An update on me:
Hello, everyone! Hello, Louise!
Overall, I'm doing pretty well.
Still trying to keep up with numerous fanfics in numerous fandoms, though lost track of various message boards and forums that I enjoyed. Busy with other things, but still addicted to reading and TV. I love my new laptop - a Qosmio F50. Going to Washington, DC next week and looking forward to it. Last year, I was switched to a different medication, which works much better. I feel better and so far I've lost 21 pounds since January!
Louise, I took your advice and it really helped. I went back and re-read a lot of my work (not all 232,000+ words!) but a lot. Then I did a bullet outline, listing points and events that still needed to be covered and the order they needed to happen in. Anyway, I wrote and sent another 3,300 word installment to my faithful Beta, and it was posted. I am seeing the end in sight and hope to wrap everything up soon.
Unfortunately, I think that particular fandom is pretty much dead or maybe just too much time has gone by between postings. I have no idea if anyone is reading my story as I've not received one comment, review, e-mail, etc.
I believe the only thing worse than getting negative feedback is: Getting no feedback at all. Can anyone here imagine that? Somehow I doubt that's ever been a problem for BbM fic authors. Fans either love it or hate it and seem to be very vocal about it.
Wonder what it feels like to write something that people actually get excited about?
Anyway, I'm trying very hard to not take it personally. It's a bit discouraging, though. I'm determined to finish what I started way back when, if just to say I finished it.
Louise, I'm afraid I lost track of your saga. *hangs head in embarrassment* I think I had left off at Chesterfield Fortune? IIRC, that was around the time of the 'transition' and I simply couldn't stop picturing the original (you-know-who) and get used to the new names.
*sheepish grin*