Author Topic: Old soul?  (Read 13587 times)

Offline monimm18

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Re: Old soul?
« Reply #20 on: April 20, 2006, 12:43:36 am »
Hmmm... The way I see Jake, I'd say he was raised in an environment that seems fairly intellectual and socially diverse, so he was exposed to enough experiences to make him a bit more profound in the way he looks at the world. I cannot presume to know anything about his life and the world he was raised and lives, but we know that people who enjoy reading tend to have a bit of a wiser outlook on life, and Jake seems to be a good reader - his choice of books, by what I learned, is above the average, intellectually. He doesn't seem to me the type of guy who grew up playing video games...

Jude, that quiz is wacky, LOL. I had fun with it. According to that one, I am a Seeker Soul. Here's the characteristics; the (*...*) phrases are my additions, obviously.

"You are on a quest for knowledge and life challenges.
You love to be curious and ask a ton of questions.
Since you know so much (*wha'!?*), you make for an interesting conversationalist. (*Right... if anyone can get a word in.*)
Mentally alert, you can outwit almost anyone (and have fun doing it!). (*then why do I get tongue tied every time I need a good comeback, damn it?*)

Very introspective, you can be silently critical of others. (*silently...?*)
And your quiet nature makes it difficult for people to get to know you. (*difficult, yes, quiet, well, ask the neighbors...*)
You see yourself as a philosopher, and you take everything philosophically. *Plato, Socrates... Moni*
Your main talent is expressing and communicating ideas. (*I agree. But I think "challenge" works better than "talent"*)
Souls you are most compatible with: Hunter Soul and Visionary Soul.
"Don't be merely satisfied with a better life. We should demand to live in a better world."

Offline Sheyne

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Re: Old soul?
« Reply #21 on: April 20, 2006, 06:31:48 am »
(Barb, my boy is an old soul too, as is my younger sister)
Sheyne, what is it that makes you say that about your son? Can you be more specific (don't mean to pry though). Is this the one with Autism?

~ j U d E

Yeah, I only have the one child and he's Autistic. The reasons I have for thinking this are firstly, his intuition. He seems to understand people better than I do. I have learnt my lesson, if my son avoids someone or takes a dislike to them, I pay very close attention. It has emerged that everybody he hasn't liked - even as a baby! - turned out to be lousy people, liars, cheats, black hearts etc.  And i have checked and doubly checked the occasions for co-incidence or other factors... nope, he's always been on the money.  He talks about people as though they are colours: if he talks about somebody as blue, pink, gold, green, orange, purple or yellow.. I'm usually safe.  If he describes them as red, I'm wary (they're usually just excited or anxious at the time) but he's talked about the aforementioned lousy people as being black, grey or no colour at all.

This is a child who cannot answer "are you hungry, William?" cause he doesn't know what that means!!

Other reasons are: apparent memory of places we've never been.  eg.. we took him to Canberra to visit a friend, he directed us to a place we'd never been before, as though he'd been there recently.   He also doesn't "get" kids of his own age, preferring the company of adults - in his words - they're more interesting.  In all fairness, the inability to relate to kids his own age COULD be partly due to his autism, but he just finds it easier to be around adults. Children bore him senseless (this makes me nervous, I gotta tell you)..

But like Barb said, its to do with his eyes.  As an adult or parent who's been around kids a lot, you can tell by looking through their eyes which ones of them are young at heart and which of them have been here before.  My boy has been here before, he gets far more than even I know.  I often feel like I learn more from my child than he does from me, which is a humbling thought actually.

Hope this answers your question..  it was a hard one to answer, I'll be honest.
« Last Edit: April 20, 2006, 09:02:59 am by hungry_hungryhippos »
Chut up!

Offline Kelda

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Re: Old soul?
« Reply #22 on: April 20, 2006, 07:49:16 am »
I would decribe Jake as an old soul.. he just seems so settled in his own skin doesn't he?

Sheyne I didn't know about William - he sounds like a clued up little kid!!!! Kudos to you, I know it must be hard work at times...

I am apparently a Dreaming Soul..accurate in some ways, not in others...
Your vivid emotions and imagination takes you away from this world
So much so that you tend to live in your head most of the time
You have great dreams and ambitions that could be the envy of all...
But for you, following through with your dreams is a bit difficult

You are charming, endearing, and people tend to love you.
Forgiving and tolerant, you see the world through rose colored glasses.
Underneath it all, you have a ton of passion that you hide from others.
Always hopeful, you tend to expect positive outcomes in your life.

Souls you are most compatible with: Newborn Soul, Prophet Soul, and Traveler Soul

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Offline reannawrites

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Re: Old soul?
« Reply #23 on: April 20, 2006, 07:58:49 am »
Thanks Jude...I see we're compatible  :)  and Kelda and I are sister dreamer souls.
I had a lovers quarrel with the world - Robert Frost.

Offline Sheyne

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Re: Old soul?
« Reply #24 on: April 20, 2006, 08:11:28 am »
Sheyne I didn't know about William - he sounds like a clued up little kid!!!! Kudos to you, I know it must be hard work at times...

Hey Kelda,

Clued up?? You got NO idea.. he misses NOTHING.  :laugh:  As for hard work... tell you what.. I reckon raising ANY child - if you want to do it right - is damn hard work. I don't reckon I have it harder than parents of kids that DON'T have Autism. I mean, maybe I do. Who knows? I've never raised a child that didn't have it, so I don't know.  But I just like to think that my difficulties are a little different, that's all.  I got it good, really. He's a bright, happy, giggling, gorgeous child who understands things about people I'll never grasp and will grow up to be something truly incredible, I know it. Sometimes I feel like I'm just along for the ride!!  :)
Chut up!

Offline Kelda

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Re: Old soul?
« Reply #25 on: April 20, 2006, 08:22:26 am »

Hey Kelda,

Clued up?? You got NO idea.. he misses NOTHING. 


I'm hoping he can therefore quote: "I'm good with a canoe though" a la the Malaysian subtitles thread!!!

Hey Kelda,

As for hard work... tell you what.. I reckon raising ANY child - if you want to do it right - is damn hard work. I don't reckon I have it harder than parents of kids that DON'T have Autism. I mean, maybe I do. Who knows? I've never raised a child that didn't have it, so I don't know.  But I just like to think that my difficulties are a little different, that's all. 

Yes, of course you're right.. each parent have their own difficulties to deal with...

I got it good, really. He's a bright, happy, giggling, gorgeous child who understands things about people I'll never grasp and will grow up to be something truly incredible, I know it.

I know it too - how canny he go wrong with a cool Momma like you!?

Sometimes I feel like I'm just along for the ride!!  :)

And that's whats so cool about kids! I enjoy that part of my nieces and hopefully will some of my own one day to lead me astray!!

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Offline Kelda

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Re: Old soul?
« Reply #26 on: April 20, 2006, 08:26:17 am »
hey reanna.. how are you doing? so sorry to hear about your friend..

I think its kinda cool to be a dreamer..I feel like singing that Abba song now!

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Offline j.U.d.E.

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Re: Old soul?
« Reply #27 on: April 20, 2006, 08:31:22 am »
Sometimes I feel like I'm just along for the ride!! 

Sheyne, I'm sending you a PM.

~ j U d E
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Offline j.U.d.E.

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Re: Old soul?
« Reply #28 on: April 20, 2006, 08:40:03 am »
Vic, would you say that all of 'your soul' (peacemaker) applicable to you?

Yes Jude I'd say it is VERY accurate in that it has describes my role within my family perfectly.  I bristle a bit at the secretly judgemental thing.  However, I suppose if I'm totally honest that can be true in some instances, as I do not always suffer fools gladly. 
Ha! Vic, I like that expression about the 'fools'! I'm just a tad surprised that 'your soul' is compatible with the 'hunter soul' and 'warrior soul'.. being that you are a 'peacemaker soul'. Kind of odd, don't you think?

Jude, that quiz is wacky, LOL
Totally, monimm! But fun, still!  :D

~ j U d E
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Offline YaadPyar

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Re: Old soul?
« Reply #29 on: April 20, 2006, 08:44:18 am »
"Why so categorical?"  Oooo, I hope the limb doesn't break...

The public persona may be miles from the private so I get, um, skeptical maybe, when the masses attribute certain qualities to people in the public eye.

OH yes - excellent points!  However - I took the test twice to ensure my answers were accurate, and can't really agree with much it says...

You Are a Hunter Soul 
You are driven and ambitious - totally self motiviated to succeed don't know anyone who would call me ambitious
Actively working to acheive what you want, you are skillful in many areas.
You are a natural predator with strong instincts ... and more than a little demanding. predator?!  strong and scary word
You are creative, energetic, and an extremely powerful force.  don't know, but at least it sounds more positve

An outdoors person, you like animals and relate to them better than people.  not particularly...
You tend to have an explosive personality, but also a good sense of humor. sense of humor maybe, but never explosive
People sometimes see you as arrogant or a know it all. 
You tend to be a bit of a loner, though you hate to be alone.  don't hate to be alone at all

Souls you are most compatible with: Seeker Soul and Peacemaker Soul 
"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)