Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2261244 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Right (85)
« Reply #3260 on: March 08, 2008, 11:14:05 pm »
Mornin', Little.

Well, had me going there, as you planned!  Glad that Ennis told Jack that he would tell Jack everything in time, but not just then.  It's for the best that they leave, even if there will be weeping and wailing and gnashing of teeth and rending of garments at their leaving, too many bad memories there.  Maybe they can return someday.  But, for now their further adventures will begin.  Looking forward to that.

Thanks again. 

Cwby30, you're very kind, as always.  I'm looking forward to the bittersweet times ahead, as well.  Can anyone say "ROAD TRIP!!!??"  Stay tuned, everyone!

Offline Toycoon

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3261 on: March 09, 2008, 09:56:21 pm »
I thought it would be a good time for a little poem I found in a book called, "Leaves of Gold" from 1948.
The name of the poem is, ironically, "Right" and it feels like something Jack's mother may have read to him when he was a boy. I'm crazy about it; I hope everyone that reads it enjoys it, too.


The world is a difficult world indeed,
And the people are hard to suit,
And the man who plays the violin
Is a bore to the man with a flute.
And I myself have often thought,
How very much better 'twould be
If every one of the folks I know
Would only agree with me.
But since they will not, the very best way
To make the world look bright,
Is to never mind what others say,
But do what you think is right.
                       --Light and Life Evangel
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline cwby30

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Re: Right
« Reply #3262 on: March 10, 2008, 11:39:46 am »
Mornin', Toy.

Well, great poem, fits the story really well.  I copied it and put it at the beginning of the story [yes, I have copied and saved all of the entries!], and it sets the tone just right.

Looking forward to their "road trip" and further adventures.  ;)
Thanks again. 

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3263 on: March 10, 2008, 02:05:45 pm »
I thought it would be a good time for a little poem I found in a book called, "Leaves of Gold" from 1948.
The name of the poem is, ironically, "Right" and it feels like something Jack's mother may have read to him when he was a boy. I'm crazy about it; I hope everyone that reads it enjoys it, too.


The world is a difficult world indeed,
And the people are hard to suit,
And the man who plays the violin
Is a bore to the man with a flute.
And I myself have often thought,
How very much better 'twould be
If every one of the folks I know
Would only agree with me.
But since they will not, the very best way
To make the world look bright,
Is to never mind what others say,
But do what you think is right.
                       --Light and Life Evangel

This is just beautiful, Toy!  I love the message!  Thanks so much for sharing it!  :-*


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3264 on: March 12, 2008, 05:15:14 am »
I thought it would be a good time for a little poem I found in a book called, "Leaves of Gold" from 1948.
The name of the poem is, ironically, "Right" and it feels like something Jack's mother may have read to him when he was a boy. I'm crazy about it; I hope everyone that reads it enjoys it, too.


The world is a difficult world indeed,
And the people are hard to suit,
And the man who plays the violin
Is a bore to the man with a flute.
And I myself have often thought,
How very much better 'twould be
If every one of the folks I know
Would only agree with me.
But since they will not, the very best way
To make the world look bright,
Is to never mind what others say,
But do what you think is right.
                       --Light and Life Evangel

I like it, too, Toycoon. And it fits perfectly. Thanks so much for sharing this poem, sweetie!


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Re: Right 85
« Reply #3265 on: March 12, 2008, 05:18:03 am »
Right 85 By Littlewing1957

Jack was the first to hear it!  “Ennis, wake up!” He whispered as he tried to shake his friend awake. “I think I hear someone outside the door!”  “Wha..?” Ennis mumbled groggily as he opened his sleep encrusted eyes.  Ennis pulled himself up from his pillow and faced Jack.  “Shhh..listen!” Jack spoke softly.  “I’m sure I heard someone or some thing out there!”  Ennis was fully awake now.  He had to take a moment to get his bearings, remember where he was and what was going on.  He thought back to last night when they made love so passionately and urgently.  Ennis had to smile when he remembered Jack, in the heat of passion, whispering, “Say my name, Ennis, what’s my name?”  Jack brought him back to the moment. “What's the matter with you, friend?” Jack stammered as he noticed the dreamy look on Ennis’ face.  “Don’t you think we should go investigate?”  Ennis looked at Jack and shook his head.  “I don’t hear anything, Jack!  Look, if it will make you feel better, I’ll put on a pair of jeans and go take a look.”  Jack didn’t like it.  “Wait! We can both go out there.  I won’t tell you to do something that I’m not willing to do myself.”  Ennis thought Jack was babbling, but he didn’t argue.  “Suit yourself.  C’mon then, let’s go see what’s up.”  Jack climbed out of Ennis’ twin bed first.  He looked back as Ennis pulled himself out, and, like Ennis, couldn’t help but recall last night’s deliciously satisfying love fest. 

Ennis, fully dressed in dark wash jeans and a sweatshirt, led Jack out of the basement apartment.  The early morning air was brisk to say the least.  Frothy white clouds moved across a robin’s egg blue sky on the wings of a lazy wind.  Jack followed Ennis onto his property and had a look around.  “Maybe we should have a weapon?” Jack asked. Ennis considered it.  “Well what do you suggest?  I don’t have a gun, or even a knife.”  Jack shrugged as Ennis took it all in.  There was nothing to be afraid of, or at least it seemed that way.  No one in sight.  Jack walked a bit ahead of his friend.  “Yeah, you’re right, Ennis,” Jack conceded.  “Don’t look like anything is wrong.  But I swear I heard someone out here.”  Ennis caught up to him and placed an arm around Jack’s shoulder.  “Its okay, Jack.  Nothing wrong with being cautious.  You have every right.”  Jack fought an urge to lay his head against Ennis’ shoulder.  You never know who may be watching.  “Ahhh, ain’t that sweet!”  Ennis jumped as though someone branded him with a hot poker.  Jack flung around and followed the voice, but there was no one in sight.  “Don’t let me stop your tender moment, fellas!”  Ennis and Jack both turned from side-to-side, scared out of their minds, but needing to find the danger.  “Who are you?”  Jack shouted into the air.  But before anyone could answer, Leroy Tippens and Alan Sims seemed to materialize right in front of Ennis.  Jack didn’t see anyone.  Ennis watched a bruised and bloodied Leroy slide closer toward him.  Alan was standing just behind Leroy, equally bloody, as real and as grim as death, and holding a tire iron!

It was too much for Ennis.  He woke with a start and looked around.  Sweat that was beaded on his forehead now trickled down his cheeks.  Ennis looked over at Jack who was sleeping peacefully.  It was all a cruel dream!  Ennis looked at the tray with the now cold milk and what was left of the cookies Mrs. Twist made for them.  It was all coming back.  What a relief!  But what if the dream was a warning of sorts?  Ennis thought back to the time when he was nine years old.  His dad told him he wanted to show him something very important, and took him by the hand and led him to a drainage ditch.  His brother went along, as well.  Ennis would learn of people who block bad memories from their consciousness forever, and he sincerely hoped that he could have been one of those people.  But the image of poor Earl lying in that drainage ditch with an angry red gash where his private parts were supposed to be was an image that Ennis would never forget as long as he lived.  He didn’t want to think of anything happening to Jack.  Ennis looked at his lover and patted his shoulder ever so gently.  The tender motion woke Jack.  He turned a groggy head toward Ennis and smiled.  “Hey, good morning, friend!” Jack whispered and placed his fingers between Ennis’ thighs.  Ennis warmed and smiled at his lover.  “Didn’t mean to wake you, Jack.  How you feeling?  You okay?”  Jack had a bemused look on his gorgeous face.  “Well, sure!  Why not?  You okay?”  Ennis moaned.  Jack noticed and sat upright in the tiny bed.  “Friend, what is it?” Jack was concerned now.  Ennis avoided Jack’s gaze.  He couldn’t tell him about the dream.  He never even had the opportunity to mention Earl to Jack.  It just never came up in conversation.  Now was not the time.  But he knew what needed to happen.

Ennis climbed out of bed and looked out of the window.  “Beautiful morning, Jack!” Ennis stated.  “Seems that way!” Jack answered, warily.  “Ennis, what is it?” Jack asked, incredulous.  He knew how quickly Ennis could move from one mood to the next, and he wanted to know just what he was up against.  Ennis turned to face Jack.  He was naked, and Jack appreciated the view.  “Look Jack,” Ennis began, “I gotta leave here.  I can’t stay.”  Jack heard it all before.  “What brought this on?  I thought you wanted to come back to the ranch?”  Ennis lowered his eyes to the floor.  “I have my reasons, and if you come with me, in time I’ll make them clear to you.”  Jack considered Ennis’ words.  He knew, instantly, that he never wanted to be separated from Ennis again.  He would follow him to hell, if need be.  “Okay, En,” Jack whispered.  “Sometimes we just gotta move on, make our own way in this life.  My folks will be very disappointed, but they must have known that this day would come.”  Jack climbed out of bed and embraced his lover.  “Just let me break it to my ma.  My pa will be trouble, too, but he’ll get over it.”  Ennis’ eyes danced.  He kissed Jack tenderly on his full lips.   "Where will we go?”

For a moment I thought you were making a ghost story out of it now!  :'( When will the ghosts ever leave Ennis? Can´t wait for the sequel, Maire and Oscar. Thanks for writing this story!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Warm Weather and Happiness
« Reply #3266 on: March 15, 2008, 04:36:46 pm »
Warm Weather and Happiness by Littlewing1957

The view from where he sat was spectacular!  Oh, it was not just the trees, all lush and thick with fragrant foliage, or the never ending sky with clouds sailing across on a lazy breeze.  Jack looked admiringly at his lover, Ennis Del Mar, as he moved, crouched across the warm earth, searching for a missing tent rod. 

Ennis’ back looked particularly fetching.  Jack admired the gentle curve at the base of it.  Ennis looked so strong, so damn sexy.  Jack looked around the campsite.  The weather was as spectacular as his love.  He couldn’t believe that they were finally able to enjoy a trip where they didn't have to endure the friggin' cold. 

Ennis continued to search for the rod.  Jack continued to enjoy the view, that is, until Ennis began to look so inviting!  Jack didn’t want to hurt him, but he couldn’t resist positioning himself onto Ennis’ sturdy back.  Jack’s weight didn’t even flatten Ennis to the ground.  He remained in a semi-crouching position, and didn’t utter a word, even as Jack mounted him.  Ennis had to smile.  Jack was marveling at the strength of his man when Ennis began to move back and forth in a sort of slow dance.  Jack held on for the ride as Ennis gently moved him.  Ennis grinned as Jack caressed his hair, and then his cheeks.  Happy time!  It was good to be warm.  It was so good to be alive.

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Warm Weather and Happiness (2)
« Reply #3267 on: March 15, 2008, 04:56:11 pm »
Warm Weather and Happiness (2) By Littlewing1957

“You gotta be getting tired, friend.  I know I must be heavy!”  Jack whispered into Ennis’ ear as he moved them both from east to west.  “No!” It was Ennis’ only answer.  Ennis continued the ride, but Jack began to climb off.  He didn’t want his friend to develop back problems.  “Now, you must be tired,” Ennis laughed as Jack landed, right on his bottom, onto the warm earth.

Ennis heard Jack’s landing and became concerned.  But Jack wasn’t hurt.  He lay still on the ground and smiled as Ennis moved over him.  Ennis looked down into Jack’s blue eyes and stared.  Neither man said a word as they locked eyes. 

Jack pulled Ennis’ head down for a kiss.  His full mouth touched Jack’s softly, lightly.  But Jack wanted more.  He moved in for a deeper smooch, but he was patient.  Jack knew when to let the passion build, and Ennis knew how to build it.  He deepened the kiss, devoured Jack’s warm lips.  And when mouths were red and swollen, both knew that it was time.  The tent was not pitched, but oddly enough, a dinner fire was built.  Too warm for anything but food, love would have to wait until the first chill of the night.



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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3268 on: March 15, 2008, 05:34:41 pm »
Mmmm, Marie, your words are pure magic. Thanks for sharing this wonderully tender and passionate scene. Thanks for writing. Thanks for writing. Thanks for writing....


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3269 on: March 15, 2008, 05:41:43 pm »
Mmmm, Marie, your words are pure magic. Thanks for sharing this wonderully tender and passionate scene. Thanks for writing. Thanks for writing. Thanks for writing....


Dagi, my Love, thanks for the kind words.  And thank you so much for reading!  I really appreciate it!