I have been working on evaluating some software to generate movie versions of the slideshow, this time with some music attached. A proof of concept test will be up on the news banner in a few moments. I am evaluating software for its worthiness, so the test movie will be branded an "evaluation" because I have not yet registered the software. No sense paying for something if we decide not to use it.
The questions I have are:
1) Can you see and hear the movie (dial-up users see below) without troubles?
2) Do you like the concept and would you like to see more of this kind of thing on the news banner?
3) If you are a dial-up user, the code responsible to create the player will take a few moments to download. I am uncertain if it will successfully cache this code, so future returns to the forum home page don't take too long to load. Also, as this was created with broadband users in mind, playback will be very difficult for dial-up users using this format, I'm afraid.