Hiya John, you haven't updated here in a while.
Look! That's a CARTIER BOX Jack is holding--I wonder what's inside! OMGCHECKPLEASE!FANART_TRONNIES_ART_BLOGhttp://tronnies-art-blog.tumblr.com/http://tronnies-art-blog.tumblr.com/post/142044050336/so-this-fic-basically-blindsided-me-with-cute-andhttp://tronnies-art-blog.tumblr.com/image/142044050336So this fic ( http://archiveofourown.org/works/6213220 )basically blindsided me with cute, and then bonus! they wrote an R/H spin off : D6 months ago 2,589 notes#omgcp #my art #fanart #zimbits #jack #bitty #this is why i never read zimbits #this!
Nice update!
Now I really like that pic!