Author Topic: The E-Book Files  (Read 195125 times)

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #100 on: July 24, 2009, 06:32:00 pm »
This just came through on a mailing list I am on. I have never read anything by E. Lynn Harris. Has anyone else? He seems to have lots of good reviews on Amazon.

With great sadness, I report that New York Times bestselling author E. Lynn Harris passed away on Thursday, July 23, while on tour for his eleventh novel.

I don't know many details yet, but it's believed it was a heart attack. I've spoken with Lisa Moore of Redbone Press and Don Weise of Alyson, both of whom knew him well, and we're all just stunned.

I worked with Lynn for over ten years as his editor and came to be his personal friend as well, so this loss strikes very close for me. Lynn had a very big heart, which he revealed in his storytelling and in his interaction with his audience. Attending a Lynn Harris reading was a family affair, and there were always flowers, tears, and loads of laughter. His novels often changed his reader's lives, and he truly was grateful for his ability to help people. I will miss him, his laughter and his big heart.


Charles Flowers
Lambda Literary Foundation

A Random House executive has confirmed to The BV Newswire that best-selling author E. Lynn Harris has died.

Harris was 54. He was currently on a book tour of the West Coast promoting his 11th novel Basketball Jones, which involved an NBA player and his gay lover.

According to, the celebrated author's personal assistant confirmed that his health had declined but would not provide any details as to what caused his death.

A cheerleading sponsor/coach for Arkansas and a passionate Razorbacks fan, Harris' books dealt with black, gay culture.

Most recently, the Detroit native served as a visiting professor for the English department at the University of Arkansas.

The former IBM executive just celebrated his 54th birthday on June 20.

Since bursting on the scene in the early 1990s with his seminal tome Invisible Life, Harris steadily wrote page-turner after page-turner. And his biggest fan base were women. With more than four million books in print, he originated as a self-published author -- setting the blueprint for independent authors getting picked up by major book publishers.

"I think I've been a success because I write about things I'm passionate about and have something to say," he told last year. "I think people relate to me because they know I relate to them."

A longtime author for Random House, his titles include Just As I Am, And This Too Shall Pass, Abide With Me, and his 2004 memoir 'What Becomes of The Brokenhearted.'

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #101 on: July 25, 2009, 06:43:32 pm »
Offline Chuck says he's read several of his books and it's a pity we're losing one of the good authors.
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Offline MaineWriter

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #102 on: August 12, 2009, 07:39:22 am »
Hi everyone,

I just wanted to bring your attention to a little project I am involved in. Helping to promote a really great book and a good cause: supporting marriage equality here in Maine.

Here's a description:

Joel Harfner and Luke Townsend, lovers for two years, have just bought their first home together in Scarborough, Maine. In a moment of domestic impetuosity, Joel proposes to Luke, who says yes. Then, to Joel’s surprise, Luke says he wants a wedding with “all the bells and whistles.” Joel, who never expected to be married, suddenly finds himself in the midst of planning a full-scale destination event to be held in Provincetown, Massachusetts. Why Massachusetts? As Joel says, "We can't get married in Maine -- yet -- but we are ever hopeful." Taming Groomzilla tells the story of how Joel and Luke navigate the tribulations of the six months from “Will you marry me?” to “I do.” And while they do seal their union, complete with a kiss, there is more than one twist and turn in store to complicate their journey and keep the reader hilariously entertained. A portion of the profits from the sale of this book will be donated to Maine Freedom to Marry and EqualityMaine, organizations that are fighting to keep same-sex marriage legal in Maine.

The book is for sale at All Romance eBooks in a variety of formats (epub, prc, HTML, PDF) that will work on a variety of devices, including a computer (PDF with Acrobat Reader). So, be entertained for a few hours with a very sweet, funny story and at the same time contribute a few dollars to a really good cause. Here's a link: It will also be for sale in the Amazon Kindle store later today, but the prc file from All Romance will also work on a Kindle.

Thanks for your support. Send me a PM if you have any questions. (PS, I am going to be cross-posting this a few other places on the board. Please help me get the word out.)
Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #103 on: August 12, 2009, 09:24:42 am »
A worthy cause, certainly, one thing I would fight for.  But why aren't you including in your blurb the fact that you wrote and are publishing the book yourself?
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Offline NavyVet

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #104 on: August 25, 2009, 11:42:28 pm »
I still haven't broken down and bought an eBook reader yet, but I know I want one.  Been doing lots of research and I just don't know which one.
I'm leaning towards the EZ Reader Pocket Pro.  It's so new that I can't find any reviews about it.  Anyone heard of it?
It seems to have all the features I want and they're taking pre-orders at $199.00.

I keep thinking that if I wait, eReaders will continue to come down in price.  Hmmm...  :-\

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #105 on: August 26, 2009, 12:50:18 am »
I still haven't broken down and bought an eBook reader yet, but I know I want one.  Been doing lots of research and I just don't know which one.
I'm leaning towards the EZ Reader Pocket Pro.  It's so new that I can't find any reviews about it.  Anyone heard of it?
It seems to have all the features I want and they're taking pre-orders at $199.00.

I keep thinking that if I wait, eReaders will continue to come down in price.  Hmmm...  :-\


I am not familiar with that one, myself. Amazon has two versions of the Kindle: the Kindle 2 ($299) and the DX ($489). Both have Whispernet for wireless delivery of books. Sony is revamping its line of ereaders and will have a very basic model at $199 and they just announced a wireless ereader with a 7" screen that will debut in December. They are partnering with AT&T for the wireless (Amazon Kindle uses Sprint).

I have had one Kindle or another since April 2008 and have been very happy with all of them. This new Sony might offer some serious competition, however.

There is also a COOL*ER reader that came out in the summer. No wireless and the reviews I have read have been pretty mediocre. Frankly, I think the wireless delivery of books is a key feature.

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Offline Sason

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #106 on: October 11, 2009, 06:16:42 pm »
I'm the happy owner of a Sony e-reader since this summer.

I have nothing to compare with, but I'm very satisfied with it!!

It's easy to transfer e-books or word files from your computer onto it,
and it's very easy to handle it.

It can store 160 books ( :o), and if you need more you can insert a memory card.
You can also put pictures and music on it.

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Offline MaineWriter

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #107 on: October 14, 2009, 09:12:16 am »
The Amazon Kindle 2 dropped in price to $259. Plus, Amazon has announced an international Kindle ($279). It will work in many countries in Europe, including Belgium and Germany (Fabienne and Chrissi, are you taking note of this?) but unfortunately, not in Canada at the present moment.

Details here:

Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!

Offline NavyVet

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #108 on: October 14, 2009, 09:25:58 am »
I did it!  I finally ordered an electronic book Reader.  It's the EZ Reader Pocket Pro by Astak for $199.  It's shipping this week, so I should have it in time for my trip to Georgia and South Carolina later this month.
I will report back with my impressions once I've worked with it.  The main reason I chose this one is that it is not proprietary, unlike others; it accepts a wide range of formats.  I want to be able to upload my fiction files from my laptop into something more compact and portable for reading on the go.  Most of my files are in either pdf, doc, rtf, or html formats.  It will fit in my purse and IIRC, it will play mp3s and also read the text outloud.
I can't wait!  I've begun to buy e-books from websites such as All Romance as I prefer to collect downloads as opposed to paperbacks.
And of course, I'll be able to re-read all my favorite Brokeback, NCIS, etc. fanfics!
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Offline MaineWriter

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Re: The E-Book Files
« Reply #109 on: October 14, 2009, 09:31:25 am »
I did it!  I finally ordered an electronic book Reader.  It's the EZ Reader Pocket Pro by Astak for $199.  It's shipping this week, so I should have it in time for my trip to Georgia and South Carolina later this month.
I will report back with my impressions once I've worked with it.  The main reason I chose this one is that it is not proprietary, unlike others; it accepts a wide range of formats.  I want to be able to upload my fiction files from my laptop into something more compact and portable for reading on the go.  Most of my files are in either pdf, doc, rtf, or html formats.  It will fit in my purse and IIRC, it will play mp3s and also read the text outloud.
I can't wait!  I've begun to buy e-books from websites such as All Romance as I prefer to collect downloads as opposed to paperbacks.
And of course, I'll be able to re-read all my favorite Brokeback, NCIS, etc. fanfics!

Congratulations, NavyVet! Report back and let us know how you like it when it arrives.

Taming Groomzilla is for sale at All Romance. Why don't you buy a copy for your trip? A funny light read and it is raising money for a good cause!

Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!