Full text, no edits, no excerpting, no nothing.
Click the provided link below to read the original if you prefer.
DO see all five chapters (I will post them in 5 sequential posts).
Again: WOW.
(FYI--this series of 5 posts have now been properly
ordered so that Chapter 4 follows Chapter 3. The
author, MaryFlanner noted the correct chapters but
the archiveofourown site still has the series incorrectly
ordered. If you hit the link on the particular Chapter,
you will be reading the
correct Chapter, but
Chapter 3 is
incorrectly entitled Chapter 4 and
vice versa.)
Kent Parson is gone, but he left fallout.
A story told in texts.
Chapter 1
Chapter 2 immediately follows.
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: Check Please! (Webcomic)
Relationship: Eric Bittle/Jack Zimmermann
Characters: Eric Bittle, Jack Zimmermann, John Johnson, Justin "Ransom" Oluransi, Kent "Parse" Parson,
Georgia Martin, Larissa "Lardo" Duan, Coach Bittle, Mama Bittle, Chris "Chowder" Chow
Additional Tags: Suicide, Coming Out, Texting, Mixed Media
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2015-07-21 Words: 32 Chapters: 5 Comments: 8 Kudos: 55 Bookmarks: 8 Hits: 637