Since we were unable to decorate the house for Christmas in 2007 Denver at all, as in at all, and I KNOW we will still be stuck there next year I've been making plans. I bought one of those deer and a bear. I need another deer ---for which read Elk--- and two cowboys. Next year we will have them in front. And I've been buying LED lights on sale wherever I find them. I'll bring them home a few at a time, from NY, and actually have a number bought in Denver.
Today I'm running to Saks to get more 3/4 off Christmas ornaments. I like the French and German and Polish ones. However they cost a fortune unles you buy them after the holiday. When you do that, sadly, you miss some. Those Murano angels were gone on Dec 26!
I bought a lot of Baccarat ornaments on ebay, paying between 10 and 16 bucks for them. This lady had tons of Baccarat reindeer ornaments a few years ago, and I bought 27 at 9.99 each. Most I gave to aunt Pauline for her tree but we have 2-3.I'm getting more french grenadiers from replacements unlimited; they bought Bernardaud's entire stock of Christmas ornaments and over the years I must have got 20 of them for relatives etc, but WE only have 4. I need 10 more for what i want to do with a garland.
My wife lets me do it. Last year was the first she saw me up close at Christmas time. Juniour says I'm the cHRISTMAS nAZI, because I decorated, and undecorated, and redecorated that 9 foot tree three times. It just didn't LOOK right. Too much red in spots, too much crystal in spotsNo gold where it was needed. Too much silver on top. Wreong sizes here and there......only way to deal with such decorative instability is to redo the whole thing from top to bottom, or until Katrina says to leave it or
Now, this should all stay up until Easter. Or the first 2009 BBQ committee housemeeting.........
i wonder if any of those 2-3 foot Anna Lee figures are left?
