Author Topic: [From the Mayor] Monday January 7  (Read 5951 times)

Offline Phillip Dampier

  • Mayor - BetterMost, Wyoming
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[From the Mayor] Monday January 7
« on: January 07, 2008, 02:13:16 pm »
It's a new week in BetterMost and some quick notes to share in this update.

First, enjoy the sunrise imagery on the news banner.  It was taken this week at the site of "Campsite #2," one of the filming locations.  It's been a crazy adventure for those venturing into the region at this time of year, but I'm told everything is much cheaper because it's the off season, except for skiers of course.  Hotels outside of the main ski areas that are primarily filled during the summer months in places like Canmore can be had for half price, which is probably a good thing considering how the American dollar has fared.  But prices are even cheaper when early spring breaks - too late for the best ski holidays, too early for the summer visitors, and the weather can be dreary.  I suppose considering all of the walking and hiking we did during the hot summer of 2007, things might be easier on cross country skis. 

I'm told the winter weather up there has been crazy this week and has changed dramatically from one minute to the next.  Perhaps the Chinook Winds are blowing, as it's in the upper 30s in the city of Calgary, but exactly 0 degress in Banff, just an hour or so away by car.  No Chinook Winds down in the lower 48, where late last week's single digits have been replaced by temperatures in the mid-60s all the way up into western New York!

Back here in BetterMost, be sure to check in with David's Shutter Bug Club for camera enthusiasts and those, like me, who are clueless about such things.  Aperwhat?

Our Daily Thoughts continues its expansion as Lucise brings her thoughts into her own new mini-forum.  Be sure to check out her amazing art and reflections.

Oh, and don't forget to catch up on the latest social happenings in the Roundup in the Social Forum.

Later this week, I'll be back with some community changes to talk about, so keep an eye out and have a great week!
You're a part of our family - BetterMost, Wyoming