Don Wroe's Cabin
November, 1970
Ennis was shoving another log in the woodstove as Jack came into the cabin, his breath frosty. “Goddamn, Ennis, it must be 100 degrees in here! What the hell are ya doin’?” He shoved his mittens into his pocket as he took off his coat.
“That’s my plan,” said Ennis with a smile.
“What plan?”
“I got me a cabin with a bed, and a woodstove. The only thing missin’ in this picture is naked Jack. I get it hot enough in here and I’ll get that too.”
Jack laughed. “Naked Jack? What if I’m shy, don’t want ta be sittin’ here naked?”
“Ain’t gonna be sittin’, Jack,” said Ennis with a wink.
“Well, I think I know the cure for me bein’ shy.”
“What’s that?”
“Naked Ennis. C’mere, cowboy,” said Jack, with a crook of his finger.
(135 words)