Oh, the artist Jo ( dedicates a section of her/his blog to 'cute'--I mean
CUTE!!! He/She is VERY talented, but boy, oh, boy, the cuteness factor (which is kind of an Asian thing I think) can get
stratospheric--like THIS small square at the top (That's Alex on the left and Danny on the right):
LONDONSPYFANARTJO She/He also does this other type of thing
(still all about the London Spy characters
Alex and Danny) in comic book format--
in fact, Jo is finishing an original fanfic
London Spy story (Danny rescues Alex!)
I finally finished it!!!!
Now I can move on to my comic without distraction now T_T!!!
The story is about Alex is alive and kept prisoner by the CIA, finishing his
program for the US government because the patriot act is now expired.
Danny on the other hand, from not knowing Alex is still alive to knowing
that accidentally, to move on to a long journey trying to get Alex back.
Jo On the complete other end of
the spectrum, Jo is doing erotic
(shall we say--pornographic?)
images using the same characters