Someone has to be the odd one out, and this time it's me
A No from me. All those alleged phenomenons, all those bartender, midwife, policeman, or whoe-else-not experiences are cases of selective perception.
I'm just reading a scientific book. Interestingly, it has one (small) chapter about the full moon and its alleged effects. It is about a scientific experiment in a German hospital. All nurses, midwifes, doctors on the obstetric unit swore that there is an effect. They said: in nights with the full moon, significantly more children are born. (I had heard of this believe before, it's quite common).
Over two years, they made a statisitc, for everybody to see. A red dot for a baby-girl, a blue dot for a baby-boy. After the two years, no significant difference was found between full moon nights and other nights.
Personally, I have never felt any effects of the full moon, nor has anyone in my family. I do like the full moon very much, it's beautiful, it has something dreamy to it, and I like it even more since BBM.
But effects? - No.