As an optomist, I am of the opinion that any problem can be solved if enough brainpower is applied. I feel it is a negative dead end to wring our collective hands while crying 'woe is upon the human race'. - As the envoirnmental movement so often does.
There appears to be a problem here, lets see what can be done about it. We sit on vast storehouses of human knowledge, insight, engineering prowess, and computing power today. We will use these resources as we always have. In fact we work better when well motivated. And what better motivation than a crisis?
THe human race is growing exponentially,80 million per year, all these people need a place to live, to eat, and presumably to follow a happy life. The real problem with global warming is not found in the US or in the European countries, it is found in exploding populations of Africa, South America, the middle east, and India/Pakistan.
If I could wave a magic wand and tommorow the US was a model of perfect envoirnmental balance, it would have absolutely no effect on global warming. THis is the problem I have with envoirnmental Cassandras like Al Gore, They see a small part of the picture and extrapolate a future of doom, while ignoring the 500 lb gorilla in the living room.
This thing we call 'nature' or 'the envoirnment' has tremendous wisdom. Nature knows things are out of whack. It knows how many people can reasonably be expected to live on this planet. Nature has no morality and will find an efficient way to keep the population under control. I lay odds on an epidemic like we've never seen before laying waste to this planet long before 1 inch of sea level rise occurs. AIDS? Bird Flu? Something even worse?
And who is to say that global warming is not just another way for 'nature' to deal with the overpopulated earth? Scorch the farmland, drought, too much rain, crop failure, followed by famine and once again the population is, shall we say 'controlled'?
The earth has been here for 4 billion years and it will still be here when the sun goes supernova. We will get a handle on this global warming problem ourselves or nature will most definetly do it for us. As a betting guy, I'd lay odds on our ingenuity and resourcefullness in a crisis.