Author Topic: The future of Brokeback Fanfic  (Read 14021 times)


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Re: The future of Brokeback Fanfic
« Reply #20 on: November 19, 2007, 08:11:34 am »
Welcome to Bettermost Juliette!  :D Hope you enjoy your limited free time here!

I want to wish you good luck on writing those last chapters of your original novel. A lot of authors have decided to move on from fanfic to writing original novels. I am one of those, when I have finished Altitude and Liberation, I will start working on one original novel and a children's book (but I will have to switch back to my native tongue Dutch to do that). You are doing it the other way around, which is great too! It would be a good pastime as soon as you have finished writing your original novel and if Lori has already said that it's OK, then go for it! I think that whenever you start posting there will always be readers around months from now.


I also know there are a lot of politics, but I don't know what about, really. I do understand competition and jealousy. What I don't understand is why people limit their story to "Friends" or whatever. Is it because people are too critical? Seriously, if someone would explain what the problem is, I would like to know what I'm walking into. If people don't like what I write and say so, it's fine with me. Naturally, I would want people to be constructive in their criticism. Is that what's going on?

I can't speak for other authors who have friended their journal. But in my case, it didn't have anything to do with criticism or flaming or fandom politics. I treasure constructive criticism and have never had ANY nasty comments on my journal and I am glad for that because that would have taken away all the fun out of writing and posting.  I just didn't feel comfortable having my creative endeavours out there without protection and was worried about privacy issues.

I understand the emotional reaction of writers to the friends-locking of livejournals, but the locking is not always about flaming or fandom politics. And as far as I know it's never been about an author not wanting to receive (constructive) criticism.


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Re: The future of Brokeback Fanfic
« Reply #21 on: November 19, 2007, 08:23:31 am »
Hi Juliette,

Welcome...glad to have you here. I don't have too much to add to what the others have said. Even thought the BBM fanficdom is slowing down a bit, I don't think it will ever go away completely...I am sure your story will be a welcome addition, when it gets  written.

Have fun!

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Re: The future of Brokeback Fanfic
« Reply #22 on: November 19, 2007, 02:11:11 pm »
Hi Juliette,

Let me add my welcome!  It's great to have you here.

I agree that your story would be a welcome addition and I look forward to reading it whenever you're ready!  From what I've seen, most writers are receptive to all polite, thoughtful comments - constructive crit included!

In addition to the stories already mentioned by you and others, I would recommend these AU/AUs: Camden Yards and Full Count by debutante9; Storm of Shadows by neuontz; The Ties that Bind and everything else by wannabebrit; White Picket Fences & Apple Trees just started up again after a long hiatus, by midgetsize; and Tainted Evidence by beatriceormore - which was also on a long hiatus, but we've just been given some teasers for the upcoming chapter.  Those are off the top of my head and I'm sure I'm missing a lot.  A quick look through the boards will give you a lot more.  We're very luck to have such a wide variety. 

Good luck!

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Re: The future of Brokeback Fanfic
« Reply #23 on: November 19, 2007, 09:34:49 pm »
    i am always excited and happy to see a new writer come onboard.  I have read so many stories over the last
couple of years.  It is hard to separate all of them..
    Some stand out, others dont.  We have been having this discussion for quite some time now..What and where
does the story go next..  I started reading fanfiction for the first time, in the BBM arena.  I found Lori's story first.
I read it from chapter six on as she has written it.  I love her writing and am also reading Zero at this time..Right now it is a passion with me..
     Over the long haul I have read many many stories by some wonderful writers.  It would take twenty hours probably to list them all..I will just mention a few.   Laramie Saga, by Louisev.  Lead me to your door , Shades of
Grey, Someone New.  Green Eyes, A better idea, Once was Lost.  The bull and its Rider.  Roots, Warmest week of
the year. When love takes you in.  The Heart of the Matter, Altitude, Turbulence,  you and me and a dog named
Flea,  Thru the veil of time, and its predecessor A Love born from Steel .  A chance occurrance, .  All of Sienatas stories  so many...

       Many of these stories are ongoing. Some are canon some are Au and some are AuAu...I like them all.
I can handle live or dead Jack, as long as its well written, and respectful to the characters...So good luck..we will still be here. : Never Enough, Never Enough" stories...or time...

Thanks! I will start there. Anyone else got any recomendations, I will take em!

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Re: The future of Brokeback Fanfic
« Reply #24 on: November 19, 2007, 09:49:52 pm »
Thanks for the welcome. My book, though, is non-fiction. That means they make me have facts that I have to look up and do (sigh) research. And my publisher insists, for some strange reason, that the facts be accurate. Unfortunately, none of these facts have anything to do with BBM or knowing the difference between "throwing a snit" and a SNIT. If so, I could buy tons of BBM stuff and take it as a tax deduction.

How do I get to your stories?

I can't speak for other authors who have friended their journal. But in my case, it didn't have anything to do with criticism or flaming or fandom politics. I treasure constructive criticism and have never had ANY nasty comments on my journal and I am glad for that because that would have taken away all the fun out of writing and posting.  I just didn't feel comfortable having my creative endeavours out there without protection and was worried about privacy issues.

I understand the emotional reaction of writers to the friends-locking of livejournals, but the locking is not always about flaming or fandom politics. And as far as I know it's never been about an author not wanting to receive (constructive) criticism.


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Re: The future of Brokeback Fanfic
« Reply #25 on: November 25, 2007, 10:38:56 pm »
I've talked about this topic and seen this topic discussed on the Turbulence thread here (I believe it was? I'm not that sure) and I'm glad this thread exists. Thanks to whoever started it.  :)

I was sorry to hear about Cameron's feelings on writing and feedback. I'm just happy to see anyone writing, whether I read it or not because writing feeds the soul in my opinion and if you enjoy it, you should keep doing it no matter what. Please don't let us readers stop you on account of not commenting. But I can understand that it is frustrating. I write in other fandoms (don't have any ideas for the BBM fandom as it were) and I've gotten 2 comments on some stories, 20 on others, so I guess it just depends. I also write in much smaller fandoms because beleive it or not, even though we only have a film and a short story, BBM is a pretty big fandom. One of my other fandoms has only about 4-5 active authors in it and its not even that old where as the Star Trek fandom is quite old and still seems fairly busy. So to me, its a roll of dice even within the recurring patterns in fandoms.

The question about new writers is a puzzling one. You think people would be more welcoming to them as the fandom dies down but that may not be the case here since a lot of the 'big' authors are still writing. But maybe some readers are set in their ways?

I know I was on another BBM forum (not this one) where favourite or 'big' authors were used against one another in a sort of battle of who's better and maybe the new authors don't have that past with some of the readers so they sadly fall by the way side. But in a way that can be good because who wants to be used as a weapon against your fellow writers? Not I. So its hard to say. And like someone else said on here (I believe in it was Leslie?) you can always take the number of people that actually comment and sometimes double it to get your actual readership. I'm sure there are a lot of people who read and don't comment. (Raises hand, I am very guilty of this, I will try and do better)

Another thing I've noticed from my lurker status is the Jack V. Ennis thing in the fandom (not so much on this board really) which discourages and effects a lot of writing AND reading I think and that is very sad. How can you pit the boy against one another? It makes no sense to me. But I've seen some stories that made me scratch my chin and think 'Hmm is this story about revenge for what another author did to *enter name here*?" Hard to say but it still makes me wonder.

I also think this fandom is fairly conservative in how some, not all, readers react to certain things that occur within stories, especially to Jack it seems and that can be off putting to new writers and readers. There seems to be this general blanket opinion from some of the more conservative readers , a set of rules, do's and don't's if you will that an author is allowed to do to the boys and I think that is crippling to a fandom and thankfully not a lot of authors in the BBM fandom listen to this. It's amazing to me the type of ignorance that peeps its ugly head out in a fandom that is based on tolerance and acceptance.

Anyway, the future of the fandom to me seems to be a natural one. It will slow down, stories will still update but maybe not with the same speed and new authors will come and go, some older authors will go and some will stay. I think the frenzy has died down but there are still some REALLY fantastic fics out there by authors, new and old. I know I'll keep reading.
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