Are we really still at this?!!! LOL
still, but

I find it interesting how people see this question now, in contrast to then. If their believes and/or feelings about it have changed over times. Mine did.
My opinion about how Jack died hasn't changed, as stated above. But how I feel about it has. Back then I tended heavily towards accident, but the doubt was nagging. Now, not so much. In my personal view, all the hours of intellectual exchange, weighing options and rewatching/rereading the movie and story have confirmed what my gut feeling always knew.
And the fact that others see it differently is interesting and perfectly valid, but doesn't faze me.
On first viewing, Lureen's story sounds stilted and suspicious, and the tire iron scene wasn't so clearly just in Ennis's head. I suspect the reason that the majority of people in the poll believe the tire iron is because many of us identify with Ennis.
Agreed. On first viewing, many people get a different impression: that Lureeen tells one story, but the director shows us what
really happened. I came out of the theater, completely sure Jack was murdered. Later, at home, the doubts set in.
Apart from the viewer identifying with Ennis, the fact that nobody can pick up all the subtleties at one viewing contributes to people's believe Jack was murdered.
But here's a question: although they were deleted, what was the point of these guys?
Just imagine for a minute, if this scene were included. Wouldn't it have introduced more doubt to Lureen's story and more credence to Ennis's?
It would be harder to recognize the murder scene as being in Ennis's head. It would convince people even more that the murder scene was what really happened. And that's the exact reason why it was deleted, IMO.
Heck, even I might change camps if it were in the movie.
Going a step further: I know Ang Lee said Lureen lied on the phone with Ennis. I know I'm leaning far out of the window here, but maybe even Mr. Lee doesn't know the one and only truth about it.
I'd strictly separate the story from the film here. Seems like most folks here are talking about the film.
Speaking story only, the biggest clues are:
Ennis didn't know about the accident for months So now he knew it had been the tire iron. (Ennis knew, in his head, just like in the movie)