Happy birthday Wulfie! And look at the court decision they were holding off on just so it could be announced on your birthday!!
New Jersey high court approves gay marriages
TRENTON, N.J. (CNN) -- The New Jersey Supreme Court ruled Wednesday that the state's constitution allows gay and lesbian couples to marry but it is left to the legislature what to call the relationship.
The high court announced its decision on its Web site in the case of Mark Lewis et al. v. Gwendolyn L. Harris, who headed the state department that issues marriage licenses.
Lawyers for the seven New Jersey gay and lesbian couples in the case had argued that the New Jersey Constitution's guarantee of liberty and equality allows them to marry.
The case was closely watched because New Jersey is one of only five states that has no law barring same-sex marriages. --From CNN Senior Producer Rose Arce (Posted 3:20 pm.)