Author Topic: Welcome to Our Daily Thoughts! (Updated 11/25/08 Please Read!)  (Read 7129 times)

Offline Phillip Dampier

  • Mayor - BetterMost, Wyoming
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  • BetterMost 5000+ Posts Club
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    • BetterMost
Welcome to Our Daily Thoughts! (Updated 11/25/08 Please Read!)
« on: November 26, 2008, 02:41:52 pm »
Our Daily Thoughts is a collection of blogs run independently of BetterMost by our residents.  Each resident who would like their own forum/blog, need only send a request as a reply to this thread or through a Private Message to me including the name of your blog.

Your blog and the messages within it belong to you.  You have full moderator power over your blog to manage the messages within it.  You can create as few or as many topics as you like, and manage them as you see fit.

Other residents can participate by replying to messages in your blog.  The purpose of our blog service is to let you freely express yourself and share your interests and, hopefully, attract others to participate and offer you support and encouragement.

It's important for all of our residents to know that blogs are not like our other forums here.  The individual owners can manage the messages within them without our intervention.  However, the core rules of BetterMost still absolutely apply to all blogs hosted here - namely, no personal attacks on other residents, no violations of law, and not doing anything that could harm the site's ability to stay online (overwhelming disk space usage or traffic, doing something that could harm our relationship with the web hosting company, etc.).  To date, nobody has ever created any technical problems for us and I don't anticipate you could, and we'll work with you if a problem develops.

The messages within our blogs do not necessarily represent the views of myself or anyone beyond the individual author.  If you feel a resident's blog is not to your liking, we encourage you not to visit there again.  We value the freedom of expression of our residents as much as possible.

If you find an objectionable direct personal attack on another resident, please contact Lynne or any other online moderator for assistance (they are typically shown in red at the very bottom of the forum home page).  Repeated infractions of our personal attack rule can result in a blog being canceled, so please avoid doing this at all costs.  Debating an issue is fine.  Ripping someone apart for holding a particular view is really not.

Should you wish to delete your blog, you can remove the messages yourself at anytime.  Your blogs remain your property.  If you intend to stop your blog altogether, please let us know so we can drop the blog from the listing.

[Terms and Conditions]:

Our Daily Thoughts is a forum composed of independent "blogs" in the form of individual forum posts and "mini-forums."  This forum differs from all of our others in that the individual threads are the property of their respective owners, who determine the contents and format of their individual entries, while respecting the rules of the BetterMost community.

The views expressed in these blogs are those of the individual participants and do not necessarily represent the views of the site owner, administrators, or moderator team.  No assumption should be made that we actively monitor, review, approve or disapprove of the content of any blog or the messages within them.  We leave that to the individual blog owners as much as possible.  However, the normal rules of BetterMost do apply regarding no personal attacks, no illegal material, no spamming, and avoiding sexually explicit content in words or pictures that would compromise our contractual relationships.

If you find something objectionable, please first contact the blog owner in a Private Message (PM) and in a respectful and polite manner.  Perhaps the matter can be resolved quickly and quietly to the benefit of all.  If that fails, please contact the forum moderator, Lynne.  I am available to assist in any matters that run contrary to our community policies as well.

Readers have the power to "opt in" and "opt out" of blogs simply by their choice to view or not view them.  We do not expect every resident to be drawn to every blog entry here.

The most successful blogs here are run by those who respect one another and receive that respect in turn, by always striving to engage in positive and respectful discussions that understand the sensitivities of a broad-based community and are capable of responding to them.

You're a part of our family - BetterMost, Wyoming