For those who think you are the only remaining small population of readers of the Greenlea Tales, I just thought I should tell you about what happened the past couple of days.
After long consideration and observing that the BBM fandom is suffering from friends-locked fics, unfinished fics, vanished and abandoned fics, and a decrease in new authors, it might be worth letting people outside Bettermost know that this series exists in an eye-popping 13 story series, 12 of which are complete. As a result of my posting links, there are now at least 10 people who have started or tried out reading "Greenlea Tales", and at least 5 who are marathon-reading. There were over 500 hits on TC Reader's site yesterday as a result. I do not know whether that means new folks will be making comments on the stories. After all, most of you know what it's like to read 100 livejournal pages and you aren't going to slow down to make a comment rather than go to the next page! In addition, it looks like there are approximately 50 regular readers who are up to date reading "In the Land of the Lotus Eaters." Not bad for an "aging fandom."