Author Topic: Get fit and lose weight!  (Read 144379 times)

Offline Front-Ranger

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Re: Get fit and lose weight!
« Reply #60 on: March 19, 2008, 06:40:06 pm »
hehe, is your neighbor tall, dark, and single? If she is, resist those cookies and save yourself for the real treat!!
"chewing gum and duct tape"

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Re: Get fit and lose weight!
« Reply #61 on: March 19, 2008, 09:46:29 pm »
hehe, is your neighbor tall, dark, and single? If she is, resist those cookies and save yourself for the real treat!!

Nope, she isnt but...
There is no resisting these cookies.
There is one left.  Want it?  ;)

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Re: Get fit and lose weight!
« Reply #62 on: March 19, 2008, 10:05:49 pm »
Nope, she isnt but...
There is no resisting these cookies.
There is one left.  Want it?  ;)
I'll have an oatmeal/raisin but I can't eat no chocolate chip right now...I've sworn off for Lent!
"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline Lumière

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Re: Get fit and lose weight!
« Reply #63 on: March 19, 2008, 10:45:40 pm »
I'll have an oatmeal/raisin but I can't eat no chocolate chip right now...I've sworn off for Lent!

I wouldn't've offered you the chocolate chip one anyway because I, um, ate it already.
One oatmeal/raisin cookie coming up...

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Re: Get fit and lose weight!
« Reply #64 on: March 19, 2008, 10:52:34 pm »
I wouldn't've offered you the chocolate chip one anyway because I, um, ate it already.
One oatmeal/raisin cookie coming up...

Why thank you kindly, you are such a dear!! I'll gobble it down quickly while Chuck isn't looking!!

Now that means I have to run another two blocks tomorrow, but it'll be worth it!! SweetLucis, thank you very much!
"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline MountainMan

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Re: Get fit and lose weight!
« Reply #65 on: March 19, 2008, 11:50:18 pm »
Hi everyone,

So I saw this topic and couldn't resist.....I hope I don't come across as um, harsh or anything. This definitely isn't meant to criticize or contradict any of the posts in this thread, because they all contain good suggestions. This is just my two cents as to how best to lose weight and get fit. I actually have just been through a few years where I didn't exercise much (enough) and got pretty overweight, even though before that I was always fairly active and fit. Recently now I've made a few changes (returning to good habits) and have lost about 50 pounds or so and turned who knows how much more from fat to muscle...anyway.

So a friend of mine always makes me laugh when she says the name of her best-selling diet book is "Eat Less, Move More!" It makes me laugh because it's true while kind of poking fun at all the latest fad diets.

If you want to get fit, you have to exercise. It's that simple. You can "lose weight" by cutting calories but we all (should) know that's not healthy - I have a friend who is CLEARLY anorexic but won't admit it!. AND, cutting calories and "eating right" only works up to a certain point. You won't tone or build your muscles or change the way your body looks by eating 10 carbs a day instead of 20 or cutting your calories - which you CAN cut too much (when you cut too much your body SLOWS its metabolism and STOPS burning fat).

Of course it's important to eat healthily, but that is NOT the determining factor in losing weight or getting fit. The human body is "designed" - by whoever/whatever - for exercise. Do you think Jake and Heath (and every other celebrity who has all day every day to workout/run/swim their way to godlike perfection) just skip (ped) a meal every now and then? No, of course not...

Regarding meals: nutritionists suggest several small meals per day and never skipping breakfast.

So...back to my point. Getting "fit". This takes exercise and the RIGHT kind. You can't just go for a walk twice a week and feel like you're doing anything - because you're not. You need to elevate your heart rate, and that means aerobics, cardio, running, etc (hot sex, haha).

But isn't going for a walk better than doing nothing? Well, sure. But unless you're walking for a significant amount of time (or exerting much effort, say walking uphill, raising your heart rate) you're not going to burn many calories or work your muscles. You may even end up whetting your appetite and consuming more calories than if you hadn't walked at all and gaining weight! So if you're going to take a 15 minute walk, it's far better to make it a 15 minute run/jog - even if you have to stop and walk every 2-3 minutes. It's much better for your cardiovascular system and your heart; you'll burn far more calories, you won't feel hungry (the fight or flight stimulus), and you'll work your leg muscles much more.

Back to our bodies being "meant" for exercise...As far as what type of exercise, that actually depends on what you are aiming for. Many people assume that lifting weights is only for muscle men who are looking to bulk up. NOT TRUE. In addition to sculpting and shaping your body to get the look you desire, there are many health benefits to resistance training. Whether you're male or female, you can easily TONE and "slenderize" your body with weights just as easily as you can bulk it up. More weight, less repetitions = bulk up. Less weight, MORE repetitions = tone down. If you don't understand what I mean by that, ask someone at the gym (or me), and I'm sure they'll be glad to explain...

Trainers are just about useless and a waste of your money, btw......take a look at yourself in the mirror and ask yourself "What do I want to work on?" Then go do the machines (or exercises) that focus on those areas. Follow the "bulk up, tone down" rule above.

Note: By "machines" I mean exercise machines (at a gym) that specifically target a certain area or muscle group of your body. For example, you can work your biceps with an "arm curl" machine or you can curl a dumbbell. You can work your legs by doing numerous leg machines that each target specific muscles, doing numerous "at home" exercises without machines (squats, calf raises, leg extensions, etc), or just by running.


I said earlier that you can't walk twice a week and expect anything to happen. But you CAN swim (or RUN!!!) twice a week and see a huge difference. Have you ever noticed that all the lap swimmers at the gym have virtually no fat on their bodies? It's NOT because they were born that way. It's because swimming just melts the fat off your body. Try it. Swim 2-3 laps twice a week and see how much fat you lose. You'll be amazed, I promise.

So now for the obligatory take it easy, don't hurt yourself warning. Yeah, so take it easy. Don't hurt yourself by trying too much too soon. If you've never run anywhere except to the fridge and back (ha), then start out by jogging a block or so. You can double your distance every week or so (up to a point). When you start panting and feel your heart pounding halfway through that first lap around the track or pool.....STOP. Take a rest. Then keep going. Don't try to left the entire stack of weights on whatever machine the first time you use it - just do enough so that you feel a good resistance.

Okay then. Go for it! Change yourself. This is your life...are you who you want to be? (ooh, deep.)

« Last Edit: March 20, 2008, 03:51:56 am by MountainMan »

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Get fit and lose weight!
« Reply #66 on: March 20, 2008, 08:41:17 am »
I'll gobble it down quickly while Chuck isn't looking!!

no worries, I don't like raisins.   :laugh:

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline Front-Ranger

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Re: Get fit and lose weight!
« Reply #67 on: March 20, 2008, 10:03:12 am »

no worries, I don't like raisins.   :laugh:
I thot you were gonna give me a lecture, Chuck, but I see mountainman has beat you to it! Welcome mountainman, you came by just in time...I ran and got myself some breakfast after reading your post. Usually I skip breakfast, but today I'm having that something you'd recommend??

You're singing to the choir there when you recommend running...both Chuck and I are runners. I love to run and am so lucky I've never had hip problems or knee problems or ankle problems, etc. I haven't gotten into the weight lifting much yet though. Guess I need a personal trainer or something! More tips please!! You are inspiring us all (speaking just for myself, actually!)
"chewing gum and duct tape"

Offline CellarDweller

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Re: Get fit and lose weight!
« Reply #68 on: March 23, 2008, 08:50:41 pm »
bumping this up, as the next istallment is on TV tonight, dealing with emotional eating.

I Can Make You Thin

New series premiers Fridays beginning March 16 at 9pm

Watch this show and you will lose weight - the world's most extraordinary interactive TV show. Through the TV set, British self-help expert Paul McKenna, PhD will help viewers program their minds to lose weight. It's not a diet, there is no will power required, no belief necessary - as you watch you will transform your relationship with food and see others do the same. This show has already been a smash hit the UK and McKenna's system has changed the way millions of people lose weight in Europe. Now he's coming to America!

Tell him when l come up to him and ask to play the record, l'm gonna say: ''Voulez-vous jouer ce disque?''
'Voulez-vous, will you kiss my dick?'
Will you play my record? One-track mind!

Offline MountainMan

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Re: Get fit and lose weight!
« Reply #69 on: March 24, 2008, 06:41:04 pm »
...yeah breakfast is good m'kay?


FR - one thing I've discovered is killer for burning fat is running a little (no walk), then exercise/weights, then running a little more, etc, etc. that way you keep your metabolism up up UP for longer than if you just run, walk, run for say 30 min.  But I guess run, walk when tired, run does similar for metabolism. you could try sprinting much the same way that running kills vs walking, sprinting kills vs jogging.

kills fat, ha.

Anyone heard of the "shangri-la" diet? Heard of it recently in the book Freakonomics (AWESOME). Turns out that I'd been doing it for years (when I dieted that is, ahem) recommends olive/vegetable oil (with "good" fats) and sugar water to control eating tuna and drinking gatorade, iced tea works. But no tuna anymore - too much mercury!!! Now I eat sardines packed in olive oil for great protein, omega-3's, and low cholesterol/high "good" fat....

And eating fiber is always good for losing wieght. Try actually getting your RDA of fiber. It's tough but doable. Nature Valley granola bar or some such (any that actually has fiber), or oatmeal/cheerios, then a serving of sunchips and triscuits and you're there! Sunchips are just about the best thing ever, btw. Good and good for you....