As seen above, the artist Wilberia does amazing, emotional images (some narratives) using London Spy's Danny (Ben Whishaw) and Alex (Ed Holcroft). Wilberia also has done images based on Ben Whishaw as a different character, Robert Frobisher, in Cloud Atlas, and his star-crossed lover, Rufus Sixsmith, portrayed by actor James D'Arcy."I believe we do not stay dead long. There is another world waiting for us, Sixthsmith. A better world. And I'll be waiting for you there."
- Robert FrobisherThe couple in
Cloud Atlas is doubly tragic. In the story "Letters from Zedelghem", James D'Arcy/Rufus Sixsmith, a scientist, attempts to find, save, rescue Ben Whishaw/Robert Frobisher, a composer, before Frobisher commits suicide, but is too late. In a later 'chapter' of the
Cloud Atlas story, "Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery", Sixsmith is an old man (D'Arcy in make-up), a well respected, even well beloved nuclear scientist who attempts to expose a dangerous nuclear facility in San Francisco. Before he is able to do so, he is murdered in his airport hotel room by Hugo Weaving, making it look like a suicide--the same way lover Whishaw/Frobisher actually did kill himself decades earlier.
Like Wilberia's art in
London Spy, her images in
Cloud Atlas MOSTLY show the star-crossed lovers happy and in love, and assume that they live happily ever after in an alternate reality-- also have to say--the image below:
although tagged as being a
London Spy Christmas'
the figure on the right looks far more
like Rufus Sixsmith in a fantasy-
happy alternate universe
Cloud Atlasthan Alex in Danny's Vauxhall flat!
Ben Whishaw as Robert Frobisher in Cloud Atlas
atop the Scott Monument in Edinburgh, Scotland, UK
James D'Arcy as Rufus Sixsmith and Ben Whishaw as Robert Frobisher in Letters from Zedelghem Edinburgh
James D'Arcy as Rufus Sixsmith in Letters from Zedelghem Edinburgh
Tagged: #Ben Whishaw #Robert Frobisher #James D'Arcy #Rufus Sixsmith #Cloud Atlas
This is beautiful.
Published on Oct 24, 2012 by amctheatres
Published on Oct 17, 2012 by TVsTalkingPictures
Ben Whishaw and James D' Arcy Talk Cloud Atlas
Cloud Atlas (novel)
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Cloud Atlas is a 2004 novel, the third book by British author David Mitchell. It won the British Book Awards Literary Fiction Award and the Richard & Judy Book of the Year award, and was short-listed for the 2004 Booker Prize, Nebula Award, Arthur C. Clarke Award, and other awards.
Plot summaries
Letters from Zedelghem
Zedelgem, Belgium, 1931. Robert Frobisher (Ben Whishaw), a penniless young English musician, finds work as an amanuensis to a composer, Vyvyan Ayrs (Jim Broadbent), living in Belgium, Letters from Zedelghem sees Robert Frobisher compose the Cloud Atlas Sextet, which consists of six nested solos arranged in the same manner as the narratives in Cloud Atlas. Mitchell has noted that the characters Robert Frobisher and Vyvyan Ayrs were inspired by Eric Fenby and Frederick Delius (Fenby was an amanuensis to the great English composer). The daughter of Ayrs appears in Mitchell's Black Swan Green as an elderly woman befriended by the main character.

This story is saved in the form of letters to Frobisher's friend (and implied lover) Rufus Sixsmith (James D'Arcy), which the next character discovers after meeting Sixsmith.
Half-Lives: The First Luisa Rey Mystery.
Buenas Yerbas, California, 1975. Luisa Rey, a journalist, investigates reports that a new nuclear power plant is unsafe, with the help of Sixsmith who as a respected nuclear physicist has become a whistleblower.
The next character is sent this story in the mail, in the form of a manuscript for a novel.
Structure and style
Apart from the central (6th) story (Sloosha's Crossin' an' Ev'rythin After ), which is uninterrupted, each story breaks abruptly off halfway through, to be followed by the first half of the next story. The interrupted story then appears within the next one, with the protagonist reading or watching the first half of its text; for example, in "An Orison of Sonmi~451," Sonmi~451 describes watching a film about the life of Timothy Cavendish, but she is only able to watch 50 minutes before her story is also interrupted. Each story ends with its protagonist finding the second half of this story, which is then printed after it.
Linking themes
Mitchell has said of the book:
Literally all of the main characters, except one, are reincarnations of the same soul in different bodies throughout the novel identified by a birthmark...that's just a symbol really of the universality of human nature. The title itself "Cloud Atlas," the cloud refers to the ever changing manifestations of the Atlas, which is the fixed human nature which is always thus and ever shall be. So the book's theme is predacity, the way individuals prey on individuals, groups on groups, nations on nations, tribes on tribes. So I just take this theme and in a sense reincarnate that theme in another context...
Film adaptation
The novel was adapted to film by directors Tom Tykwer and Lana Wachowski and Andy (now Lilly) Wachowski. With an ensemble cast to cover the film's multiple storylines, production began in September 2011 at Studio Babelsberg in Germany. The film is scheduled to be released in the United States on October 26, 2012.
D' A R C Y
D' A R C Y
Your Guide to the
Characters and Connections of
Cloud Atlas
By Jennifer Vineyard
Today at 12:30 PM
If you've watched Cloud Atlas and you're still a bit confused, it’s easy to see why. Each of the six intertwined stories takes place in a different era and assumes the tropes of completely different genres. Actors play multiple roles across the film, switching ages, races, and even genders from tale to tale. Tracking those actors is somewhat key to understanding the connective plot, in which various souls are reincarnated or migrate over time — crossing the ages like clouds cross the skies. (In the book, you could track the reincarnation by the bodies that shared a comet-shaped birthmark; in the film, the birthmark just signals our protagonists, and the actor triggers the reincarnation.) See Hugo Weaving? Then you've got the bad soul who will only get worse over time. See Tom Hanks? Then you've got the recovering soul who starts off bad but will become (mostly) good over the course of his journey. Here is a guide to the karmic chameleons of Cloud Atlas. (Note: to avoid confusion we will mostly refer to the characters by the names of the actors who play them.)
A ship crossing the Pacific in 1849;
the home of an elderly composer in 1936 Edinburgh [not Zedelghem, Belgium, as in Mitchell's book--JG];
San Francisco and a nearby nuclear power plant in 1973;
London and an Edinburgh nursing home in 2012;
Neo-Soul, the capital of a half-ruined Korea in 2144;
a valley and a mountain on a post-apocalyptic Hawaii in 2321.
Who he plays:
A cabin boy in 1849;
bisexual (and birthmarked!) composer Robert Frobisher in 1936, who apprentices himself to Jim Broadbent while sleeping with Broadbent's wife, Halle Berry, and writes the beautiful Cloud Atlas Sextet ;
a record-store clerk in 1973 who can't get the Cloud Atlas Sextet out of his head and helps Halle Berry find it;
the wife of Hugh Grant in 2012 and sister-in-law to Jim Broadbent;
a tribesman in 2321.
His soul journey: He doesn't seem to learn much over time, remains morally ambiguous, and will sleep with anyone, no matter whom it hurts.
Onscreen connections to other characters/story lines: He writes letters to his true love, Rufus Sixsmith (James D'Arcy), in 1936, which Halle Berry reads in 1973;
strains of his Cloud Atlas Sextet recur throughout several timelines.
Who he plays:
Ben Whishaw's lover in 1936 and recipient of his letters;
an older version of his previous character Rufus Sixsmith, who gives Halle Berry damning evidence that his nuclear power plant is unsafe;
an orderly at Jim Broadbent's nursing home in 2012;
and finally, a patient Archivist in 2144 who interrogates clone Doona Bae.
His soul journey: A little muddled. He goes from being a passive listener to someone who takes a stand against a big wrong back to a passive listener of a tale of injustice.
Onscreen connections to other characters/story lines: The letters he receives from Ben Whishaw in 1936 are read by Halle Berry in 1973;
Hugo Weaving’s assassin shoots him in the mouth, which mirrors the suicide-by-gun death of his lover, Frobisher.
Who he plays:
An arrogant ship's captain in 1849;
a composer in 1936 who takes on apprentice Ben Whishaw and attempts to claim the younger man's work as his own;
the morally ambiguous (and birthmarked!) vanity press publisher Timothy Cavendish, who benefits from the death of a critic at the hands of his author, Tom Hanks;
a Korean street musician in 2144 and
an advanced being known as a Prescient in 2321.
His soul journey: He starts off by being pompous and self-serving but learns humility over time.
Onscreen connections to other characters/story lines: His grand mansion in 1936 is his nursing home in 2012; the film of his "ghastly ordeal" in 2012 is watched by a clone slave in 2144;
his 1936 character has a dream of the Papa Song café in which Sonmi-451 works.