I read the Globe & Mail regularly (you have to go outside of the United States to get depth in coverage on things these days) and knew this story was going to blowup when I saw it. The thing is, Canadians are well acquainted with Fox News on a lot of cable systems and, ugh, there it was on WestJet when we flew to Alberta a few summers ago. It's shameful that Canadians have to endure the right wing nonsense these people spew all over us, and sure enough, after the insult was out there, more than 400 comments on the G&M site from outraged Canadians who promptly blasted Americans as a group for their ignorance and shamefulness. Even more surprising was the Kool Aid drinking Canadians who were defending Fox because they are avid viewers, no matter the fact this jerk just disrespected their homeland. I was embarrassed with a handful of the American replies as well, which obviously came from a right wing website who linked to the story and delivered the talking points.
So there is so much wrong here.
It's outrageous for Fox News to joke about this kind of thing, but can anyone be surprised? Anyone watching Glenn Beck's deterioration and collapse into total paranoid insanity should already have the message this network is not being run by responsible people. Viewers of Fox News, Canadian and otherwise, should be able to pick up on that. And to the many offended, I say, welcome to our world.
It's sad that too many Canadians do that which they accuse Americans of doing - being completely ignorant each other. Yet I have my official Stephen Harper No Confidence Motion Countdown Calendar (special maple leaf limited edition) and have been following the doings of the neighbor to our near north for at least two decades now. There are many Americans, especially those close to the borders, who do pay attention to Canada and do value our friends north of us. I'm offended by this kind of nonsense as well, and find the usual Fox non-apology apology to be as unacceptable as all their others.