Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2267508 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3110 on: January 27, 2008, 07:01:56 pm »
:( :( :(

{{{{{{toycoon}}}}}} Feeling any better today, sweetie?

I´ll read your last installment later, Marie,, right now I have a painting kid on my lap. :)

Thanks, Dagi!  How did the painting go?  :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Let's Take a Walk
« Reply #3111 on: January 27, 2008, 07:03:36 pm »
You are so cute, Littlewing. The kids in your stories always seem to get ice cream. Too bad I'm lactose intollerant or I'd let you buy me an ice cream cone. Maybe, they have a 'frozen soy milk' parlor some place around there?

I would love to buy you an ice cream.  It seems I've developed a lactose intolerance in my old age.  Dairy gives my poor old stomach a fit!  How are you with frozen yogurt?  :)

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Re: Let's Take a Walk
« Reply #3112 on: January 27, 2008, 07:46:32 pm »
I would love to buy you an ice cream.  It seems I've developed a lactose intolerance in my old age.  Dairy gives my poor old stomach a fit!  How are you with frozen yogurt?  :)

Sorry Miss Littlewing, can't have no frozen yogurt neither.  :( Oh well, it keeps me slim!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero


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Re: Let's Take a Walk
« Reply #3113 on: January 28, 2008, 04:51:43 am »
Let's Take a Walk By Littlewing1957

“Been a long time, dad!”  It was Jenny Del-Mar Mills, sitting right next to her father on his over-stuffed sofa.  “Too long, baby,” Ennis answered as he took his youngest child’s hand in his.  Ennis studied his daughter.  The years had been kind to her.  She was very well dressed, and looked well fed.  She was also about 6 months along.  Ennis glanced at his child’s belly.  He couldn’t believe that he would soon have 4 grandchildren!  “How you feelin?”  Ennis asked her with great concern.  This child was not Jenny’s first, and her previous pregnancy had not been an easy one.  Ennis remembered being in the waiting room when Jenny delivered little Sanders.  His grandson barely made it into the world.  “I’m doing okay.” Jenny’s voice was mild.  “Doctor says I should have it easy this time around.”  Ennis smiled and nodded.  He was feeling better about everything.

Jenny looked around her father’s living room.  It was modest, but certainly a big step up from his trailer.  Jenny folded her hands over her belly and clasped them together.  She was as shy as her dad: never one to carry on a chatty conversation.  But there was really no need.  The silence between them was anything but awkward.  Where Ennis and Alma Jr. had a more vocal relationship, his dealings with Jenny were more cerebral, almost psychic.  It was not always so.  Jenny was a wanderer.  But when she met and married Graydon Mills, everything seemed to fall into place.  Ennis found himself walking his baby daughter down the aisle, and since then, he couldn’t get rid of her.  Ennis didn’t mind – he loved having her around.  But just last year Graydon’s job transferred him to Colorado, thus Jenny’s visits were less frequent.  Six months was longer than Jenny could take being away from her dad.  She had to see him, and brought her family along.  Graydon and little Sanders were visiting with Alma and Monroe. 

Ennis looked out the window at his neighborhood.  It was a beautiful spring afternoon.  The wind was high, but carried on it the scent of pine and flowers in bloom.  “Let’s take a walk, dad!” Jenny blurted, as though she had read his mind. “It is so nice outside!  Let’s go walk in the park and watch the children play.”  Ennis chuckled and rose from the couch.  “Let me buy you an ice cream?” He asked, as he pulled on his jacket.  “I would like that very much!” Jenny answered as she donned her sweater.  Ennis grabbed his keys from his small desk and gestured for his child.  He offered his arm, and they walked down to the park, not a word spoken.  No words needed.

What a beautiful scene, Marie. Although it hurts imagening Ennis growing old knowing that Heath never will.

The painting? There was more colour on the table than on the paper, but who cares... :)


Offline malina

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Re: Let's Take a Walk
« Reply #3114 on: January 28, 2008, 05:35:30 am »
Thanks, Malina!  It's so good to see you here.  I hope you'll stay awhile.  Stay forever!  I miss you!  :)

I would love to stay forever! I miss all of you.  :(


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3115 on: January 28, 2008, 08:19:23 am »
Hi Malina,

you don't know me, but I've read some of your stories (and other posts), and loved them, and it would be very nice to see you here sometimes!


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Let's Take a Walk
« Reply #3116 on: January 28, 2008, 11:12:06 pm »
Sorry Miss Littlewing, can't have no frozen yogurt neither.  :( Oh well, it keeps me slim!

I wish I had your resolve!  I try to stay away from dairy, but I'm not having much luck!  I'll buy you a diet coke instead!  :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Let's Take a Walk
« Reply #3117 on: January 28, 2008, 11:13:14 pm »
I would love to stay forever! I miss all of you.  :(

Stay! Please stay!  We love you!  :-*

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Let's Take a Walk
« Reply #3118 on: January 28, 2008, 11:14:07 pm »
What a beautiful scene, Marie. Although it hurts imagening Ennis growing old knowing that Heath never will.

The painting? There was more colour on the table than on the paper, but who cares... :)


Thanks, Dagi!

It sounds like you have a budding artist on your hands!  :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Right 71
« Reply #3119 on: January 28, 2008, 11:28:35 pm »
Right 71 By Littlewing1957

Rocky sidled over to Ennis, certain that the sheer beauty of her appearance would entice him, and prepare him for things to come.  Ennis watched as Rocky approached, and felt a pang of guilt.  He thought back to that night when he and Rocky were naked and writhing and ready.  But after a few ardent kisses and caresses, Ennis found himself pulling back. “I just can’t do it!  Ennis exclaimed as he released her.  “I have to get to know a lady before I make love to her.”  Rocky was silent.  Ennis watched as what looked like shame and humiliation colored Rocky’s pretty face when he rose and began to dress himself.  He had to avert his eyes, couldn’t bear to watch as Rocky lay there, naked, panting, and refused! “Suit yourself!” Rocky whispered, after a moment.  She eased her nude body from the floor and dressed.  Ennis watched her as she prepared a drink for him, almost as if to say there were no hard feelings.  Ennis placed a hand on Rocky’s shoulder as she drew near.   He was not particularly attracted to her.  He couldn’t force the image of Jack from his mind.  Every step of the way, Rocky was nothing more than a female body bearing Jack’s face.  Ennis couldn’t stand it!  But Rocky was confident that in time she would have Ennis.  She always got the guy!

“Stay with me until you get work,” Rocky offered as she sipped her drink.  “It’ll be easy for you this way.  I can ask around town, if you just tell me what sort of work you’re interested in.”  Ennis didn’t want to stay with Rocky.  He wanted to be with Jack, and couldn’t image why he took off without him.  Ennis was mentally kicking himself in the rear for pulling such a stupid stunt.  He couldn’t think of a way back to the Twist ranch, because of the way he left things.  He had no other recourse but to stay with Rocky until he figured a way out of the mess he created.  “I’ll stay awhile, Rocky,” Ennis whispered so softly that Rocky barely heard.  “Okay, then,” she whispered back.  “We’ll worry about work tomorrow.  But for now, how about escorting me to the dance?”  Ennis forgot about the dance.  He couldn’t think of a way out of taking her, so he agreed to go.

Rocky drove Ennis to a tailor’s shop downtown.  She wanted the distinction of being the only woman at the dance whose date sported a custom made tux.  Not that any one would know that Ennis’ suit was made special, but she would know!  Rocky introduced Ennis to Bela, the German tailor who owned the shop.  Ennis felt weird when he was measured for the suit.  He never had anything custom made for him before.  Hell, Ennis never even owned a suit bought off the rack.  It was all so new to him, and he wasn’t sure if he liked it!  Rocky paid extra to have the tux finished in a few days, and they were out and on to the florist for a lapel bloom for Ennis and a wrist corsage for Rocky.  Ennis didn’t know how much Rocky was shelling out, and he hoped she didn’t feel entitled, that she was buying him.  Ennis placed the gloomy thoughts from his mind.  He reasoned that Rocky was doing what she wanted.  A modern woman had every right to pay up front, especially since she is the one who wants a date for the dance.  Ennis vowed to pay his share when he was able.  He couldn’t allow Rocky to shoulder the burden of the entire expense.

The night of the dance Ennis dressed in Rocky’s spare bedroom.  He was so nervous that he had to drink a few shots of whiskey to calm his nerves.  As he put on a gold-plated cuff link, Ennis wondered who would be at the dance, and what they would think when he arrived with Rocky on his arm.  He worried about his manners, or lack of.  Ennis’ stomach hurt.  His hands shook as he slipped on his black loafers.  “Ready, En?” It was Rocky.  She stood in the doorway and almost doubled over when Ennis rose from the bed.  He was a dreamboat in a black tux, black shiny loafers, a white scarf draped over his breast.  His hair was slicked back and glistening.  Ennis faced Rocky and was unprepared for the beauty.  Rocky was a knockout in a lavender Valentino gown; a white wrap draped around her bare shoulders.  She handed Ennis her wrist corsage and smiled as he placed it on her right wrist.  Her left wrist was ablaze with a diamond bracelet.  “Uhh, yeah I’m ready,” Ennis mumbled as he offered Rocky a trembling arm.  Rocky noticed that Ennis seemed nervous.  “Look, Ennis,” she soothed.  “Everything is going to be just fine.”  She rubbed his forearm tenderly.  “Let’s just go, have a good time.  You look fierce!  Any woman would be proud to be seen with you.”  Ennis' crimsom blush was very becoming.  He walked Rocky out to her car and they began the drive to the dance.