Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2270232 times)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3300 on: March 27, 2008, 08:45:52 pm »
Happiness is around the bend?

Where is that bend??

I want to be there!!

Au revoir,
hugs! I'll give a dozen roses to the one who finds me that hapinnes bend!!

Ah, Artiste, what a pleasant surprise.  Happiness is wherever you find it, my sweet!  It is always a pleasure to hear from you.  Please visit us more often.  Oh, and if you can, please try your hand at writing a story and posting it here.  I think you'll be a great addition to the gang!  :)

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Conversation
« Reply #3301 on: March 27, 2008, 08:48:30 pm »
After what they'd just gone through, Jack couldn't carry on a coherent conversation, didn't have the strength to attach one word to another.  But mustering his all, he looked into Ennis' eyes, and croaked out, "Damn, Ennis, you've gone and nearly done me in this time! I'm exhausted. After 25 years, how can every time we do this still be like the first time? Not that I'm complaining."  He wrapped his left arm tighter around a panting naked Ennis who was snuggling against him in their bed, and who responded in a hoarse whisper, "Shut up and kiss me, Twist."

[word count: 100,  Drabblefest prompts:  Conversation    strength    attach]

Wow, you said a mouthful in 100 words!  Brilliant slice of life, Cwby30!  Very sweet and sexy all at once.  I can imagine Ennis and Jack making serious love well into old age.  I want to give them that chance with my writing.  Those two deserve it.  Thanks for sharing.  Beautiful!

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Re: Time
« Reply #3302 on: March 27, 2008, 08:51:03 pm »
Such a bittersweet little tale, cwby30.  Thanks for sharing your drabble with us.

Gary, Gary, Gary!  It is always good to see you here!  Thanks for your comments.  I really enjoyed reading them.  It looks like you're pretty much caught up, but stay tuned.  Toycoon says he's working on the next installment of "Right."  I'll take it from there, and everything will be everything!  :)

You must visit us more often.  I really miss you here.  I'm craving another Daniel and Tyler story!  ;)

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An Honorable Man
« Reply #3303 on: March 27, 2008, 10:45:57 pm »
An Honorable Man by Littlewing1957

Jack watched as Ennis rode his mare.  He held, draped across his lap, a smallish lamb.  Ennis rode his mare back and forth among the sheep, protecting the tiny lamb with his own body.  Jack always considered himself the nurturing type, and it amused him and delighted him to see that Ennis was every bit as caring.

Ennis took his job seriously.  He wanted and needed to do right by Aguirre.  Jack wondered, as he watched Ennis climb down from the mare and tend to the lamb, if Ennis endeavored to do a good job for the sake of it, or was there some selfish reason?

Ennis was an honorable man.  He would get the job done.  He aimed to get it right.  Ennis would never admit it, but he also needed to be rubbed and stroked.  He would do the honorable thing.  He would try to get the count right for Aguirre.  But Jack knew that whatever happened, Ennis would lay beside him in the tent that night.   
« Last Edit: March 28, 2008, 01:12:35 am by littlewing1957 »

Offline cwby30

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Re: Kudos
« Reply #3304 on: March 27, 2008, 11:22:58 pm »
Evenin', everyone.

Well, thanks Gary, Marie for your kind words, as always.  I enjoy the "drabble" format, and having to think about how the prompts will fit in.  Don't have to use all three, but try to do it each time. 

And, Marie, your last few stories are great.  You capture their need and love for each other, balancing Ennis' fears and doubts with Jack's determination. 

Also, glad to hear about Right (86), really looking forward to your picking up the story. 

Thanks again. 

Offline cwby30

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Re: Honorable
« Reply #3305 on: March 27, 2008, 11:40:27 pm »
Sitting in the ballroom at a table set with fine china, sterling silver and crystal, dining by candlelight on tender roast beef and roasted red potatoes, washed down with some red wine from Napa Valley, wherever that was, served by a waiter in a crisp white jacket, he listened to LD loudly praise the merits of the Honorable Anthony Sterling, your local representative to the State Legislature.  He preferred the luxury of eating steaks cooked over an open fire under the light of Wyoming stars, washed down with whiskey from a bottle passed to him by a man with dark brown eyes, a quiet laugh and a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

[115 words.  Drabblefest prompts:  honorable   roast beef   luxury]

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Kudos
« Reply #3306 on: March 28, 2008, 12:57:45 am »
Evenin', everyone.

Well, thanks Gary, Marie for your kind words, as always.  I enjoy the "drabble" format, and having to think about how the prompts will fit in.  Don't have to use all three, but try to do it each time. 

And, Marie, your last few stories are great.  You capture their need and love for each other, balancing Ennis' fears and doubts with Jack's determination. 

Also, glad to hear about Right (86), really looking forward to your picking up the story. 

Thanks again. 

Thanks, cwby30!  You're sweet!  :-*

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Re: Honorable
« Reply #3307 on: March 28, 2008, 12:59:40 am »
Sitting in the ballroom at a table set with fine china, sterling silver and crystal, dining by candlelight on tender roast beef and roasted red potatoes, washed down with some red wine from Napa Valley, wherever that was, served by a waiter in a crisp white jacket, he listened to LD loudly praise the merits of the Honorable Anthony Sterling, your local representative to the State Legislature.  He preferred the luxury of eating steaks cooked over an open fire under the light of Wyoming stars, washed down with whiskey from a bottle passed to him by a man with dark brown eyes, a quiet laugh and a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth.

[115 words.  Drabblefest prompts:  honorable   roast beef   luxury]

Sublime!  I was transported with this one.  I can just image L.D. sticking his chest out, talking politics!  Genius, cwby30!  Thanks so much for posting!

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« Reply #3308 on: March 30, 2008, 01:18:35 am »
Camping by Littlewing1957

Ennis considered himself officially retired, and moved in with Alma Jr. to spend the rest of his days in relative comfort.  Alma Jr. was recently divorced and was raising her young daughter and almost grown son by herself.  Alma invited Ennis to stay with her after her husband left the marriage.  She needed his help and wanted his companionship.  Ennis’ grand kids loved him and were delighted when they found out he had come to stay.

Alma Jr. bought Ennis one of those tiny black-and-white television sets as a welcome home present.  Ennis pulled the cute little t.v. from the box and inspected it.  He shook his head in wonder as he turned the television on.  The screen was small but he didn’t have a problem.  He saw very clearly a woman practically drooling over a bottle of “Mr. Clean.”  Ennis couldn’t believe it.  “The future is today!” Ennis muttered as he kissed Alma Jr. on her ruddy cheek and thanked her for the gift.

Alma Jr. lived not too far from Buffalo Bill State Park.  Ennis never lost his love of camping; not even after his fishing buddy passed away.  His eyes twinkled as he watched his grandson place a call to the park’s office to make a reservation.  James wanted to go along, but Ennis turned him down as gently as he could.  He would take the boy camping some other time.  Ennis needed to be alone his first time out.  Alma Jr. packed her father a thermos full of orange juice, and prepared him a meal of grilled pork chops, potato salad, and bread.  Ennis didn’t need much, as he would only be camping out for one night.  His gear was old but still functional.  James helped grandpa Ennis load his gear onto his truck.  Ennis headed out to the park while his family stood on the front steps of their home, waving goodbye.

Ennis was too tired to erect his tent.  The drive to the park took much longer than he expected, and by the time he found his place, he was dead tired.  The truck bed was big enough for him to use as a place to sleep.  Ennis looked around him as he lit a fire to heat up his dinner.  The site was noisy and animated with families playing ball, cooking, and a few teenagers were listening to pop music and dancing.  While he ate his meal, a few of the women noticed him and walked by his truck several times, smiling at him and nodding.  Mr. Del Mar smiled and nodded back.  One brazen chick even deliberately dropped a piece of wood she was carrying and bent down provocatively to pick it up.  She made sure Ennis had a nice view of her daisy duke clad rear end.  Ennis chuckled to himself.  He almost felt sorry for her when she realized that he wasn’t the least bit interested.  The pretty lady uttered a miffed “humph!” and went on about her business.  When the sun began to set, Ennis fetched the pile of blankets Jamed packed for him and climbed onto the truck bed.  He placed beside him the small t.v. that Alma Jr. bought him and turned it on.  It worked!  He actually got reception out there!  Ennis covered himself with the blankets and watched an episode of Saturday Night Live.  Even at that late hour the campsite was alive with people who couldn’t or wouldn’t sleep.  Ennis watched the shadows of folks dancing, running, jumping.  He pulled the covers over his head and remembered when he and Jack Twist were running in the woods at the base of Brokeback Mountain.  Memories of his deceased lover once haunted him, but as the days wore on and he felt old, thoughts of Jack served to comfort him.  Ennis liked it better that way.  He huddled into the blankets and imaged his long lost lover’s arms around him.  He fell asleep and called for Jack Twist to join him in a dream.

Offline cwby30

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Re: Trust
« Reply #3309 on: April 01, 2008, 02:12:52 pm »
They lay naked and spread-eagled in the afternoon sunshine on the wide bank of their river, their panting caused by much more than the high altitude.  Trust Ennis to find another way to leave me a puddle of mush, thought Jack.  Ennis just purred beside him, eyes closed, the makings of a smile spreading across his face. 

[57 words; Drabblefest prompts:  bank   trust   spread]