SEE?!?! This is what I mean about the speculation killing me. God...the pressure! LOL. But seriously, I get all freaked out b/c what if what I have planned isn't anything like that? Or what if it's exactly like that? Either way...Guh...I'm so screwed....
I so remember Jenna going through the same with the speculation surrounding SN! LOL
For me, this is the way it works. I just try and second guess what's going to happen, but I'm in no way disappointed or sad when it doesn't happen the way i have thought. If it does (which it never has so far, so peeps don't look to me for inspiration here! LOL
) then yee-haw. If it doesn't, like my first spec about Ortiz on your journal, Amy, I just dismiss what I got wrong and try again.
I know it'll be good - I know it'll be great. It's just great fun for me to try and think up plausible scenarios. I don't care if they're wrong. I just enjoy the spec and the fun and the laughs surrounding it.
Which is why I've had to rejoin BM and join in with everyone! LOL
So, from my POV, you have no reason to worry if things are way off the mark. It's just a bit of a laugh
H xx
(If I get something right, OTHO, then I think we all have cause for worry!!