Brokeback Mountain: Our Community's Common Bond > The Lighter Side
The "Ask a Stoopid Question - Get a Stoopid Answer" Game
Q: Why did Aguirre say that those guys stemmed the rose when he never saw them with rose blossoms?
A :Joe just thought that was what the boys were calling it these days. In his hay day,
they used to have "husking the corn' partys.
Q :Why did'nt Monroe care about the nuts?
--- Quote from: Arad-3 on May 03, 2006, 08:54:01 pm ---Q: Why did Aguirre say that those guys stemmed the rose when he never saw them with rose blossoms?
A :Joe just thought that was what the boys were calling it these days. In his hay day,
they used to have "husking the corn' partys.
Q :Why did'nt Monroe care about the nuts?
--- End quote ---
[An aside here: Oh, where I come from, if rural guys had anal sex, they called it "corn-hole-in'." Part of that expression comes from the fact that guys used the corn cobs for butt wipes instead of toilet paper. The expression to "stem the rose" has no connection with sex in the first place; it is related to goofing off, or just wasting time on unimportant things when there are more important things which need to be done.]
A: to above, Monroe was more interested in "Mother's Cookies." (Mother's is a real brand)
Q: Speaking of nuts in glass jars, how did those broken jars get back together with no cracks upon them and look like they had never fallen off the shelf in the first place?
Geez TJ your a real serious dude!
Q: Speaking of nuts in glass jars, how did those broken jars get back together with no cracks upon them and look like they had never fallen off the shelf in the first place
A ummm. .Because they were Monroes ''Party Nuts" They were probley back up for 'LAST CALL!!"
Q: What did the boys do for lunch?
Q: What did the boys do for lunch?
A:They ate a can of Bettermost beans with the little weiners in them singing to themselves..."one is the lonliest number that you ever knew,'
Q: Why did'nt Jack offer Ennis a ride?
Q: Why did'nt Jack offer Ennis a ride?
A: well poor Jack was all riden out by that point. Remember, It took him 4 years to recover!
Q: what else did Ennis have in that paper bag?
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