Daylight Saving Time ends Sunday at 2:00 am Eastern Time.
Be sure to change the time on your clocks before you go to bed tonight.
This has been a public service announcement from David, your Bettermost buddy.
Argh... there goes my extra hour before nightfall.
I do my power walking in the late afternoon/early evening, and the rotten daylight shifting means I have to get my butt out the door by 4ish if I want to finish with some light left.
Beginning in 2007 in the States, DST will start on the second Sunday in March (March 11, 2007), and change back to standard time on the first Sunday in November (November 4, 2007). Under Section 110 of the Energy Policy Act of 2005, the U.S. Department of Energy is required to study the impact of the DST extension no later than nine months after the change takes effect. Congress has retained the right to revert to the DST schedule set in 1986 if it cannot be shown that there are significant energy savings from an extension of DST or if the extension may prove to be unpopular with the American public. One potential issue is that some northern regions on the western edge of time zones will for the first time since the 1974-75 "almost year round" DST experiment have sunrise times that occur after 8am.
I personally am all for this - anything to keep it lighter longer in the afternoon.