One more Swedish post, puleeze!? I like to make Swedish Meatballs. It's easy. You dump 5 lbs of frozen meatballs into a crockpot and pour over them a full jar of Heinz chili sauce mixed with a full jar of grape jelly! Cook for 4 hours on low! I have no idea why it's called Swedish meatballs...maybe because the meatballs are frozen??
I'm sorry, but that sounds disgusting!

And, as you may have already guessed, it's nothing like Swedish meatballs.
Here's a recipe for traditional Swedish meatballs (which I don't particularly like and have never made):
500 gr minced meat, mixed beef and pork
1 egg
2-3 dl cream, milk and/or water
1 small onion
0,5 dl raspings
2 cooked cold potatoes
2 tablespoons butter
salt, pepper, allspice (yuck)
And for the sauce:
1 tablespoon flour
2 dl cream or milk
1 stock cube
salt, pepper
I can't however guarantee that this is exactly how IKEA's meatballs are made!