Yes, it's a very apt title, Louise!
Ellery's mind is a fascinating place even when he's conscious and lucid - but this Demerol-induced twilight state he's in just magnifies that.
I could go for a guy with nice big brown eyes. You ever look at a cow up close? Or a bull, don’t matter which, an they got these big beautiful eyes an eyelashes about two inches long, an if they didn’t have that big wet pink snout there an teeth the size a tent pegs ya might actually want ta kiss em,” Ellery commented.
Yes, you do like nice brown eyes, Ellery - especially on a bull, or better yet, a coyote!
Jes call me darlin,” he replied, licking his suddenly-dry lips.
Okay, so they're moving him to a room. Colson with the nice brown eyes must be dying to see him .....
Thanks, Louise!