Yes, I'm afraid the resentment lies deep, and perhaps it was only a matter of time after Colson found his own life and his own way that Laura would figure out that his relationship with Ellery wasn't a passing thing and that it would continue to irritate her. But her daughters' desire to abandon ship was not expected, and with their pushing to get away from her, that has to hurt really badly.
And now it is finally coming to head, under the worst possible circumstances.
I,ve said this before Louise, I can honestly totally understand Lauras continuing resentment about all this I really can, BUT. If she can,t ever fully accept Colsons relationship with Ellery, and that is highly unlikely, she,s just going to have to learn to live with it, because if she doesn,t it,s going to make her ill. She,s getting herself so worked up and stressed about it all that she,s going to give herself an ulcer and probably high blood pressure too, and with her being pregnant that is not good for her or the baby. She has offered her daughter no support atall through all this so it,s no wonder they can,t wait to get away from her. She,s going to drive away everyone if she,s not very careful and she,ll end up a very lonely old woman. She,s about as bitter and twisted as she can get at the moment. She still thinks of herself as the "wronged wife" and yes, she was wronged in the worst possible way, but it was a long long time ago and she has re-married. I really think it,s time she let or at least tried to let it go. Colson didn,t set out to be gay and hurt her, that,s just the way things went. He tried and tried for so long to fight against it because of the way he was brought up and look what happened, he lost Adam, the love of his life. You can,t help who you are or who you fall in love with. I honestly think she,ll end up being really ill over this if she,s not careful and loose the baby. I sincerely hope NOT, but stress can do alarming things to a womans body, especially when she,s pregnant.