Author Topic: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale  (Read 373005 times)

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Re: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale
« Reply #140 on: April 14, 2009, 10:28:51 pm »
And I'm back.  With chapter 41!

And for those of you who are curious as to what influences me in my attitudes to my characters, sometimes it is the things I read....  I wrote a long blog post about it which some of you may find gruesome or fascinating, as is your wont!,6973.msg500511.html#msg500511  "The Descent Into Oatesian Horror"

“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”

Offline mariez

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Re: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale
« Reply #141 on: April 15, 2009, 11:53:30 am »
And I'm back.  With chapter 41!


Holy Moly, what a mess of overlapping circumstances and events!  And just what will be the ramifications of delving back into this "long-forgotten case"? 

Looks like everyone has their work cut out for them. An awful lot has happened in a relatively short amount of time.  And I think we all know where Jeremy is headed as soon as he gets off his shift! 

And for those of you who are curious as to what influences me in my attitudes to my characters, sometimes it is the things I read....  I wrote a long blog post about it which some of you may find gruesome or fascinating, as is your wont!,6973.msg500511.html#msg500511  "The Descent Into Oatesian Horror"

I'll check it out - thanks, Louise!
The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

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Offline belbbmfan

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Re: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale
« Reply #142 on: April 16, 2009, 02:08:52 am »

Well I'm caught up with all the chapters. Phew!

I have a little confession to make. I stopped reading about 10 chapters ago. I dreaded opening a new chapter because I found it very difficult to read about what was happening to Ellery and the worry and panic Colson felt about their future. I'm sure it's because of events with my sister in law. It's like my 'worry levels' had reached maximum capacity and there just wasn't room for more.

But we spent the easter weekend in the country side with all our friends (including my sister in law and her family) and I can't tell you how good that was. Just like old times, lots of silliness and laughter, with unfortunately some tears as well. I think I have adjusted a bit to this new situation, awful as it may be. 'No way out but through', right?  :-\

Anyway, after last weekend I felt like I was ready to start thinking about Ellery again. And this story is something else. You've had me scratching my head a couple of times Louise, wondering if maybe I was suffering from amnesia.  :laugh:

I'm so relieved that:
- Ellery's awake
- Colson's at his side
- Wes still is the fearless leader, even in hospital
- Edna's baking
- Paula and the doc are hitting it off. (I'm dying to read more about that, please, please, please)
- Joe is such a rock solid man
- Jeremy has Nicky to comfort him.

I hope my 'reading pause' makes sense Louise. It's a testament to your writing that I care so much about these people.

And Marie, your comments are always great to read! You really are the true spokesperson of the 'Colson and Ellery appreciation society'  :-*  :)
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Re: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale
« Reply #143 on: April 16, 2009, 02:29:31 pm »
oh you don't owe me anything, Fabienne!  I never expected when I started writing "Taking Chances" that I was writing any more than a 10 chapter story, so 3 years and more than 12 books later the fact that people are still reading at all! is something of a pleasant surprise.  It is great to get your feedback though.

I was somewhat nervous about following through on this innovative narrative because I knew it would be stressful for readers to not know what was happening to Ellery, which is why I tried to put in a warning.  I've written almost all realistic and reliable narration without too much delving into subjective states, so a warning was necessary.  But we are too far into this world to start knocking off main characters now - it wouldn't be true to the genre!

I am glad you are doing okay now, Fabienne, my heart goes out to you and your family.
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”

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Re: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale
« Reply #144 on: April 17, 2009, 03:56:42 pm »
sorry for not producing more chapters... this week the guy leading our project bugged out and was replaced with the Godzilla of replacement consultants who has sent me 9 emails already today and phoned me 4 times, and wants to know what I'm working on day by day. I feel like I just got demoted 20 years.  And I'm not even answerable to him.  So my mental space has been rather intruded upon.  But today is Friday and the weekend is upon us, so soon I can purge my brain of this... um... stuff.  You get the idea.
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”

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Re: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale
« Reply #145 on: April 17, 2009, 11:48:19 pm »
okay, finally back on track!

Chapter 42!
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”

Offline mariez

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Re: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale
« Reply #146 on: April 18, 2009, 10:05:27 am »
okay, finally back on track!

Chapter 42!


“Coffee should never come out of an aluminum box, Colson, you should know that.”

 :laugh:  I can't argue with that.  But, you know, I do think Edna's coffee and muffins serve an important purpose here - she's using them to help buffer a very sticky situation.  Doctor/patient confidentiality is coming head-to-head against two no-bullshit kind of guys who would do anything to protect Ellery.  Looks like Henry may be going through his own kind of test!  Wow - this is great.  Thanks, Louise.
The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

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Re: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale
« Reply #147 on: April 19, 2009, 03:33:26 pm »
Edna is no slouch when it comes to playing peacemaker in a tense situation that's for sure!

And now that I've had "movie night" last night I'm back to work on the story!
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”

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Re: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale
« Reply #148 on: April 19, 2009, 04:47:44 pm »
“Mr. Coyote always gets me good, boy,”  Ellery said, winking.  “Almost forgot what life was like before I got me my own personal coyote.”

Offline mariez

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Re: The Persistence of Memory: New Greenlea Tale
« Reply #149 on: April 19, 2009, 07:47:58 pm »
and here is chapter 43!

Caulfield looked at Colson, his face set with anger and suspicion, and then at Wes, and back again, and then settled on Wes.

Ha!  Good choice, Henry!  I don't think he needed to use any of his degrees to figure that one out.  I knew Henry wouldn't break Ellery's confidence, but now that they know it's Ellery choice not to pursue the Emilio matter they're not going to rest until they know why.  It may not be high on the priority list, as Wes said - but no way will either of them simply let that ride. 

And to make things even more interesting, now Wes has to return Joe's phone call and Jeremy should be showing up anytime now, too!  Thanks, Louise!

The measure of a country's greatness is its ability to retain compassion in times of crisis         ~~~~~~~~~Thurgood Marshall

The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain