Author Topic: Chat Sound Nomination Thread  (Read 68761 times)

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #60 on: November 27, 2007, 05:07:00 pm »
That's the one I was thinking about!

I also love the "whoop whoop!" sound he makes when he's trying to wipe Alma Jr's nose.

Susie  :D

Oh yeah, that would be fun to have.  :)

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #61 on: December 03, 2007, 02:41:42 pm »

      Been commutin 4 hours a day

      I'd be happy ta switch with ya.

      Cain't cook worth a damn

      you from ranch people

     Beautiful mind

Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #62 on: February 01, 2008, 07:15:23 pm »
This is a restored message... nothing new in the next few msgs:

New sounds, alphabetical by full line:
beansleft00:16:04“Beans about all we got left”
meannothin01:28:03“Doesn’t mean nothin’, Alma”
fastorslow00:57:37“Fast or slow, I just like the direction you’re goin’”
whatitsworth01:30:43“For what it’s worth”
goodforyou01:50:50“Good for you”
herewego01:23:24“Here we go” (Childress Thanksgiving)
aintfoolin01:46:14“I ain’t foolin’”
aintjokin01:46:29“I ain’t jokin’”
hungryas00:15:45“I get down here, hungry as hell, and all I find is beans”
thearmy00:41:54“I might be back, if the Army don’t get me”
outloud01:32:03“I was just thinkin’ out loud”
quityou01:47:37“I wish I knew how to quit you”
stickwithbeans00:16:49“I’ll stick with beans”
imsorry01:51:13“I’m sorry”
imstuck01:07:02“I’m stuck with what I got here”
threehands00:47:42“If I had three hands, I could”
aintright00:38:05“It ain’t right”
jacktwist01:03:07“Jack * Twist” (reunion)
jacknasty01:28:15“Jack Nasty”
likeitornot01:34:31“Like it or not, here
gotmessage01:50:34“Looks like I got the message in any case”
nomorebeans00:13:01“No more beans”
servingit01:13:23“No one’s eatin’ unless you’re servin’ it”
onceburned01:27:02“Once burned...”
relaxcowboy00:51:08“Relax, cowboy”
sallright00:33:34“s’all right, s’all right”
sallwegot00:13:50“S’all we got”
smellslike00:18:20“smells like cat piss or worse”
sohereiam01:20:31“ I am”
sureenough01:04:53“Sure enough”
tentdont00:23:41“Tent don’t look right”
thankyouwhiskey00:24:57“Thank yew” (Ennis)
thankyoudance01:35:04“Thank yew” (LaShawn)
startlepoint00:08:56“That horse has a low startle-point”
thewhut00:58:15“The whut?”
soupboxes00:08:41“Them soup boxes is hard to pack”
neverenough01:44:31“There is never enough time, never enough”
sickofbeans00:14:03“Too early in the summer to be sick o’ beans”
tyingknots00:09:03“Unless you wanta sit around tyin’ knots all day”
mexico01:43:58“We oughta go to Mexico”
fishinbuddies01:01:24“We was fishin’ buddies”
goodfriends01:54:44“We was good friends”
guardsheep00:16:41“We’re sposed to guard the sheep, not eat ’em”
havetosing01:16:30“Well, all right, as long as I don’t have to sing”
seeyaround00:42:03“Well, I guess I’ll see y’around, hunh?”
windblewin00:45:27“Well, look what the wind blew in”
matincall00:55:50“What are you waitin’ for, cowboy, a matin’ call?”
bluestreak01:36:05“Woman talks a blue streak”
realthinker01:32:05“Yep, you’re a real thinker there”
inahurry00:57:51“You are in a hurry!”
youbet01:23:34“You bet”
youcomeback02:01:51“You come back and see us again”
theretofish01:28:19“You didn’t go up there to fish!”
toofast00:57:32“You don’t think I’m too fast, do you”
betteridea01:45:33“You got a better idea?”
sinner00:24:51“You may be a sinner, but I ain’t yet had the opportunity”
deserveit01:41:42“You probably deserve it”
themsheep00:36:56“You’ll run them sheep off again if you don’t quiet down”
yourelate01:17:14“You’re late!”
likeahorse01:48:35“You’re sleepin’ on your feet like a horse”
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Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #63 on: February 01, 2008, 07:16:13 pm »
New sounds, alphabetical by full line:
beansleft00:16:04“Beans about all we got left”
meannothin01:28:03“Doesn’t mean nothin’, Alma”
fastorslow00:57:37“Fast or slow, I just like the direction you’re goin’”
whatitsworth01:30:43“For what it’s worth”
goodforyou01:50:50“Good for you”
herewego01:23:24“Here we go” (Childress Thanksgiving)
aintfoolin01:46:14“I ain’t foolin’”
aintjokin01:46:29“I ain’t jokin’”
hungryas00:15:45“I get down here, hungry as hell, and all I find is beans”
thearmy00:41:54“I might be back, if the Army don’t get me”
outloud01:32:03“I was just thinkin’ out loud”
quityou01:47:37“I wish I knew how to quit you”
stickwithbeans00:16:49“I’ll stick with beans”
imsorry01:51:13“I’m sorry”
imstuck01:07:02“I’m stuck with what I got here”
threehands00:47:42“If I had three hands, I could”
aintright00:38:05“It ain’t right”
jacktwist01:03:07“Jack * Twist” (reunion)
jacknasty01:28:15“Jack Nasty”
likeitornot01:34:31“Like it or not, here
gotmessage01:50:34“Looks like I got the message in any case”
nomorebeans00:13:01“No more beans”
servingit01:13:23“No one’s eatin’ unless you’re servin’ it”
onceburned01:27:02“Once burned...”
relaxcowboy00:51:08“Relax, cowboy”
sallright00:33:34“s’all right, s’all right”
sallwegot00:13:50“S’all we got”
smellslike00:18:20“smells like cat piss or worse”
sohereiam01:20:31“ I am”
sureenough01:04:53“Sure enough”
tentdont00:23:41“Tent don’t look right”
thankyouwhiskey00:24:57“Thank yew” (Ennis)
thankyoudance01:35:04“Thank yew” (LaShawn)
startlepoint00:08:56“That horse has a low startle-point”
thewhut00:58:15“The whut?”
soupboxes00:08:41“Them soup boxes is hard to pack”
neverenough01:44:31“There is never enough time, never enough”
sickofbeans00:14:03“Too early in the summer to be sick o’ beans”
tyingknots00:09:03“Unless you wanta sit around tyin’ knots all day”
mexico01:43:58“We oughta go to Mexico”
fishinbuddies01:01:24“We was fishin’ buddies”
goodfriends01:54:44“We was good friends”
guardsheep00:16:41“We’re sposed to guard the sheep, not eat ’em”
havetosing01:16:30“Well, all right, as long as I don’t have to sing”
seeyaround00:42:03“Well, I guess I’ll see y’around, hunh?”
windblewin00:45:27“Well, look what the wind blew in”
matincall00:55:50“What are you waitin’ for, cowboy, a matin’ call?”
bluestreak01:36:05“Woman talks a blue streak”
realthinker01:32:05“Yep, you’re a real thinker there”
inahurry00:57:51“You are in a hurry!”
youbet01:23:34“You bet”
youcomeback02:01:51“You come back and see us again”
theretofish01:28:19“You didn’t go up there to fish!”
toofast00:57:32“You don’t think I’m too fast, do you”
betteridea01:45:33“You got a better idea?”
sinner00:24:51“You may be a sinner, but I ain’t yet had the opportunity”
deserveit01:41:42“You probably deserve it”
themsheep00:36:56“You’ll run them sheep off again if you don’t quiet down”
yourelate01:17:14“You’re late!”
likeahorse01:48:35“You’re sleepin’ on your feet like a horse”
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Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #64 on: February 01, 2008, 07:17:33 pm »
Listed in final voting order. Sounds with * and ---------- already exist.

*gotusgood*----------“Ol’ Brokeback got us good, don’t it”
*yeah!*----------“Oowee! Yeah!”
*soquiet*----------“Friend, that’s more words than you’ve spoke in the past two weeks”
thearmy00:41:54“I might be back, if the Army don’t get me”
*timetogo*----------“Time to get going, cowboy”
*standit*----------“If you can’t fix it, you gotta stand it”
*gotwhiskey*----------“Got whiskey or sumpin’?”
quityou01:47:37“I wish I knew how to quit you”
sallright00:33:34“s’all right, s’all right”
tentdont00:23:41“Tent don’t look right”
*highclass*----------“That’s some high-class entertainment, you ask me”
likeahorse01:48:35“You’re sleepin’ on your feet like a horse”
outloud01:32:03“I was just thinkin’ out loud”
nomorebeans00:13:01“No more beans”
senor01:22:54“Señor?” (Rodrigo Prieto)
neverenough01:44:31“There is never enough time, never enough”
jacktwist01:03:07“Jack * Twist” (reunion)
sohereiam01:20:31“ I am” (Jack)
fastorslow00:57:37“Fast or slow, I just like the direction you’re goin’”
whatitsworth01:30:43“For what it’s worth”
aintfoolin01:46:14“I ain’t foolin’”
threehands00:47:42“If I had three hands, I could”
jacknasty01:28:15“Jack Nasty”
mexico01:43:58“We oughta go to Mexico”
windblewin00:45:27“Well, look what the wind blew in”
*dontsaymuch*----------“You don’t say much, but you get your point across”
betteridea01:45:33“You got a better idea?”
themsheep00:36:56“You’ll run them sheep off again if you don’t quiet down”
yourelate01:17:14“You’re late!”
beansleft00:16:04“Beans about all we got left”
goodforyou01:50:50“Good for you”
imstuck01:07:02“I’m stuck with what I got here”
likeitornot01:34:31“Like it or not, here I am” (LaShawn)
gotmessage01:50:34“Looks like I got the message in any case”
thankyouwhiskey00:24:57“Thank yew” (Ennis)
thewhut00:58:15“The whut?” (at Monroe’s grocery)
*oneshot*----------“This is a one-shot thing we got going on here”
*coffee*----------“Want a cup o’ coffee, don’tcha?”
fishinbuddies01:01:24“We was fishin’ buddies”
guardsheep00:16:41“We’re sposed to guard the sheep, not eat ’em”
havetosing01:16:30“Well, all right, as long as I don’t have to sing”
seeyaround00:42:03“Well, I guess I’ll see y’around, hunh?”
realthinker01:32:05“Yep, you’re a real thinker there”
sinner00:24:51“You may be a sinner, but I ain’t yet had the opportunity”
aintright00:38:05“It ain’t right”
hungryas00:15:45“I get down here, hungry as hell, and all I find is beans”
*gitinhere*----------“I suggest you get your scrawny asses in here, pronto”
stickwithbeans00:16:49“I’ll stick with beans”
*cherrycake*----------“Piece o’ cherry cake?”
relaxcowboy00:51:08“Relax, cowboy” (Jimbo)
thankyoudance01:35:04“Thank yew” (LaShawn)
soupboxes00:08:41“Them soup boxes is hard to pack” (the Basque)
sickofbeans00:14:03“Too early in the summer to be sick o’ beans” (the Basque)
goodfriends01:54:44“We was good friends”
matincall00:55:50“What are you waitin’ for, cowboy, a matin’ call?”
bluestreak01:36:05“Woman talks a blue streak”
theretofish01:28:19“You didn’t go up there to fish!”
deserveit01:41:42“You probably deserve it”
meannothin01:28:03“Doesn’t mean nothin’, Alma”
herewego01:23:24“Here we go” (Childress Thanksgiving)
aintjokin01:46:29“I ain’t jokin’”
imsorry01:51:13“I’m sorry” (Pie scene)
servingit01:13:23“No one’s eatin’ unless you’re servin’ it”
onceburned01:27:02“Once burned...”
sallwegot00:13:50“S’all we got” (the Basque)
smellslike00:18:20“smells like cat piss or worse”
sureenough01:04:53“Sure enough” (Alma)
startlepoint00:08:56“That horse has a low startle-point”
tyingknots00:09:03“Unless you wanta sit around tyin’ knots all day”
inahurry00:57:51“You are in a hurry!”
youbet01:23:34“You bet (L.D.)” (Jack at Thanksgiving)
youcomeback02:01:51“You come back and see us again”
toofast00:57:32“You don’t think I’m too fast, do you”
*slap*----------*slapping sound*
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Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #65 on: February 01, 2008, 07:18:16 pm »
Ranking, by number of votes. Not all new ones have times; that task will probably not be done until next week. Suggested tags for new ones included (between - -). Existing ones are between * *

*gotusgood*“Ol’ Brokeback got us good, don’t it”12
*yeah!*“Oowee! Yeah!”9
*soquiet*“Friend, that’s more words than you’ve spoke in the past two weeks”8
-thearmy-“I might be back, if the Army don’t get me”8
*timetogo*“Time to get going, cowboy”8
*standit*“If you can’t fix it, you gotta stand it”7
*gotwhiskey*“Got whiskey or sumpin’?”6
01:47:37-quityou-“I wish I knew how to quit you”6
-sallright-“s’all right, s’all right”6
00:23:41-tentdont-“Tent don’t look right”6
*highclass*“That’s some high-class entertainment, you ask me”6
01:48:35-likeahorse-“You’re sleepin’ on your feet like a horse”6
-outloud-“I was just thinkin’ out loud”5
00:13:01-nomorebeans-“No more beans”5
01:22:54-senor-“Señor?” (Rodrigo Prieto)5
-neverenough-“There is never enough time, never enough”5
-jacktwist-“Jack * Twist” (reunion)4
01:20:31-sohereiam-“ I am” (Jack)4
-fastorslow-“Fast or slow, I just like the direction you’re goin’”3
-whatitsworth-“For what it’s worth”3
-aintfoolin-“I ain’t foolin’”3
00:47:42-threehands-“If I had three hands, I could”3
01:28:15-jacknasty-“Jack Nasty”3
01:43:58-mexico-“We oughta go to Mexico”3
00:45:27-windblewin-“Well, look what the wind blew in”3
*dontsaymuch*“You don’t say much, but you get your point across”3
01:45:33-betteridea-“You got a better idea?”3
-themsheep-“You’ll run them sheep off again if you don’t quiet down”3
01:17:14-yourelate-“You’re late!”3
00:16:04-beansleft-“Beans about all we got left”2
-goodforyou-“Good for you”2
01:07:02-imstuck-“I’m stuck with what I got here”2
01:34:31-likeitornot-“Like it or not, here I am” (LaShawn)2
-gotmessage-“Looks like I got the message in any case”2
00:24:57-thankyouwhiskey-“Thank yew” (Ennis)2
-thewhut-“The whut?” (at Monroe’s grocery)2
*oneshot*“This is a one-shot thing we got going on here”2
*coffee*“Want a cup o’ coffee, don’tcha?”2
-fishinbuddies-“We was fishin’ buddies”2
-guardsheep-“We’re sposed to guard the sheep, not eat ’em”2
01:16:30-havetosing-“Well, all right, as long as I don’t have to sing”2
-seeyaround-“Well, I guess I’ll see y’around, hunh?”2
-realthinker-“Yep, you’re a real thinker there”2
-sinner-“You may be a sinner, but I ain’t yet had the opportunity”2
-aintright-“It ain’t right”2
00:15:45-hungryas-“I get down here, hungry as hell, and all I find is beans”1
*gitinhere*“I suggest you get your scrawny asses in here, pronto”1
00:16:49-stickwithbeans-“I’ll stick with beans”1
*cherrycake*“Piece o’ cherry cake?”1
-relaxcowboy-“Relax, cowboy” (Jimbo)1
01:35:04-thankyoudance-“Thank yew” (LaShawn)1
-soupboxes-“Them soup boxes is hard to pack” (the Basque)1
-sickofbeans-“Too early in the summer to be sick o’ beans” (the Basque)1
-goodfriends-“We was good friends”1
-matincall-“What are you waitin’ for, cowboy, a matin’ call?”1
-bluestreak-“Woman talks a blue streak”1
-theretofish-“You didn’t go up there to fish!”1
01:41:42-deserveit-“You probably deserve it”1
-meannothin-“Don’t mean nothin’, Alma”0
-herewego-“Here we go” (Childress Thanksgiving)0
-aintjokin-“I ain’t jokin’”0
-imsorry-“I’m sorry” (Pie scene)0
-servingit-“No one’s eatin’ unless you’re servin’ it”0
-onceburned-“Once burned...”0
-sallwegot-“S’all we got” (the Basque)0
-smellslike-“smells like cat piss or worse”0
-sureenough-“Sure enough” (Alma)0
-startlepoint-“That horse has a low startle-point”0
-tyingknots“Unless you wanta sit around tyin’ knots all day”0
-inahurry-“You are in a hurry!”0
-youbet-“You bet (L.D.)” (Jack at Thanksgiving)0
02:01:51-youcomeback-“You come back and see us again”0
-toofast-“You don’t think I’m too fast, do you”0
*slap**slapping sound*0
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