A sudden and complete withdrawal now would be even more criminal than having gone in the first place. It would leave the country in a shambles, without the necessary footing to go forward, thereby leaving them open to attack by Iran, Civil war between Muslim factions, and total economic, political and fiscal chaos. The price of which would be paid by the civilian population and for which we would be totally and undeniably responsible.
I believe we need to aid in the setting up of elections and local governments, in the re-establishment of the financial and civil infrastructure, the reestablishment of trade, tourism and in the rounding up of all enemies of the state and radical insurgents. Once that is achieved I think a controlled pull out is needed with the local governments slowly taking over more and more of the duties and services provided by our military. This may take upwards of 5 years to complete but at least we would leave Iraq a better place than we found it.