Author Topic: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!  (Read 1439648 times)

Offline Brokeback_Dev

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #80 on: February 04, 2007, 01:50:53 am »
Childress, TX
Fall, 1966

Jack trailed behind Lureen as she pushed the grocery cart down the aisle. He hated going to the grocery store but he figured that as a new husband, this was one of the things he was supposed to do. Besides, she was six months pregnant and it was probably a good idea for him to help with lifting and carrying the grocery bags.

“What kind of jam do you like, Jack? Strawberry or raspberry?”

He shrugged. “Anything’s fine, honey. I don’t really notice, I just like something sweet on my toast.”

“Peanut butter? Skippy or Jif?”

“What’s wrong with the store brand?” he said, picking up the IGA jar. “That’s what my momma always bought. We couldn’t afford the fancy stuff.”

“Oh Jack,” she said, frowning. “There is such a big difference between the real brands and the grocery store brand! My momma only bought Skippy, so I’ll do the same.”

They continued down the aisle, Lureen pausing to put a can of Bush’s beans in the cart.

“No, don’t buy those…buy these instead,” said Jack, as he handed her a can of Bettermost beans.

“No, not these. I hate Bettermost! They are all mushy and too sweet.”

“They’re my favorite.”

Lureen grimaced. “They’re cheap and nasty, Jack. We can afford decent beans. My momma always bought Bush’s.”

Jack shrugged. “Fine. Whatever.”

(222 words)

 this whole drabble is so good..thanks leslie

Offline fernly

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #81 on: February 04, 2007, 02:05:57 am »
Quote from: goadra
Every word in the obituary bit into his fingertips.

Quote from: goadra
A block of light shone into the living room.
She didn't see her mother rewrite the note on a second sheet of paper.

Poor Randall.

And then Jr.'s part in the creel case note...

Phrases like poetry, and each drabble utterly convincing.
Thanks so much.
on the mountain flying in the euphoric, bitter air

Offline Brokeback_Dev

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #82 on: February 04, 2007, 02:45:05 am »

     Ennis DelMar was going down from Brokeback.  He and Jack weren't

talking.  He had punched Jack.  They had been playin around as always.

Jack had accidentally busted his nose.  He tried to see if it was broken.

As jack was using his own shirt to wipe the blood.  Ennis had just slugged

him.  He was mystified, why had he done that?  He wasn't mad, zactly.

He was all mixed up..  He didnt know why he felt so dam bad.  He had

probly lost the only good friend he ever had.  In all his born days he never

had such a good friend as Jack.. Now it is done. 

     What in hell did i do with my darn shirt.??   Damned Aguirre anyway.

very very good drabble of Ennis and Jack's last day up on the mountain

Offline MaineWriter

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #83 on: February 04, 2007, 09:03:38 am »
Not as many drabbles yesterday. Maybe the prompts weren't inspiring, or maybe it's the weekend. Things seemed quiet around Bettermost. Anyway, for today, try these on for size:

  • woodstove
  • birdseed
  • mittens

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #84 on: February 04, 2007, 09:24:52 am »
“Ok Jack push.”  Ennis pushed the gas pedal down and he could here the tires spinning, but felt only the rocking of the stuck truck.

“Hell Ennis, I can’t push any harder I’m slippin all over the fuckin place.”  Jack stood up straight and leaned against the back of the truck.

In frustration, Ennis exited the truck and joined with Jack at the rear.  What am I gonna do?  Was supposed to leave an hour ago.”  Ennis slammed his gloved fists against the truck.

“I dunno.  Just can’t get any traction on this ice.  Didn’t know we was supposed to get this storm.  It ain’t my fault.  Maybe if we throw some of the blankets under…”

“Hey wait…”  Ennis went into the cab of the truck and brought out a large bag of birdseed.  “Alma asked me to get this for her.”  He opened the bag and spread the seed under the back tires of the truck.  Ok, let’s try again” He went back and got behind the wheel, started the engine.  “Ok one more try, else I’m gonna have stay here with ya forever.”

Jack sighed heavily, placed his hands against the truck and pushed.  The truck moved easily out of the icy and snowy ruts it had created.

“That did it,” Ennis shouted with enthusiasm.  “Ok buddy…gotta get movin.”  He gunned the engine, stuck a hand out of the window and waved farewell to Jack.

He stood there, alone for a few moments before he moved.  “Damn Alma…damn birds.”  A few winter birds descended to eat their good fortune.

261 words

Offline MaineWriter

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #85 on: February 04, 2007, 09:49:37 am »
Don Wroe's Cabin
November, 1970

Ennis was shoving another log in the woodstove as Jack came into the cabin, his breath frosty. “Goddamn, Ennis, it must be 100 degrees in here! What the hell are ya doin’?” He shoved his mittens into his pocket as he took off his coat.

“That’s my plan,” said Ennis with a smile.

“What plan?”

“I got me a cabin with a bed, and a woodstove. The only thing missin’ in this picture is naked Jack. I get it hot enough in here and I’ll get that too.”

Jack laughed. “Naked Jack? What if I’m shy, don’t want ta be sittin’ here naked?”

“Ain’t gonna be sittin’, Jack,” said Ennis with a wink.

“Well, I think I know the cure for me bein’ shy.”

“What’s that?”

“Naked Ennis. C’mere, cowboy,” said Jack, with a crook of his finger.

(135 words)
« Last Edit: February 25, 2007, 11:12:36 am by MaineWriter »
Taming Groomzilla<-- support equality for same-sex marriage in Maine by clicking this link!

Offline Penthesilea

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #86 on: February 04, 2007, 10:45:15 am »
When Ennis came home from work, Alma was sitting in the recliner, carriyng a brown paper bag in her lap.

"The girls already asleep?"

"Don't think so. I just brought them to bed. Probably they're still awake, waiting for you."

"What's in the bag?"

"Whool. I'm going to knit mittens and matching scarfs for them for Christmas."


Ennis turned to the girl's room to kiss his daughters good-night.

When he came back to Alma a few minutes later, she had laid out several balls of whool on the little table next to her.
Alma was rummaging in her sewing box, looking for the knitting needles, so she didn't notice the wistful smile on her husband's face when he took one of the balls in his hands.

Blue. The blue of the whool in his hands was so similar to another blue. His girls would have the most beautiful mittens in the world.

Word count 155

Offline mariez

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #87 on: February 04, 2007, 01:02:08 pm »

He stood there, alone for a few moments before he moved.  “Damn Alma…damn birds.”  A few winter birds descended to eat their good fortune.

261 words

Clever use of the prompt - loved that last paragraph.

“Naked Ennis. C’mere, cowboy,” said Jack, with a crook of his finger.

(135 words)

Yep - Naked Ennis and Naked Jack always works!

Blue. The blue of the whool in his hands was so similar to another blue. His girls would have the most beautiful mittens in the world.

Word count 155

Awww. . . sniff.  They sure would.

Thanks, everyone.  Love this thread!

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The worst loneliness is not to be comfortable with yourself.    ~~~~~~~~~ Mark Twain

Offline el_wing

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #88 on: February 04, 2007, 01:27:54 pm »
It's for the Birds

Jack sat beside the woodstove, warming his hands. No mittens, no gloves. But they'd had a good time, Ennis 'n him. Never though Ennis would be up fer a snowball fight. Jack smiled. Ennis had acted like a damn kid again. Never forget the way he'd tackled Jack, both landin' face first down in the snow then rollin' around like it was a field a daisies instead wet snow.

"What are ya doin' in there Ennis? Ain't ya cold?"

"Be right there. Gettin' ya something."

"Now ya got me down right curious." Jack scooted around, lookin’ ta see what Ennis was up to in the kitchen.

"Hold yer horses Rodeo. I'm comin'."

"I’m comin’-- now them are words I like ta hear. Better git in here soon. I need warmin' up better then this fire is a'doin'."

Jack looked up and there Ennis stood with a shit eatin' grin on his face, hangin' onto this thing danglin' from a string.

"What the hell is that?" Jack asked.

"Ya said ya liked watchin' the birds from the window. Made this fer you. Junior showed me how. Ya take an apple, spread peanut butter on it then roll it in bird seed."

"Yer becomin’ a regular walkin' ‘Hints from Heloise’ ain't ya Ennis!"

"Shut up, er I'll make you eat this instead of the birds."

"Other things I'd rather be eatin' right now."

Jack took the gift out of Ennis’ hand.

“It’s right nice Ennis. Thank ya.” Jack lead Ennis up to the woodstove. “Now, come here and git me warm.”

259 words

Leaves turn over with the times,
The sun breaks each day with shines,
Hither awhile, then whither back--
It is life that people lack.

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: The Bettermost Drabblefest: Please Join In!
« Reply #89 on: February 04, 2007, 02:54:24 pm »
“Ok Jack push.”  Ennis pushed the gas pedal down and he could here the tires spinning, but felt only the rocking of the stuck truck.

“Hell Ennis, I can’t push any harder I’m slippin all over the fuckin place.”  Jack stood up straight and leaned against the back of the truck.

In frustration, Ennis exited the truck and joined with Jack at the rear.  What am I gonna do?  Was supposed to leave an hour ago.”  Ennis slammed his gloved fists against the truck.

“I dunno.  Just can’t get any traction on this ice.  Didn’t know we was supposed to get this storm.  It ain’t my fault.  Maybe if we throw some of the blankets under…”

“Hey wait…”  Ennis went into the cab of the truck and brought out a large bag of birdseed.  “Alma asked me to get this for her.”  He opened the bag and spread the seed under the back tires of the truck.  Ok, let’s try again” He went back and got behind the wheel, started the engine.  “Ok one more try, else I’m gonna have stay here with ya forever.”

Jack sighed heavily, placed his hands against the truck and pushed.  The truck moved easily out of the icy and snowy ruts it had created.

“That did it,” Ennis shouted with enthusiasm.  “Ok buddy…gotta get movin.”  He gunned the engine, stuck a hand out of the window and waved farewell to Jack.

He stood there, alone for a few moments before he moved.  “Damn Alma…damn birds.”  A few winter birds descended to eat their good fortune.

261 words
                         Awww Scott,,,poor Jack yet again....        great one                janice

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