Thank you so much, Sonja! It was an unexpected shock, quite a blow. I was certainly NOT planning on wasting a perfectly good hip, not for another twenty years at least! 
Despite the calamitous aspects, I was very lucky also. A complete stranger helped me the instant I fell and it was clear I had been badly hurt; he called for an ambulance and very kindly waited with me until I was carted away. The ambulance brought me (by happenstance or otherwise?) to the ER attached to HSS, the Hospital for Special Surgery, "the #1 Orthopedic Hospital in the Nation" (or so it says itself). Amazing friends rallied around (in New York I always say--who needs family when you have friends?
) and all I have to do now is eat, exercise (gingerly) and heal. Actually, it's hard work, takes a lot of effort. On Thursday I grabbed my rollerator/buggy and got a badly needed haircut, Friday, with some strategizing, I did some laundry, and today, I'm taking the day off--I needed it! Next week I have to start thinking about the next stage, finding a nearby center for Outpatient Therapy. Who knew how complicated this would be? Anyway, wish me luck!
Wishing you the best of luck!

Glad you got help from the stranger, and that your friends are there for you.
It's good that you're able to move around and get out of the house on your own.
Yes, healing and exercising
is hard work, it takes all your energy.
So, be kind to yourself and concentrate on recovering.

Hope you find a good and nearby center.