Well, even if you can't understand the language (hilariously in this instance,
English ), bad singing is universal!
(Let's see if Youtube keeps this one up--the Têtes-à-claques people had to take it down--see List, below, number 11.)
Têtes-à-claques - So Sexy (1:54)
tête à claquesDefinition from Wiktionary, a free dictionaryFrench
tête à claques f (idiomatic) a person so annoying that he or she might deserve to be slapped:
Ce gamin n'en fait qu'à sa tête, c'est une vraie tête à claques.
edit by le Sheriff: this kid does whatever he wants, he's of one mind (his own)(Roland, could you translate?)
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/T%C3%AAtes_%C3%A0_ClaquesTêtes à claquesFrom Wikipedia, the free encyclopediahttp://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/en/8/8d/Tetes_a_claques.jpgTêtes à claques is a French-language humour website created on August 16, 2006. Over one million short videos are watched per day, making it one of the most popular francophone websites in Quebec and Canada. As of October 2007, there are 60 videos. The most popular of these include
Le pilote,
Le Willi Waller, and
Willi WallerThe creator,
Michel Beaudet, has expressed surprise at the popularity of his site, and has said it has reached a size he would never have dreamed of.
DescriptionThe skits feature characters sculpted from modelling clay that are fairly simplistic. Michel Beaudet creates the figures himself, by superimposing his own moving eyes, mouth, and sometimes nose, on their faces with a computer. In addition, Beaudet has a box of fake, grotesque teeth, which he puts in while his face is being filmed. The phrase tête à claques translates loosely as "a face so ugly, you want to slap it."
The site has also become very popular in France, not only because of the intentional humour and wit, but also because of a stereotypical Quebec French pronunciation, which differs greatly from pronunciations used in France, as well as the frequent anglicisms (English words or expressions inserted into speech).
The site also features a page for mobile phones, presenting snippets of episodes.
As of August 2008,
Têtes à claques started producing videos in English, voiced by
Bruce DinsmoreHistoryBeaudet has said that "Têtes à claques was an accident." He was originally trying to make a series using stop motion animation, but quickly discovered that "90% of the time it takes to animate is spent moving the eyes and mouth." He tried doing it the regular way, but because he was "too lazy" he decided to film his own face and superimpose his eyes and mouth on the figurines.
Every day, Beaudet receives new offers from telephone companies and television stations. Incidentally, the first offer was from a French, not Canadian company. The popularity has surged to the point that he has employed two other people,
Simon Parizeau and
Hugo Caron, to help with the production at his home in Boucherville. Work is underway to convert
Têtes à claques to formats viewable on cell phones and iPods. Beaudet has recently admitted that making English versions of the comedy shorts is in his "game plan".
For the 2007 Christmas season,
Têtes à claques has started pre-sales of its Region 1 DVDs. The DVD includes the first 45 clips, the history of
Têtes à claques and character bios, as well as English, Quebec French and international French subtitles.
List of clipsBelow is a list of clips of
Têtes à claques broadcast on the site since 2006, in order of appearance:
1. Les Grenouilles (The Frogs)
2. SuperBol (1) (Super"Bowl" 1)
3. On sort (1) (Let's Go Out pt. 1)
4. Top Gun
5. Le taliban (The Taliban)
6. Le juge (The Judge)
7. Le VJ (1) (The VJ)
8. La photo Disney (The Disney Photo)
9. Le boxeur (The Boxer)
10. La secrétaire (The Secretary)
11. So Sexy - The clip has been withdrawn due to violations of copyright for the song
I'm Too Sexy by
Right Said Fred.
12. Les martiens (The Martians)
13. Wow minute (Wait a minute)
14. La voyante (The Medium)
15. Le cauchemar (The Nightmare)
16. Les ti-papoutes [6]
17. Le pilote (1) (The Pilot)
18. La visite (Visiting)
19. Les vikings (The Vikings)
20. On sort (2) (Let's Go Out pt. 2)
21. Les lapins (The Rabbits)
22. Le camping ([Gone] Camping)
23. La présentation (The Presentation)
24. Les ti-papoutes au zoo (The ti-papoutes at the Zoo)
25. Le Willi Waller (The Willi Waller)
26. Halloween (1)
27. Les orignaux (The [Two] Moose)
28. L'anniversaire (The Birthday)
29. La police (The Cops)
30. On Sort (3) (Let's Go Out pt. 3)
31. Les cadeaux de Noël (The Christmas Presents)
32. Le pilote (2) (The Pilot pt. 2)
33. Le père Noël (Santa)
34. Bonne année 2007 (Happy New Year 2007)
35. Move Your Body
36. La pénalité (The Penalty)
37. Le LCD Shovel (The LCD Shovel)
38. SuperBol (2) (Super"Bowl" pt. 2)
39. On sort (4) (Let's Go Out pt. 4)
40. Le ski (Skiing)
41. Capitaine Kung Fu (Kung Fu Captain)
42. Le VJ (2) (The VJ 2)
43. Le cannibale (The Cannibal)
44. Le politicien (The Politician)
45. L'embuscade (The Ambush)
46. Le pilote (3) (The Pilot pt. 3)
47. Le gars de Boston (The Boston Guy)
48. La cabane à sucre (The Sugar House)
49. Le chien (The Dog)
50. Le Body Toner (The Body Toner)
51. Le cocteur (The Doctor)
52. Les scouts (The Scouts)
53. La prise d'ôtage (The Hostage)
54. On sort (5) (Let's Go Out pt. 5)
55. Recordman
56. Paris 57. Le mariage (The Wedding)
58. La réception (The Reception)
59. La commande à l'auto (The Drive-Thru)
60. Miss Québec Super Body
61. La rentrée (Back to School)
62. La prise d'otage (2) (The Hostage pt. 2)
63. On accouche (Giving Birth)
64. Le Easy Storing System
65. Les douanes ([Going through] Customs) 66. La chasse (Hunting)
67. Le western (The Western)
68. On sort (6) (Let's Go Out pt. 6)
69. Halloween (2)
70. Le vestiaire (The Change Room)
71. Le vendeur de char (The Car Salesman)
72. Le chip au ketchup (Ketchup Chips)
73. Le rigodon du gros dindon (Big Turkey Hoedown) - This clip is in fact a Christmas song written for a publicity offered as a bonus in the
TAC website.
74. Doc Nature
75. La parade de Noël (The Christmas Parade)
76. La crèche (Nativity)
77. Bonne année 2008 (Happy New Year 2008)
78. Les survivants (The Survivors)
79. Le mammouth (The Mammoth)
80. Le football (Football)
81. Les joies de l'hiver (The Joys of Winter)
82. La St-Valentin (Valentine's Day)
83. L'oeuf (The Egg)
84. L'ambulance (The Ambulance)
85. Les survivants (2) (The Survivors pt. 2)
86. Le génie (The Genie)
87. La bibliothèque (The Library)
88. Dans le sud (Vacation down south)
89. On déménage (We're Moving)
90. L'histoire de Jerry (Jerry's Story)
91. Le gars de Boston (2) (The Boston Guy pt. 2) - Bonus clip created in honor of 2008 NHL playoffs.
92. Cécile et Johnny Boy (Cécile and Johnny Boy)
93. La rue bloquée (Roadblock)
94. Les survivants (3) (The Survivors pt. 3)
95. Capitaine kung fu (2) (Kung Fu Captain pt. 2)
96. Le golf (Golfing)
97. Le boxeur (2) (The Boxer 2)
98. Le shih tzu (The Shih Tzu)
99. Le gros prix (The Grand Prix)
100. La pêche (Fishing)
101. La poursuite (The [High-speed] Chase)
102. La Saint-Jean (Saint-Jean Baptiste Day)
103. Nascar
104. Le prix du gaz (Gas Price)
105. La natation (Swimming)
106. Le 100 mètres (100-Metre Race)
107. La lutte (Wrestling)