Thanks for reviving this friend! I haven't played yet, so I'll jump in now too.
1. You’re walking on a road. It’s your road. Tell me about it.
A rutted dirt road, but not muddy, with grass and wildflowers growing in the median between the tire tracks. The road winds gently to the right and disappears over a hill.
2. As you walk, you pass a body of water, describe it.
It is a loch, with cold water lapping at the shore, crystal clear and you can see jewel colored stones and shells on the bottom, also tiny fish and jellyfish drifting about.
3. Directly in your path is an empty bottle. What’s your response to it?
It appears to be an empty Starbucks frapuccino bottle. The mouth of the bottle is pointed toward me. I get down on all fours to examine it and put my nose into the mouth of the bottle. There is no scent and the bottle is completely clean and empty. I move it to the side of the road and put it gently down into the grass where it might become a haven for a mouse or insect. I also look for the lid, but I don't find it anywhere.
4. You continue until you find yourself facing a wall that crosses your road perpendicularly. What do you do?
I use my rock climbing skills to scale the wall and look over onto the other side to see if I want to go over there.