Author Topic: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?  (Read 49139 times)

Offline YaadPyar

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Re: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?
« Reply #60 on: April 28, 2006, 03:54:01 pm »
Hi Tom - Don't think we're acquainted yet, so just want to introduce myself.  I'm Celeste, and I'm a Broke-aholic. I haven't been sober since Christmas Day, 2005, and I'm not working in the slightest on my recovery.  Whew - feels good to get that off my chest. 

Pleasure to meet ya.  Want some of the coffee and cherry cake?  We got plenty.  Ennis drinks a lot of the coffee, but he never has any cake....
"Vice, Virtue. It's best not to be too moral. You cheat yourself out of too much life. Aim above morality. If you apply that to life, then you're bound to live life fully." (Harold & Maude - 1971)

Offline Chaplin_fan

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Re: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?
« Reply #61 on: April 28, 2006, 06:57:40 pm »
I don't mean to come off as obnoxious, but I mentioned earlier that I'd posted here before, yet rarely and sporadically, and I offered to re-post my original message. So here it is, for what it's worth:

Hi everybody.  I just wanted to introduce myself, as I was just sent this link by a friend, and I'm thrilled to be here among you all.

I am, of course, a HUGE Brokeback Mountain junkie (eight viewings so far: five in the theatre and three on the DVD).

I also want to say, odd as it sounds, that this film and short story have changed my life. I was just reading something in this site that ended with: "The movie may be over, but your new life is just beginning," and my jaw dropped.  I have been telling people for weeks now that I feel like I have come out of a years-long coma.

The first time I saw Brokeback Mountain (in January), it hit me like a Mack truck.  I was almost uncontrollably sobbing in the theatre, and had to wait beyond the end credits before I had composed myself enough to go back out into the real world and face people.  Over the next few weeks, my emotions were very surface.  It was hard to get through work, or to focus on anything at all.  I felt like I was experiencing honest-to-goodess, genuine grief: I was in mourning.  But beyond that, I was affected in a way that I have never been affected by any film (or any other work of art, for that matter), and I couldn't figure it out. If not for the message boards where people shared stories of having been moved in the same way, I would have thought I was losing my mind. It was that powerful, that real. Like a punch in the gut, over and over.  I cried in my car, I cried in the shower, I cried while I was making dinner at home.....It was all overwhelming. Subsequent viewings I found of a healing nature, but the sense of loss, regret (for what, I had yet to figure out), and indescribable longing haunted me mercilessly. I would awake from sleep, in tears, and then spend several minutes (sometimes longer) finding solace in the imdb message boards, because that would give me enough comfort to get back to sleep.
I finally figured out that one reason this amazing film affected me so deeply was that I just wasn't happy with certain choices I'd made in my life, and felt lost as to the direction I was going (mid-life crisis, perhaps?). I'm almost 40 and was feeling very down about myself, my job (I'm one of those overly-educated people, the unfortunates, who works a demeaning, unchallenging job in order to put food on my table, when my real joy is the part-time teaching gig I have in the fall semesters at a local college), and my life in general.  I decided that it was time I make a few changes in my life, just to see what would happen.
So, I began working out more often (four times a week now), I signed up for a creative writing class (which I LOVE and  is making me tap into all kinds of things that lay dormant in me for years), and I have "met" (in quotes because we communicate on-line but have yet to actually meet) a wonderful person in France who lives very close to the town where I lived with a host family when I was in college. My partner and I are going to visit her next year, and she is coming to the States in the fall, through school (she's a teacher), where we will actually meet for the first time.  Additionally, we will set up an e-mail exchange between our students in the fall, which may lead to all kinds of wonderful opportunities for them (friendships, relationships, travel...).  Plus (it just seems to keep getting better) I am now writing a short story centered on fictional students who meet as a result of this real (and future) e-mail exchange, and the journey that that takes them on.  On top of all of these positive life changes and wonderful new adventures I find I am embarking on, my relationship with my partner of eight years has never been better.
I feel more hope for myself and my future than I have probably ever felt, and the catalyst for all of this is Brokeback Mountain.  I wish that I could personally thank Annie, Ang, Heath, Jake, Michelle, Anne and every other person who was involved in the creation of this masterpiece, for bringing this amazing, magnificent story into my life, and helping me achieve a self-awareness and sense of fulfillment that I long-ago stopped believing were even possible.   I have never been so moved, and I will treasure this beautiful film as long as I live.
And now I have found this forum, where I can gush about my beloved Brokeback Mountain to my heart's content, knowing that I won't be derided by trolls, and that you understand.  Thanks for reading; I look forward to our communications.
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Offline Chanterais

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Re: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?
« Reply #62 on: April 28, 2006, 11:16:49 pm »
Hello, sweet newbies (and not-so-newbies)!

I'm Adriana.  It's lovely to see you here.  Thanks for introducing yourselves.  I know it must feel like you're being shoved into the spotlight when all you want to do is sit quietly in the audience, but don't feel awkward.  Reading and thinking about and enjoying other peoples' posts is an important role, too.  Feel free to post or not post, as you please.  But don't feel like an outsider - there are no outsiders here.  There's enough snobbery and exclusivity in the real world.  Here we are just friends.

Anyway, I'm glad you all found your way here.  Curl up next to the fire with a cup of hot cocoa and a soft blanket, and tell a tale of your own, or just listen. 

It takes all kinds of people to make a community, and we love you just the way you are.



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Re: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?
« Reply #63 on: April 28, 2006, 11:17:47 pm »
Hello, sweet newbies (and not-so-newbies)!

I'm Adriana.  It's lovely to see you here.  Thanks for introducing yourselves.  I know it must feel like you're being shoved into the spotlight when all you want to do is sit quietly in the audience, but don't feel awkward.  Reading and thinking about and enjoying other peoples' posts is an important role, too.  Feel free to post or not post, as you please.  But don't feel like an outsider - there are no outsiders here.  There's enough snobbery and exclusivity in the real world.  Here we are just friends.

Anyway, I'm glad you all found your way here.  Curl up next to the fire with a cup of hot cocoa and a soft blanket, and tell a tale of your own, or just listen. 

It takes all kinds of people to make a community, and we love you just the way you are.


Well said...

Offline jura86

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Re: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?
« Reply #64 on: April 29, 2006, 12:12:59 am »
Hello all -- I've also been asked to introduce myself on this thread by my good Brokie friend Becky!
My name is James - I used to post quite regularly on the Chez Tremblay imdb board before all the trolls got to it, but for the past few weeks I have not had as much opportunity to post on BetterMost as I'd like since I've been so busy with my uni degree lately - its settled down a bit now though, for a few weeks before my summer exams, so hopefully I'll be able to pop in once in a while. All the Tremblayans were great on the imdb board, and I'm sure they're all great here too - hope I get to know all you brokies better soon.

A little bit about myself: I'm a huge film fan - my 2 favourite films are Jurassic Park and LA Confidential, with BBM a close 3rd. No film has effected me emotionally as much as BBM though - it took a v.long time to get past that sad, haunting stage after my first viewing in January. I'm from North Wales - a beautiful part of the world - and studying at Nottingham Uni. My other love apart from film is tea. A cup of tea does wonders really. Making a cuppa passes the time when I'm bored, gives me something to do when I should be doing my essays (if im not on imdb that is), plus tea seems to cheer me up whenever I'm feeling down. Plus I'm discovering new teas all the time, all with lots of different flavours... Greatest invention in the world as far as I'm concerned!


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Re: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?
« Reply #65 on: April 29, 2006, 12:17:22 am »
Hello all -- I've also been asked to introduce myself on this thread by my good Brokie friend Becky!
My name is James - I used to post quite regularly on the Chez Tremblay imdb board before all the trolls got to it, but for the past few weeks I have not had as much opportunity to post on BetterMost as I'd like since I've been so busy with my uni degree lately - its settled down a bit now though, for a few weeks before my summer exams, so hopefully I'll be able to pop in once in a while. All the Tremblayans were great on the imdb board, and I'm sure they're all great here too - hope I get to know all you brokies better soon.

A little bit about myself: I'm a huge film fan - my 2 favourite films are Jurassic Park and LA Confidential, with BBM a close 3rd. No film has effected me emotionally as much as BBM though - it took a v.long time to get past that sad, haunting stage after my first viewing in January. I'm from North Wales - a beautiful part of the world - and studying at Nottingham Uni. My other love apart from film is tea. A cup of tea does wonders really. Making a cuppa passes the time when I'm bored, gives me something to do when I should be doing my essays (if im not on imdb that is), plus tea seems to cheer me up whenever I'm feeling down. Plus I'm discovering new teas all the time, all with lots of different flavours... Greatest invention in the world as far as I'm concerned!

I remember you from IMDb......welcome to Chez Tremblay Bettermost style! 

You may remember me but if you don't I'm Chris.... ;D

Offline Chanterais

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Re: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?
« Reply #66 on: April 29, 2006, 12:27:39 am »
My other love apart from film is tea. A cup of tea does wonders really. Making a cuppa passes the time when I'm bored, gives me something to do when I should be doing my essays (if im not on imdb that is), plus tea seems to cheer me up whenever I'm feeling down. Plus I'm discovering new teas all the time, all with lots of different flavours... Greatest invention in the world as far as I'm concerned!

Oh, a man after my own heart.  I sometimes think I could measure my life in cups of tea.  Generally speaking, I go for PG Tips, builders-style, milk, no sugar.  However, I live around the corner from The House of Tea (no kidding, that's what the shop's really called), and I spend way, way too much time and money in there.  Currently, I'm happily obsessed with their almond tea, a blend of assam with bitter almonds which is just transcendentally good.  Anyway, they store all of their teas in special canisters behind the counter, apothecary style, and cheerfully pull down anything so you can stick your head in and have a good sniff.  Love, love, love it.

Whereabouts in North Wales are you from?  I grew up in London, myself. 

Offline Fran

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Re: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?
« Reply #67 on: April 29, 2006, 01:05:38 am »
Hi. I'm Fran. Some of you may recognize me from the ABCs game, where most of my posting takes place. However, I do admit to lurking everywhere else. I've been working on my BetterMost introduction for quite some time now -- I registered here on April 2 -- but it still sounds pretty lame. Obviously it still needs work; I guess it's a work in progress.

What can I tell you about me? Well, I live in Chicago, I'm married, and have two daughters, ages 18 and almost 13. I will be celebrating my 50th birthday in January, and reaching that milestone is scaring the hell out of me. (Who in their right mind wants to admit that their life is more than half over?) Seeing Brokeback Mountain opened up a whole Pandora's box of emotions for me, and yes, there definitely are days when I wish I had never ventured into that theater. I guess the movie made me realize that somewhere along the way, I had lost sight of who I really am. I guess 19 years of trying to be the perfect wife and, later on, the perfect mother have taken their toll of me to the point where I'm not even sure of who I am anymore. All I know for sure is that happiness seems to be eluding me lately. I mean, sometimes I just shake my head and think, This can't be my life. My life is supposed to be so much better than this.

So, while I work up the courage to make some changes for my own sanity, I hide out at the ABCs game, distracting myself from the work I need to do on my personhood. As I reread this, I can't help but think that this is probably the most depressing post in four pages of introductions. Well, I warned you that it needed work.


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Re: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?
« Reply #68 on: April 29, 2006, 01:07:57 am »
Hi. I'm Fran. Some of you may recognize me from the ABCs game, where most of my posting takes place. However, I do admit to lurking everywhere else. I've been working on my BetterMost introduction for quite some time now -- I registered here on April 2 -- but it still sounds pretty lame. Obviously it still needs work; I guess it's a work in progress.

What can I tell you about me? Well, I live in Chicago, I'm married, and have two daughters, ages 18 and almost 13. I will be celebrating my 50th birthday in January, and reaching that milestone is scaring the hell out of me. (Who in their right mind wants to admit that their life is more than half over?) Seeing Brokeback Mountain opened up a whole Pandora's box of emotions for me, and yes, there definitely are days when I wish I had never ventured into that theater. I guess the movie made me realize that somewhere along the way, I had lost sight of who I really am. I guess 19 years of trying to be the perfect wife and, later on, the perfect mother have taken their toll of me to the point where I'm not even sure of who I am anymore. All I know for sure is that happiness seems to be eluding me lately. I mean, sometimes I just shake my head and think, This can't be my life. My life is supposed to be so much better than this.

So, while I work up the courage to make some changes for my own sanity, I hide out at the ABCs game, distracting myself from the work I need to do on my personhood. As I reread this, I can't help but think that this is probably the most depressing post in four pages of introductions. Well, I warned you that it needed work.

Welcome Fran....... ;D

Offline Ray

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Re: Can We Get the New People to Say Hi?
« Reply #69 on: April 29, 2006, 01:36:02 am »
Hey Fran.  Several months ago you declared to me that you would never feel confident enough to post an introduction message.  I think the work has definately begun.  Well done and welcome....officially!  Now shot some whiskey here whydoncha!  X

And hello all new people.  It's wonderful here.  I'm Ray, the annoying one.    :P
« Last Edit: April 29, 2006, 01:37:46 am by Ray »
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