Author Topic: Who are you????? - by idgeet  (Read 16596 times)

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Re: Who are you????? - by idgeet
« Reply #10 on: December 11, 2007, 11:08:24 am »
Re: Who are you?????   
  by ka_baerchen     (Tue Nov 7 2006 15:26:14 )
I'm very surpised to see that most of the people around here seem to be between 40 and 50. I thought most of you are between 20-30, like I am. 24 years old...

Are younger ones not interested in the movie, or do they simply not like it? I got the impression that the trolls around here are generally younger ones. Or maybe they got better things to do than sticking around uplifting...

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Re: Who are you?????   
  by nylatinguy3000     (Wed Nov 8 2006 13:07:46 )
UPDATED Wed Nov 8 2006 13:27:52
Hi !! (I'm really glad someone made a thread like this)

I'm an 18 years old, a guy (duh!), and gay. Most of my friends know about me, but I'm assuming my parents don't; if they do know, they definately haven't mentioned it to me.

I'm currently enrolled in a community college ONLY cause I didn't really want to attend any, but my mom forced me to be concerned with my future and I caved. I'm studying to be a nurse because I don't think I have it in me to spend the rest of my childhood in academics. I recieved the Advanced Regents Diploma from high school, so I'm not an idiot.

Going through high school was just crap: I hated every minute of it. I got my A's and B's, but they were only for my parents: They meant nothing to me. They were only hollow awards to get by. I could've gone to any college I chose, but refused to fill any applications, Stduent Aid forms, etc., and it seemed like I had dug a pretty deep hole, so Community College was it for me.

What I really want to be is an actor or a writer.I'm only getting my nursing degree so that if neither of these two career choices works for me, Nursing is a darn good fall back plan.

I tell my family I want to be a nurse, I get praised. I then tell them I might want to be a writer or actor as well, they say: Stick with the nursing.

I saw this movie with a guy I had chatted online with for a few weeks; it took him awhile to ask me out. He was 18, I was a brand new 17 yr old. His name was Spiro (He was Greek; hence the weird name). We ended the night making out in his car, which took me completely by surprise cause it was our first date AND our first day actually meeting face to face. It didn't last too long... I think it's becuase we said 'I Love You' way too soon, and when you say that, there isn't really much to look forward to (unless we were going to move in together or get I mean 'Civil-Unionized.') I was still in high school, he was going to college. PLUS, he lived in New Jersey, and I'm a New York kid. Distance-wise, it was pretty foolish. I'm way too much of a romantic, so getting caught up in what I thought was an ideal relationship made come crashing down really hard, making me realize 'Love' isn't a 1hr and 45 min deal. I'm still pretty naive, getting blinded and ignoring reality when I think I'm in love. All i know is, If i get a boyfriend, he'll definately be sexually satisfied.

I'm pretty darn slim, weighing 105, and I'm 5'7". I have black hair and dark brown eyes. I get all my clothes at Aeropostale and Old Navy; I'm a big vintage shirt and sweater/torn and faded jeans type guy. I'm not the stereotypical 'overly flamboyant' gay guy type; I'm a 'me.'

My mom is Peruvian, but there is also some Austrian and Chinese mixed in so I'm pretty ethnic. I never met my biological father, all I know is that he was an abusive alcoholic and my mother was better off without him. She got remarried and now we're a happy family living in our nice quite city with our own 3 floor house and,literally, a white picket fence.

Re: Who are you?????   
  by Shasta254     (Wed Nov 8 2006 17:34:09 )

I'm pretty darn slim, weighing 105, and I'm 5'7".

You need to eat more, sugar! Do you not have much of an appetite?

Good luck with nursing school!
Re: Who are you?????   
  by WerePaintingTheRosesRed     (Wed Nov 8 2006 13:55:04 )   

I'm 15, bisexual, and despite the misleading (well, on one count anyway)username I'm female, but one of my favourite songs is "Mr Monotony" as sung by Judy Garland in Easter Parade. I'm an avid Judy Garland and Marilyn Monroe fan, and I'm watching Liza M in concert next year with my mum (can't wait*pulls excited face*)

I'm a terrible person to be friends with, as I'm paranoid, clingy, overanalyse everything, sarcastic, bitchy and awkward.

I grew up paranoid about my teeth so my life at primary consisted of teachers and staff members constantly telling me to smile, and now at secondary they do too, so that phrase pisses me off the most (that and "I'm not being funny but...". The best way to make me hate you is to say "smile it might never happen" haha.

I don't really want to post this because noone cares really, but what the hell, I've spent ages typing this (I'm a terrible typer my fingers slip sideways)

Cake or Death?
Re: Who are you?????   

  by Shasta254     (Wed Nov 8 2006 17:31:31 )   
I'm a terrible person to be friends with, as I'm paranoid, clingy, overanalyse everything, sarcastic, bitchy and awkward.

MrMonotony--It takes a lot of courage and insight to be able to realize the negative things about yourself. Cool. When you know what's wrong---you are able to work on it.
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Re: Who are you?????   
  by varietyofgreen     (Sun Nov 12 2006 13:04:25 )   
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Hi, everyone!

Idgeet, thank you for the thread. Being myself not a frequent poster on this board but definitely a frequent visitor since February, I have always wondered who the posters are.
Quite interesting, many people’s current or future occupation turned out to be in the field of law -). I am a lawyer myself, graduated two years ago, work in-house in Moscow, Russia. Female, 25.
Idgeet, Xdreamfly and alley41196, privet! Rada znakomstvu.
Idgeet, I would be very interested to learn what a Russian Linguist does in US Air Force (forgive my ignorance, I have a few fairly wild guesses, but no real idea) and how you got to learn Russian. Xdreamfly, I very much liked your posts on other threads and would have never imagined you had Belorussian/Russian cultural background. I loved NYC as a tourist and hope it is a nice place to live in.
Also wanted to greet and wish all the best to ilnbnblm! I am not sure if homosexuality was ever considered a mental illness in Russia, it was in fact considered a crime until May 1993. With Moscow and StPete supposedly being the exceptions, the situation in general is very similar to what ilnbnblm described for China. ((

I love our movie and wish to thank everyone for sharing their analyses, opinions and personal stories.

Re: Who are you?????   
  by idgeet     (Sun Nov 12 2006 21:14:14 )   
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Idgeet, I would be very interested to learn what a Russian Linguist does in US Air Force (forgive my ignorance, I have a few fairly wild guesses, but no real idea) and how you got to learn Russian. Xdreamfly, I very much liked your posts on other threads and would have never imagined you had Belorussian/Russian cultural background.

a russian linguist... a spy. i listened in on satellite dish converstations of the russian military might be having on the phone. i didn't know russian before. after basic training... i went to linguist school where there was four students per teachers. at the time, the teachers were defectors. very interesting stories. had a top secret clearance... which prevented me from visiting the soviet union seven years from time time i got out of the air force. unfortunately, after that time passed i no longer had the means to go visit the country.

thanks for the interest.

Re: Who are you?????   
  by xdreamfly     (Sun Nov 12 2006 21:46:54 )   
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Hey, varietyofgreen! Wow, you are the one who catalyzed Clancy's realization of sacrificial love theme in the film, right? And Clancy's subsequent analysis and patient dialogue helped me realize that too, so I'm very greatful to both of you for that.

You wrote: "I am a lawyer myself, graduated two years ago, work in-house in Moscow, Russia. Female, 25.
Idgeet, Xdreamfly and alley41196, privet! Rada znakomstvu."


You probably saw BBM in Moscow, tell us, how did people react to the film? You know, I'm thinking be it 20 years ago and that masterpiece (BBM) would have never made it to our ex-communist country... Sexuality was a taboo topic, let alone was unheard of...

Re: Who are you?????   
  by jshaffer54     (Tue Nov 14 2006 08:57:40 )   
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Re: Who are you?????   
  by insane-romantic     (Tue Nov 14 2006 12:56:00 )   
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Hey, I'm Emma, im 15 years old, straight, female and I live in Southampton in England. I guess I'm pretty young so not much has happened in my life! I am going to college next year....looking forward to that. Nice to meet y'all!

"Thank you, Captain Obvious!"
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Re: Who are you?????   
  by berit-6     (Fri Dec 1 2006 14:45:50 )   
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Re: Who are you?????   
  by sadif     (Sat Dec 2 2006 12:39:26 )   
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insane-romantic: You're going to college at the age of 16?
Hi! I'm new here, I just saw BBM taday, and it was amazing... I'm 14, straigth, I live in Hungary(Europe) and I think a lot. I don't have much to say about myself, because nothing happened in my life yet that's worth mentioning.
Re: Who are you?????   
  by ednbarby     (Fri Dec 1 2006 19:03:21 )   
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UPDATED Fri Dec 1 2006 19:14:25
Lessee... I'm 41, white, female (not too many boys named Barb, I guess), straight, married for 16 years, and have an almost 5-year-old son. I have dark blonde hair (now nicely highlighted with "silver"), hazel eyes, am 5'7" tall and am of average weight, for what it's worth.

I grew up in Western New York, moved to Ohio after college (I have a BA in Computer Science and English) for my first job as a technical writer, met my husband while there, then moved here to South Florida 13 years ago almost to the day. I loathe Florida for the most part, since I'm a bleeding heart liberal and it's getting redder here by the second. Plus I'm one of those goofballs who loves the cold, or who at least doesn't mind it. But my husband's job brought us here and I owed him one, so here I am.

I first saw Brokeback in January. That first viewing just left me - numb - and curiously unable to articulate what it was I had just seen. The second one two weeks later reduced me to such uncontrollable weeping in the theater that the lovely young man seated next to me (a stranger) put his arm around me during the credits and gave me a big brotherly hug to try to help me feel better.

The loss of my mother has been the biggest tragedy of my life. She died of a sudden heart attack at the age of 60 while alone in her home. She was the best friend I've ever had - my other self - the only person who has ever loved me utterly unconditionally. I could tell her anything and did. We were so close, we would sit and watch movies we loved together on HBO (there were no videos in the late 70s and early 80s) holding hands the whole time, then talk about them for hours afterwards, even if we'd seen them multiple times. We'd listen to music we both loved the same way. Losing her was like losing my right arm. So like you, Diane, I think I relate to the movie so much mostly because of that and also because of one or two ghosts in my childhood closet that make me uniquely suited to understand Ennis completely.

It's lovely to be back here amongst friends. I was one of the pioneers back in January, then the trolls got utterly out of control and most of us got out with what was left of our beleaguered psyches.

Oh, and I'm a hopeless Gyllenhaalic. Damn you and those eyes and lips and voice of yours! ;)

Crap. I really intended to keep this short. The best-laid plans...

~ Barb
Re: Who are you?????   
  by idgeet     (Fri Dec 1 2006 19:58:36 )   
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hey barb...

i am blown away...

keep reading, and you'll understand why...

we have alot in common. (with one exception... you have a husband.. i never will - lol)
i too am 41 years old.
i too left due to trolls... but am back with the new surge of interest since the release on hbo
i grew up in florida... and also loathe most of it
i'm a goofball who loves the cold
i saw brokeback in january
i too was that out-of-control weeper

but most importantly, i lost my mother last year when she died suddenly as well.. at the age of 63. she used to always tell me... "you may not realize it yet... but i'm the best friend you'll ever have." i used to say "mom..." like i was irritated. but after she died, i realized how so right she was. she was my best friend.. the best i'll ever have.. and she too loved me unconditionally.

when i read your post... i was just struck by how much we are alike. it's kinda freaky.

Re: Who are you?????   
  by ednbarby     (Fri Dec 1 2006 20:33:23 )   
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UPDATED Fri Dec 1 2006 20:33:50
Hey, idgeet. Yes, it is freaky, isn't it?

I was struck in reading your latest post just now at how I used to, as a child (and still do sometimes), think of all the other lives going on in the world "right now" - all the other thoughts, all the other dreams - and think "I bet there're at least 1,000 people, right now, thinking the same exact thought that I'm thinking right now." And there you are, one of those people.

I'm starting to think that most of the people here, and at other boards I've had the great fortune to come across since this past January, are those people, too. Is that why/how we've been chosen? Are we all the ones who wondered about each other, unknowing, as children?

~ Barb
Re: Who are you?????   
  by sadif     (Sat Dec 2 2006 12:41:48 )   
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UPDATED Sun Dec 17 2006 14:31:05
I think about that a lot's so weird reading this. Also, when I think about someone, sometimes I think, does (s)he think about me right now?
I guess people aren't that different...
Re: Who are you?????   
  by ClancyPantsDelMar     (Sat Dec 2 2006 12:48:22 )   
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Hi citromtorta --

"I don't have much to say about myself, because nothing happened in my life yet that's worth mentioning."

I think this is one of the most humbly sweet things I've ever heard. It is very sweet. However, you saw the film, and you were touched by it on an emotional level. This proves that you have an inner maturity and that has to come from living a life full of wonderful things.


Re: Who are you?????   
  by pianocellolove     (Sat Dec 2 2006 18:28:15 )   
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A troll who had been 'following' me a few weeks ago will probably be interested to get this info on me after I refused to answer a very rude pm asking the same question...(some folk are so crazy!!!!) but I certainly don't mind sharing my humble stats with this board.

46 year old Libra yet often mistaken for much younger. I love that!
Single and proud Mom of 3 of the best teenagers in the world.
Middle School Choral director ( I retire in 10 years! yeh!!) and I love movies, sushi, music, books, cats, dogs, children, nice people and BBM to name a few.

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Re: Who are you?????   
  by TrollHammer     (Tue Dec 26 2006 22:56:24 )   
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Re: Who are you?????   
  by GrendelSledge     10 hours ago (Tue Jan 9 2007 23:13:06 )   
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Re: Who are you?????   
  by yngcyn     2 hours ago (Wed Jan 10 2007 06:54:43 )   
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UPDATED Wed Jan 10 2007 06:55:39
Hi idgeet,

Just saw "Brokeback Mountain" for the first time last week. I don't see many movies, but now that I have a portable DVD player I plan on watching more. I spend time on IMDb on TV threads mostly. But after seeing the movie, I immediately went to BBM threads and wanted to read what others have said about the film. I have not posted anything on it yet--there's so much to read by others.

I simply adored the movie and will see it again and again. At times my face ached from smiling so hard, at other times my heart ached from crying so hard. I loved this movie! Thought this would be an ideal place to start my BBM postings. Love the idea idgeet.

A little about this BBM fan:

I am female and 43 years old. I have been married (to a man) for twenty years, no kids by choice. We live in rural, upstate NY with our two Jack Russell Terriers. We have a great life here in the "sticks".

I grew up in the area in which I now live, same county. I drive by my old high school daily! It's more than okay with me--I really love the area, it's just beautiful. Only lived away from the area when I was away at college in the early 80's. I'm close to my family and have a few really good friends.

I teach high school English/Language Arts at a private residential facility for court-placed and troubled adolescent boys. I've taught there for 19 years and really love it. I have recently gone back to school (after many years!) and am presently halfway through a master's program in curriculum development and instructional technology.

I enjoy my dogs, reading novels, the outdoors, my favorite TV shows, computer time, and hanging with family and friends. Life is good.

So there is just a little about me. Thanks for asking idgeet!

Re: Who are you?????   
  by ednbarby     1 hour ago (Wed Jan 10 2007 07:39:10 )   
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UPDATED Wed Jan 10 2007 07:55:35
Hey yngcyn, I'm from Canandaigua. Are you from the Finger Lakes area, by any chance? If you'd rather not say so publicly, feel free to send me a private message here.

I miss it there so much. I was fortunate enough to live in a house right on the lake, looking across it every day at the glacial, almost mountainous, hills. Just gorgeous. I loved living out in the middle of nowhere and yet being able to see so much natural beauty all the time. It was idyllic.

I haven't been there in a couple years now even to visit, and I haven't lived there in 20 years. I, too, went to college just a few hours away, also in upstate NY. If it were all up to me, I'd still be living there. Alas, my husband (of 17 years) abhors the cold, so here we are in southeastern Florida, in an area I not so affectionately refer to as Tropicopolis.

I can so relate to your reaction to the movie. I still find it, after 20+ viewings both in theaters and on DVD/TV, rapturously happy and heartwrenchingly sad. I've never seen anything like it - and I see all the movies - and I doubt I ever will again.

Nice to know another fellow Brokie. :)

Hell, that's the most I spoke in a year.
Re: Who are you?????   
  by yngcyn     20 minutes ago (Wed Jan 10 2007 09:11:25 )   
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UPDATED Wed Jan 10 2007 09:13:19
Hi ednbarby,

Thanks for telling me a little about you. No, I am not from the Finger Lakes region, though I've visited there (Keuka Lake), and it certainly is beautiful country. Never been to Florida. I am from rural Rensselaer County, about 40 minutes northeast of Albany. We are actually closer to Bennington, Vermont, (less than half an hour) than Albany.

Wow--you've seen "Brokeback Mountain" 20+ times! Well I really loved it. I'm having a great time here, checking out what others have said about the film. As I only saw it that once so far, I don't really have any "deep" commentary about it! I guess as an English teacher I should have been looking for the symbolism and themes others have noted--but you know what? I just loved the story. It was a visually stunning movie, the acting was superb; it just grabbed me. Know what I mean?

Glad you wrote, ednbarby. See you here again I hope!
« Last Edit: December 11, 2007, 09:21:22 pm by TOoP/Bruce »
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