Author Topic: Chat Sound Nomination Thread  (Read 62150 times)

Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #50 on: June 11, 2007, 01:08:35 pm »
Final Sound Addition List
Bold items are those I added myself
A strikethrough means the sound could not be added.
Italicized entries are problematic.

aintfoolin 01:46:14 “I ain’t foolin’”
aintgoing  "Well I ain't going nowhere." (probably was also "it aint going nowhere" in the script)
aintjokin 01:46:29 “I ain’t jokin’”
aintright 00:38:05 “It ain’t right” (somewhat muffled)
beansleft 00:16:04 “Beans about all we got left”
betteridea 01:45:33 “You got a better idea?”
bluestreak 01:36:05 “Woman talks a blue streak”
cantquit "I'll tell you this, I can't quit this one."
deserveit 01:41:42 “You probably deserve it”   ("it" is inaudible on the soundtrack)
dontseemfair "See now, it don't seem fair."
fastorslow 00:57:37 “Fast or slow, I just like the direction you’re goin’”
fishinbuddies 00:01:24 “We was fishin’ buddies”
goodforyou 01:50:50 “Good for you”
goodfriends 01:54:44 “We was good friends”
gotmessage 01:50:34 “Looks like I got the message in any case”
gotnothing "Got nothing, you don't need nothing."
guardsheep 00:16:41 “We’re sposed to guard the sheep, not eat ’em”
havetosing 01:16:30 “Well, all right, as long as I don’t have to sing”
herewego 01:23:24 “Here we go” (Childress Thanksgiving) (replaced with hereweare "Here we are!" because herewego was inaudible)
hungryas 00:15:45 “I get down here, hungry as hell, and all I find is beans”
imsorry 01:51:13 “I’m sorry”
imstuck 01:07:02 “I’m stuck with what I got here”
inahurry 00:57:51 “You are in a hurry!”
isthatright "Is that right?"
jacknasty 01:28:15 “Jack Nasty”
jacktwist 01:03:07 “Jack * Twist” (reunion)
letitbe "Let it be"
likeahorse 01:48:35 “You’re sleepin’ on your feet like a horse”
likeitornot 01:34:31 “Like it or not, here I am."  (added "here I am" to sound)
matincall 00:55:50 “What are you waitin’ for, cowboy, a matin’ call?”
meannothin 01:28:03 “Doesn’t mean nothin’, Alma”
mexico 01:43:58 “We oughta go to Mexico”
neverenough 01:44:31 “There is never enough time, never enough”
nomorebeans 00:13:01 “No more beans”
onceburned 01:27:02 “Once burned...”
outloud 01:32:03 “I was just thinkin’ out loud”
pleasedmaam "Pleased to meet you, ma'am"
quityou 01:47:37 “I wish I knew how to quit you”
realthinker 01:32:05 “Yep, you’re a real thinker there”
relaxcowboy 00:51:08 “Relax, cowboy”  Sound muffled.
sallright 00:33:34 “s’all right, s’all right”   Sound too low to use.
sallwegot 00:13:50 “S’all we got”
seeyaround 00:42:03 “Well, I guess I’ll see y’around, hunh?”
senor 01:22:54 “Señor?”
servingit 01:13:23 “No one’s eatin’ unless you’re servin’ it”
sickofbeans 00:14:03 “Too early in the summer to be sick o’ beans”
sinner 00:24:51 “You may be a sinner, but I ain’t yet had the opportunity”
situation "This is a goddamned bitch of an unsatisfactory situation."
smellslike 00:18:20 “smells like cat piss or worse”
sohereiam 01:20:31 “ I am”
soupboxes 00:08:41 “Them soup boxes is hard to pack”  A bit muffled.
speakforyourself "Speak for yourself."
startlepoint 00:08:56 “That horse has a low startle-point”
stickwithbeans 00:16:49 “I’ll stick with beans”
sureenough 01:04:53 “Sure enough”
tentdont 00:23:41 “Tent don’t look right”  "right" trails off in soundtrack
thankyoudance 01:35:04 “Thank yew” (LaShawn)  Very muffled
thankyouwhiskey 00:24:57 “Thank yew” (Ennis) Very muffled
thearmy 00:41:54 “I might be back, if the Army don’t get me”
themsheep 00:36:56 “You’ll run them sheep off again if you don’t quiet down”
theretofish 01:28:19 “You didn’t go up there to fish!”
thewhut 00:58:15 “The whut?”
threehands 00:47:42 “If I had three hands, I could”
toofast 00:57:32 “You don’t think I’m too fast, do you”
tyingknots 00:09:03 “Unless you wanta sit around tyin’ knots all day”
washoping "Was hoping you'd be there."
whatitsworth 01:30:43 “For what it’s worth”   Muffled
whatstheoccasion "What's the occasion?"
wherebluebirdssing "Where bluebirds sing and there's a whiskey spring."
windblewin 00:45:27 “Well, look what the wind blew in”
youbet 01:23:34 “You bet”
youcomeback 02:01:51 “You come back and see us again”
yourelate 01:17:14 “You’re late!”   Low audio
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Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #51 on: June 12, 2007, 01:08:22 am »
You mean we get ALL of them??  Ooo-ee!.

Is it hard to change a short name?  For "This is a goddamned bitch of an unsatisfactory situation,"  a lot of us call that "GDBOAUS."  Is that possible?  It's even cool that it's totally an "in" thing to know what it means.  :)

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #52 on: June 12, 2007, 01:09:15 am »
Adia, you are AMAZING!  :-* 

Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #53 on: June 12, 2007, 01:31:02 am »
"I suggest you get your scrawny asses in here pronto" is currently called *gitinhere*  I always think it's referring to "Ennis, quit yer hammerin' and git in here!"  Which of course gives a very different feeling.  Would it be easy and possible to change the Aguirre quote's name to *scrawnyasses* or sumpn?

Offline ifyoucantfixit

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #54 on: June 12, 2007, 05:20:09 am »

          Thank you so much Philip for all the work putting those new quips, in chat.  It should be lots of fun
when we have a large chat going on to hear all the sounds people choose to add to the conversation..
Great job,,,,                                                                                           janice

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #55 on: June 12, 2007, 04:18:09 pm »
Heck, we can have whole conversations just using the sound effects!  ;D
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Offline Ellemeno

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #56 on: June 12, 2007, 04:22:26 pm »
Heck, we can have whole conversations just using the sound effects!  ;D

I was thinking that.  I don't think I'll be very fast at that, but I bet we have some real maestras and maestros here.  I want to watch!

Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #57 on: June 12, 2007, 05:39:25 pm »
You mean we get ALL of them??  Ooo-ee!.

Is it hard to change a short name?  For "This is a goddamned bitch of an unsatisfactory situation,"  a lot of us call that "GDBOAUS."  Is that possible?  It's even cool that it's totally an "in" thing to know what it means.  :)

We can edit any of the names.  I tried to keep them as intuitive as possible because there are so many.  But it's very easy to change the "trigger" terms.
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Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #58 on: June 12, 2007, 05:42:30 pm »
"I suggest you get your scrawny asses in here pronto" is currently called *gitinhere*  I always think it's referring to "Ennis, quit yer hammerin' and git in here!"  Which of course gives a very different feeling.  Would it be easy and possible to change the Aguirre quote's name to *scrawnyasses* or sumpn?

Why don't we have folks nominate changes to those phrases which are least intuitive, and then we can coordinate a new master list through adiabatic, who has amazingly mastered the forum software's table command (even I can't figure it out), and then we can publish a new master list and you or I can change the trigger phrases where needed. 
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Offline Phillip Dampier

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Re: Chat Sound Nomination Thread
« Reply #59 on: August 26, 2007, 11:46:01 pm »
For the benefit of chatting users, I have moved Adia's chat sound guide to a new thread under our Important Tip! stickied series of threads.  This new thread will be a collection of guides and other important information for chat room users.,10816.0.html
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