: In praise of all things BetterMost
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2008, 12:07:20 pm »
May we all be madly insane enough to be happy!

Does that makes sense?

Above all, may we all be happy!!

Right optom? The downs makes up come back up to: joy!

Au revoir,

Offline Artiste

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Re: In praise of all things BetterMost
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2008, 12:09:43 pm »
Even if we have more than one foot of fresh snow yesterday and to-day, going to be 2 feet, make we all laugh and make snowballs!

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Re: In praise of all things BetterMost
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2008, 12:11:51 pm »
And have fun with eggs!!

Oui, un oeuf!! Comme un bébé!!

Offline optom3

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Re: In praise of all things BetterMost
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2008, 03:08:34 pm »
And have fun with eggs!!

Oui, un oeuf!! Comme un bébé!!

That is so cool,uh oh beginning to sound like my kids !!! But I just love it.Doubly clever,because an egg shell is in effect a carrier for the egg which if fertilised will become a baby chick.And in the art ,the egg shell is literally an egg carrier.
That is just so clever on so many levels.
Trust you to have something clever to cheer me up. Also my very first stuffed animal when I was a baby,was a Panda.It fell out of the car while on holiday In Scotland and my poor dad drove miles back to rescue it for me.!!!
My brother had a knitted Golliwog, but you can't have them now as it is non P.C . We were just kids there was nothing racial as far as we were concerned.I always think it is adults who sully things with all sorts of overtones.Kids are normally pretty innocent,untill they learn otherwise.
Off topic I know but I have been horrified ,since comming to Florida with the level of homophobia,sexism and racism.It is nothing short of rampant.
My oldest got a major ear bashing when he came home from school one day spouting homophobic garbage.
I told him I was disgusted with him.He never used to be like that,so he must have picked it up at school.My other 2 are much more tolerant.

Offline BlissC

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Re: In praise of all things BetterMost
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2008, 03:15:57 pm »
Sanity's over-rated though.

I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!  :P

A friend of mine who's had mental health problems of one variety or another for years and is bi-polar always says that to people when they say how terrible it must be for him. Humour's his way of getting through it all, and he always says that his "problems", as he puts it, he always says "my 'problems'" like it's in quote marks, have certainly given him a unique, and sometimes interesting take on life. I guess you can't argue with that.

You made me chuckle!! I remember a long time ago a psychiatrist telling me,that the truly insane are actually really happy as they do not know they are mad!!!! It is other people who confer labels on them.Apparantly I was not going "mad" because I still had the powers to deduce I might be.Make of that what you will !!!
It did not help me much at the time because I still felt crap. I do remember thinking though that maybe if I completely let go and stopped fighting I tip over the edge and become truly nuts and therefore happy.
Anyway the sun is shining today,and the new puppy has finally slept through the night so it could be a good day!!!

That's just reminded me of way back when I was at college. I ended up leaving college on medical grounds with clinical depression. I was having some really weird thoughts, and I was starting to seriously doubt my sanity. I was on bucket-loads of anti-depressants and I'd been pulled out of teaching practice on the grounds I wasn't safe to be left in charge of kids, and I was told to keep away from the college too, at least the academic aspects of it. I used to go into college though to see the college nurse. We had two who ran clinics on alternate days, and I always knew that if I needed someone to talk to I could go and talk to Eileen, one of the nurses. I ended up in her office one morning sat drinking tea (I HATE tea, but I didn't tell her that - funny how those little things come back to you years later!), anyway we were sitting drinking tea and talking about anything and everything, and I've no idea how we got onto it, but I remember we ended up sitting there singing Monty Python's "Always look on the bright side of life" and I ended up sitting there laughing hysterically and spilling tea all over the place, and thinking "well, if this is insanity, it's quite good". Then I started feeling guilty because I'd actually had a spell when I was enjoying myself and I wasn't supposed to be. She was a hell of a good listener, and her advice made a lot of sense. I can't remember what her reply was to that, but I remember we ended up singing Rolf Harris's "Jake the Peg" and that set us off laughing again. I do remember her saying though as I was going out, "You're not crazy. You just need some help getting where you need to be."

I'm still not entirely sure she was correct in her assessment, but fifteen years later and I'm still going strong, so I must be doing something right!  :D

"No matter how hard you try, You're still in prison, If ya born with wings and you never fly."

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Re: In praise of all things BetterMost
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2008, 07:19:53 pm »
Glad that that egg carriage is fun for you and others!!

I enjoyed it verymuch right away too !!

Maybe you kids and you can create such an egg art ??

And... une autre image,

hugs! Keep care! Laugh, smile, dream. etc., have fun!!

Offline Artiste

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Re: In praise of all things BetterMost
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2008, 07:21:18 pm »
One way to get your frustrations out... with bread ?? Or with  $$ ?? Ha! Ha!

Even you kids can do this bread fun ??