The Empty Frame
I wake up, and turn off the alarm
look at the pictures in my room
all the friends that are around me
and the empty frame
waiting to be filled
I drive to work, and look to my right
at the empty passenger seat of my car
wishing there was an indentation in it
from where someone was sitting
I walk through my day at work
processing paperwork
while the woman at the desk next to me
is making dinner plans with her husband
and I have to go to other people's desks
and see pics of wives and husbands
I go to the park for my jog
and work up a sweat
as I watch couples hand in hand
taking in the sunset
while I run by unnoticed
My family is away, so I make myself dinner
for one
and listen to mindless chatter on tv
no messages from friends on my machine
they are all busy
with their husbands or wives
I sign onto my personal ads online
and go through the replies
another rejection....oh well
there's always tomorrow
Getting into the bed
sliding between cold sheets
even a single bed can feel like a king size
when you are alone in it
set the alarm and look at the empty frame
wondering when I'll have a pic
to put in it.