I started the drabblefest on January 31, 2007 so tomorrow will be our two week anniversary...seems fitting to have it fall on Valentine's Day, doesn't it? I will dream up some extra special prompts.
Actually, I was supposed to go to Salt Lake City but my trip got cancelled because of weather! The weather is not here yet, which is sort of funny, but I am happy to be home and not stranded in some horrible motel near JFK airport, or, worse yet, sleeping on the floor of the airport. Right now I am saying, life is good.
I went through the two weeks of drabblefest, re-read all the prompts and drabbles...really great stuff here. I am trying to figure out the right way to archive it all, while keeping the thread lively. That's tomorrow's job, when I am home in a blizzard.
lI will also start drabble-writing again, I promise, now that this albatross of a business trip is off my neck!