Thanks for the reminder!!!
You're welcome, Chuck! I received my pre-ordered Amazon DVD today (I know, I know--I already
have the streaming version, what can I say?
and it's a VERY clear, crisp copy of the Amazon streaming version, which, isn't utterly as perfect as the original November 2015 British BBC2 version (some music copyright issues, I guess) but FAR better than the BBCAmerica version, which, I hear, was butchered/bowdlerized (because, of course, Americans are children and can't be shown, you know, NAKED ASSES BEING FONDLED.
The DVD also included a very short 7:09 'bonus' (hey, that's 7:09 more than the Brokeback DVD bonus!)--
some of it was already shown in little youtube snippets, Ben Whishaw, Jim Broadbent, Charlotte Rampling and Tom Rob Smith (the writer/series creator) speaking, but it was nice to hear Ed Holcroft (NOT very like Alex at all, he's very animated!) and the production team: Laurie Rose the cinematographer, Lisa Marie Hall the production/set designer, and (Handsome! Gorgeous!) Jakob Verbruggen the director, who has a lovely smile and a hugely cute Flemish accent--yup, a new major crush!
If you decide to order the DVD, I hope you like it, Chuck!