Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2280744 times)

Offline Shasta542

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2980 on: December 31, 2007, 06:06:04 pm »
Yee-Haw!!! 500 pages of Jack with Ennis Fan Fic!! Congrats!!
"Gettin' tired of your dumbass missin'!"


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2981 on: December 31, 2007, 11:35:36 pm »
Thanks everyone for participating in the Fan Fic forum.  I just wanted to add that while I know it was an uncomfortable adjustment for some, all of us at Bettermost appreciate the fanfic authors adhering to our new content rules; we know that it was something of a surprise - to all of us - to find out that the text content of our forums was also subject to our advertiser's restrictions, but we are very grateful to all of you for graciously making the adjustment!

Thanks, Louise!  I'm really grateful for this opportunity!  I wish you a happy and healthy New Year.  I look forward to many years here with you.  Actually, I don't plan on leaving.  Happiness, always!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2982 on: December 31, 2007, 11:36:08 pm »
Yee-Haw!!! 500 pages of Jack with Ennis Fan Fic!! Congrats!!

Thanks, Shasta!  Happy New Year, my Love!

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2983 on: January 01, 2008, 01:19:51 am »
Thanks everyone for participating in the Fan Fic forum.  I just wanted to add that while I know it was an uncomfortable adjustment for some, all of us at Bettermost appreciate the fanfic authors adhering to our new content rules; we know that it was something of a surprise - to all of us - to find out that the text content of our forums was also subject to our advertiser's restrictions, but we are very grateful to all of you for graciously making the adjustment!

Thanks Louise,
I hope everyone is adjusting to the changes as well as we at team Jack with Ennis, The Fanfic Game seem to be.
I'm just happy we didn't get unplugged completely (such as the case with IMDb)! Hallelujah and Happy New Year!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2984 on: January 01, 2008, 01:21:24 am »
Yee-Haw!!! 500 pages of Jack with Ennis Fan Fic!! Congrats!!

Damn! I never thought we'd make it to 500 but here we are... Yeeehaw!

P.S.- Shasta, my precious. How's about a little something-something for the faithful.
They won't miss you too much at your pajama party while you sneak away for a minute to write three lines of saucy fanfic, will they?
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline spiceylife

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2985 on: January 01, 2008, 07:40:55 am »
Stand By Me by spiceylife

I won't be afraid
just as long as you stand by me

Ennis slid off Cigar Butt in that time-honored cowboy way, tossing his reins loosely over the closest sturdy tree branch.  He ambled the rest of the way down to the river, hands deep in his pockets, thinking about Jack.  Jack Twist always seemed to be on his mind these days.  Ennis couldn’t remember what life was like before his handsome rodeo cowboy came along.  He smiled to himself as he walked, thinking of blue eyes, sweet kisses, golden skin and the way Jack loved. 

They had made a date the night before…  Meet you at the river at 1pm, Ennis.  An’ don’t be late, okay?  Check that damn watch Aguirre gave you, the one you keep in your  pocket, bud.  That’s what it’s for, ya know.  I’ll bring somethin’ special up to you for lunch.  Besides myself…

Ennis liked seein’ Jack’s cheeky smile, the way it made his eyes light up with warmth and kindness.  Hell, Jack was ‘bout the only person he’d ever met who could get an easy smile out of Ennis himself.  He understood Jack, accepted him readily, and Jack seemed to feel the same about him.  Life was good with Jack around.

Ennis knelt down by the riverbank, trying to wash some of the day’s blackened grime from his hard-working hands.  He scooped up cool handfuls of water and splashed his hot, sweaty face.  Dirty water dripped off his chin as he scrubbed, wanting to clean himself up before Jack arrived.   

The bear took Ennis by surprise.  A slight movement to his right and Ennis saw him, not sixty feet away.  Dense shrubs along the riverbank had hidden the animal at first but the bear was clearly visible now as it crashed loudly out of the bushes and rose up instantly on powerful hind legs.  It looked like a youngish male, Ennis thought, very territorial, angry at being disturbed.  The bear stared at him and roared so loudly that Ennis felt the frightening vibration rumble through his chest.  He froze in fear and cursed his stupidity.

Damn fool, thinkin’ on Jack and forgettin’ to bring the 30-30.  Horse’s too far away to reach the gun now.  Can’t outrun this cranky sonofabitch.  Number one rule, Ennis.  Keep the gun with ya at all times.  Ya know it, ya didn’t do it, and now you’re gonna pay for it. 

Still crouching, hardly daring to move, Ennis slowly reached for his hunting knife when the crunch of gravel close behind him stopped his hand. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, his head dropping in defeat, sickened by the thought of another bear coming up on his back.  He felt sorry, but not because he was about to die.  He had little fear of death, although he sure as hell didn’t want to go out like this.  No, he was sorry because he knew it would be Jack who found him, or what was left of him, anyway.  He didn’t want Jack to find his remains, but there was no way out now for Ennis.  He prayed it would be over quickly, and steeled himself for what he knew was coming.  It was out of his hands.

And then Jack stepped up from behind him, moving past Ennis and placing himself directly between his friend and the bear, not saying a word.  He had the 30-30 up to his right shoulder, cocked and ready to fire.  Oh, Jesus!   Sweet relief washed over Ennis but he knew the danger wasn’t over yet.  Jack couldn’t hit the side of a barn at sixty feet, much less a bear.  Both boys knew it.  Ennis had been trying to teach Jack to steady his aim, take his time with the shot, but it had been hard going, trying even Ennis’s unfaltering, endless patience.  He wondered for a second whether he might be able to stand up and take the gun from Jack to get the shot off himself.  Too risky, though.  If he moved suddenly and startled the bear, it could easily be on him, or worse, Jack, before Ennis got the gun up and in position to fire.  No, he had to leave it to Jack now and trust in his friend to get them out of this.

And then the bear charged.

Ennis watched the scene unfold like some surreal nightmare in heart-stopping slow motion.  The enraged bear dropped to all fours and rushed at them, snarling mouth open and frothing at the corners as it ran.  It roared again, lower this time, and shining white fangs caught the sunlight and glinted terrifyingly at the boys.  It was a horrible sight.  Jack breathed in, shifted his legs apart, squared his shoulders slightly and fired.  Ennis stood up quickly behind Jack.  If his friend couldn’t bring the massive creature down in time, Ennis would step in front of Jack and take the full force of the animal’s fury when it reached them.

“STAY BACK, Ennis!” Jack shouted, seeming to sense what Ennis was about to do.

Jack stood his ground, not flinching, no backward step, steadfast and courageous as always.  He took a rapid-fire second and third shot at the rampaging bear.  And still it came at them.  Ennis instinctively moved to Jack’s side.  He knew Jack would die trying to save him, but Ennis couldn’t live with that.  He’d take it himself rather than see that happen.  Ennis slid his sturdy hunting knife from its sheath and gripped it tight, knowing in his sinking heart how useless it was against such a beast unless he got one perfect strike in straight up.

The bear was almost on them.

“Steady, Jack!  Between his eyes!  Line him up, follow his movement an’ squeeze gently…remember?” Ennis instructed, his low, calm voice masking the urgent terror gripping his guts.

Jack remembered, and did everything Ennis said.  His steady and accurate fourth shot brought the bear down.  It fell heavily at their feet, its brutal, deadly claws just reaching the hole in the front of Jack’s worn-out old boot.  It took a last shuddering breath and then was still.

The boys stared down at the dead bear and finally remembered to breathe again as the adrenaline coursing through their bodies slowly dissipated.  Ennis’s shaky hand felt for Jack’s trembling one.  They stayed a moment like that, knowing they’d just cheated an awful death, amazed to still be alive.  Then Ennis pulled Jack close, hugged him and they closed their eyes, the thought of almost losing each other too much to take.  Ennis sent up a silent prayer of thanks for having Jack Twist in his life.  His big hands cradled Jack’s face and he rested his forehead on Jack’s, smiling at his friend and nuzzling him, unable to contain himself.  Finally he took a deep breath and found his voice.

“Nice shootin’ there, Tex,” Ennis told him.  “You did real good, Jack.  Real good.”

Jack’s face was white with shock, but his eyes were pained.  “I thought he’d make a meal a you by the time I got down here, Ennis.  Spotted him from the ridge up there and took off like lightnin’, hopin’ you wasn’t here already.”  He shook his head slowly, recalling the jolting fear, reliving it once more.  “Ain’t never felt so worried sick in my whole life,” Jack said, his voice still strained and anxious.  “You in danger like that, Ennis… well, I never wanna see that again.  Jesus!  My heart won’t take it!” he exclaimed, clutching at his chest, having a mock heart attack and collapsing to the ground.

“S’alright now, Jack.  You did it, Rodeo.  I’m fine ‘cos a you, ya big ol’ sharpshootin’ hunter!”  Laughing, Ennis sat down next to Jack and ruffled his dark hair, so much love in such a small gesture.  They sat side by side for a few moments, looking out over the water, not speaking, just thinking… worrying.  A million ‘what-ifs’ ran through their minds.  It was Jack who broke the silence, still gazing out across the rushing waters, not daring to look at his friend as he spoke the words.

“Couldn’t stand to lose you, Ennis…”

“I know, Jack.  Feel the same about you.”  Ennis draped an arm across Jack’s shoulder and hugged him.  “That was mighty brave, what you did for me just now.”  He poked at the bear’s paw with his boot a few times, making sure it wasn’t gonna stage a comeback any time soon.  He turned his head sideways and looked his friend right in the eye as he spoke.

“Thank you, Jack.  I’m sure glad ta have you around.”  He brushed a strand of hair from Jack’s eyes and spoke sincerely, from the heart.  “You’re a good friend and a good man, Jack Twist.”

Jack’s eyes filled with tears.  Nobody ever said kind words like that to him, only his momma, and that didn’t count so much.  Ma had to say those things to him, to make up for all the rotten shit the old man gave him.  Jack’s heart melted for his brown-eyed cowboy.  He swiped at the tears as they trickled down his flushed cheeks, embarrassed to cry in front of Ennis.  He smiled back at Ennis through blurry eyes, glad to still have him around, too, and in one piece.  Ennis leaned over and kissed Jack, a sweet kiss to let him know how much he mattered, then pulled back and raised an enquiring eyebrow.

“How ‘bout that lunch now, Rodeo, huh?  Don’t know ‘bout you but almost dyin’ gives me a fuckin’ appetite!  And food’s one a two things I’m hungry for right now, Jack…” 



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2986 on: January 01, 2008, 05:51:00 pm »
Stand By Me by spiceylife

“How ‘bout that lunch now, Rodeo, huh?  Don’t know ‘bout you but almost dyin’ gives me a fuckin’ appetite!  And food’s one a two things I’m hungry for right now, Jack…” 


I could have guessed that you are a marvellous writer, Spicey, sex- or no-sex-stories.  ;D You had me sitting at the edge of my seat there! Great come-back, sweetie, do it more often!


Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2987 on: January 01, 2008, 07:27:43 pm »
to my old pals - Oscar, Marie, Dagi, Susie, Gary and new pal, Cwby30, too!   :D 
May 2008 find all of you happy, healthy and very, very content.

Love always,

Robyn  xxoo

Yahooo! Spiceylife, how the heck are you?
It sure is sweet to hear from you. I hope you can come around more often an' visit this year. I missed you something awful!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2988 on: January 01, 2008, 07:30:39 pm »
Stand By Me by spiceylife

I won't be afraid
just as long as you stand by me

Sheee-it Spicey! Whatta comeback. Awesome writin' there, kid. You had me sweatin' bullets! Beautiful finish at the end.
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #2989 on: January 01, 2008, 09:29:55 pm »
Stand By Me by spiceylife

I won't be afraid
just as long as you stand by me

Ennis slid off Cigar Butt in that time-honored cowboy way, tossing his reins loosely over the closest sturdy tree branch.  He ambled the rest of the way down to the river, hands deep in his pockets, thinking about Jack.  Jack Twist always seemed to be on his mind these days.  Ennis couldn’t remember what life was like before his handsome rodeo cowboy came along.  He smiled to himself as he walked, thinking of blue eyes, sweet kisses, golden skin and the way Jack loved. 

They had made a date the night before…  Meet you at the river at 1pm, Ennis.  An’ don’t be late, okay?  Check that damn watch Aguirre gave you, the one you keep in your  pocket, bud.  That’s what it’s for, ya know.  I’ll bring somethin’ special up to you for lunch.  Besides myself…

Ennis liked seein’ Jack’s cheeky smile, the way it made his eyes light up with warmth and kindness.  Hell, Jack was ‘bout the only person he’d ever met who could get an easy smile out of Ennis himself.  He understood Jack, accepted him readily, and Jack seemed to feel the same about him.  Life was good with Jack around.

Ennis knelt down by the riverbank, trying to wash some of the day’s blackened grime from his hard-working hands.  He scooped up cool handfuls of water and splashed his hot, sweaty face.  Dirty water dripped off his chin as he scrubbed, wanting to clean himself up before Jack arrived.   

The bear took Ennis by surprise.  A slight movement to his right and Ennis saw him, not sixty feet away.  Dense shrubs along the riverbank had hidden the animal at first but the bear was clearly visible now as it crashed loudly out of the bushes and rose up instantly on powerful hind legs.  It looked like a youngish male, Ennis thought, very territorial, angry at being disturbed.  The bear stared at him and roared so loudly that Ennis felt the frightening vibration rumble through his chest.  He froze in fear and cursed his stupidity.

Damn fool, thinkin’ on Jack and forgettin’ to bring the 30-30.  Horse’s too far away to reach the gun now.  Can’t outrun this cranky sonofabitch.  Number one rule, Ennis.  Keep the gun with ya at all times.  Ya know it, ya didn’t do it, and now you’re gonna pay for it. 

Still crouching, hardly daring to move, Ennis slowly reached for his hunting knife when the crunch of gravel close behind him stopped his hand. He sighed and closed his eyes for a moment, his head dropping in defeat, sickened by the thought of another bear coming up on his back.  He felt sorry, but not because he was about to die.  He had little fear of death, although he sure as hell didn’t want to go out like this.  No, he was sorry because he knew it would be Jack who found him, or what was left of him, anyway.  He didn’t want Jack to find his remains, but there was no way out now for Ennis.  He prayed it would be over quickly, and steeled himself for what he knew was coming.  It was out of his hands.

And then Jack stepped up from behind him, moving past Ennis and placing himself directly between his friend and the bear, not saying a word.  He had the 30-30 up to his right shoulder, cocked and ready to fire.  Oh, Jesus!   Sweet relief washed over Ennis but he knew the danger wasn’t over yet.  Jack couldn’t hit the side of a barn at sixty feet, much less a bear.  Both boys knew it.  Ennis had been trying to teach Jack to steady his aim, take his time with the shot, but it had been hard going, trying even Ennis’s unfaltering, endless patience.  He wondered for a second whether he might be able to stand up and take the gun from Jack to get the shot off himself.  Too risky, though.  If he moved suddenly and startled the bear, it could easily be on him, or worse, Jack, before Ennis got the gun up and in position to fire.  No, he had to leave it to Jack now and trust in his friend to get them out of this.

And then the bear charged.

Ennis watched the scene unfold like some surreal nightmare in heart-stopping slow motion.  The enraged bear dropped to all fours and rushed at them, snarling mouth open and frothing at the corners as it ran.  It roared again, lower this time, and shining white fangs caught the sunlight and glinted terrifyingly at the boys.  It was a horrible sight.  Jack breathed in, shifted his legs apart, squared his shoulders slightly and fired.  Ennis stood up quickly behind Jack.  If his friend couldn’t bring the massive creature down in time, Ennis would step in front of Jack and take the full force of the animal’s fury when it reached them.

“STAY BACK, Ennis!” Jack shouted, seeming to sense what Ennis was about to do.

Jack stood his ground, not flinching, no backward step, steadfast and courageous as always.  He took a rapid-fire second and third shot at the rampaging bear.  And still it came at them.  Ennis instinctively moved to Jack’s side.  He knew Jack would die trying to save him, but Ennis couldn’t live with that.  He’d take it himself rather than see that happen.  Ennis slid his sturdy hunting knife from its sheath and gripped it tight, knowing in his sinking heart how useless it was against such a beast unless he got one perfect strike in straight up.

The bear was almost on them.

“Steady, Jack!  Between his eyes!  Line him up, follow his movement an’ squeeze gently…remember?” Ennis instructed, his low, calm voice masking the urgent terror gripping his guts.

Jack remembered, and did everything Ennis said.  His steady and accurate fourth shot brought the bear down.  It fell heavily at their feet, its brutal, deadly claws just reaching the hole in the front of Jack’s worn-out old boot.  It took a last shuddering breath and then was still.

The boys stared down at the dead bear and finally remembered to breathe again as the adrenaline coursing through their bodies slowly dissipated.  Ennis’s shaky hand felt for Jack’s trembling one.  They stayed a moment like that, knowing they’d just cheated an awful death, amazed to still be alive.  Then Ennis pulled Jack close, hugged him and they closed their eyes, the thought of almost losing each other too much to take.  Ennis sent up a silent prayer of thanks for having Jack Twist in his life.  His big hands cradled Jack’s face and he rested his forehead on Jack’s, smiling at his friend and nuzzling him, unable to contain himself.  Finally he took a deep breath and found his voice.

“Nice shootin’ there, Tex,” Ennis told him.  “You did real good, Jack.  Real good.”

Jack’s face was white with shock, but his eyes were pained.  “I thought he’d make a meal a you by the time I got down here, Ennis.  Spotted him from the ridge up there and took off like lightnin’, hopin’ you wasn’t here already.”  He shook his head slowly, recalling the jolting fear, reliving it once more.  “Ain’t never felt so worried sick in my whole life,” Jack said, his voice still strained and anxious.  “You in danger like that, Ennis… well, I never wanna see that again.  Jesus!  My heart won’t take it!” he exclaimed, clutching at his chest, having a mock heart attack and collapsing to the ground.

“S’alright now, Jack.  You did it, Rodeo.  I’m fine ‘cos a you, ya big ol’ sharpshootin’ hunter!”  Laughing, Ennis sat down next to Jack and ruffled his dark hair, so much love in such a small gesture.  They sat side by side for a few moments, looking out over the water, not speaking, just thinking… worrying.  A million ‘what-ifs’ ran through their minds.  It was Jack who broke the silence, still gazing out across the rushing waters, not daring to look at his friend as he spoke the words.

“Couldn’t stand to lose you, Ennis…”

“I know, Jack.  Feel the same about you.”  Ennis draped an arm across Jack’s shoulder and hugged him.  “That was mighty brave, what you did for me just now.”  He poked at the bear’s paw with his boot a few times, making sure it wasn’t gonna stage a comeback any time soon.  He turned his head sideways and looked his friend right in the eye as he spoke.

“Thank you, Jack.  I’m sure glad ta have you around.”  He brushed a strand of hair from Jack’s eyes and spoke sincerely, from the heart.  “You’re a good friend and a good man, Jack Twist.”

Jack’s eyes filled with tears.  Nobody ever said kind words like that to him, only his momma, and that didn’t count so much.  Ma had to say those things to him, to make up for all the rotten shit the old man gave him.  Jack’s heart melted for his brown-eyed cowboy.  He swiped at the tears as they trickled down his flushed cheeks, embarrassed to cry in front of Ennis.  He smiled back at Ennis through blurry eyes, glad to still have him around, too, and in one piece.  Ennis leaned over and kissed Jack, a sweet kiss to let him know how much he mattered, then pulled back and raised an enquiring eyebrow.

“How ‘bout that lunch now, Rodeo, huh?  Don’t know ‘bout you but almost dyin’ gives me a fuckin’ appetite!  And food’s one a two things I’m hungry for right now, Jack…” 


This is what I'm talking about!  What a lovely New Year's present, Spicey!  Reading this made my day!  Stand By Me is so moving, and exciting as hell.  I don't even know what to say, Spicey!  I hung on every word, amazed at your talent.  Try to come by more often, Love!  I never get enough of your work!