Author Topic: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition  (Read 2277301 times)

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Re: Luxury
« Reply #3320 on: April 02, 2008, 12:37:22 am »
The true measure of luxury was the feel of a loving, accepting embrace.  Ennis settled into the precious warmth of Jack’s arms.

So pure and sexy, Littlewing1957. I just love it!
"The most important thing is being sincere, even if you have to fake it." - Cesar Romero

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Luxury
« Reply #3321 on: April 02, 2008, 11:37:12 am »
So pure and sexy, Littlewing1957. I just love it!

Thanks, Toy!

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Right 86
« Reply #3322 on: April 02, 2008, 11:44:57 pm »
Right 86 by Littlewing1957

“What do you mean you’re leaving?”  It was Mrs. Twist.  She was seated at her clean kitchen table shelling peas as Ennis and Jack stood over her.  Jack watched his mom as she held a handful of peas in her small palm.  She seemed frozen in time, her tiny mouth forming a perfect O.  Jack looked to Ennis for support and reassurance, and Ennis nodded at his friend.  Jack nodded back, and decided to get it over with.  If he hesitated one more second his resolve would be lost forever.  “We need to make a fresh start, Ma,” Jack blurted.  “This is just not the place for us.”  Mrs. Twist closed her mouth and placed the peas in a large aluminum bowl.  Jack promised himself that he would be firm, but he felt he would crumble if his mom couldn’t handle the news.  Ennis and Jack watched Mrs. Twist closely as she digested Jack’s words.  Jack was beginning to think his mother was accepting of his decision, but when she began to tremble, the boys pulled up chairs and quickly sat down beside her.  Jack folded his mother’s small hand in his while Ennis placed a comforting hand on her bony shoulder.  Jack cooed and spoke soft words to her.  “Listen ma,” Jack whispered, “You won’t lose me—us!  We’ll be back once we find a place to stay and get work.  We’ll let you know how to get in touch with us.  You can bet we’ll visit all the time, and you and pa can come see us!”  Ennis patted Mrs. Twist’s shoulder.  “Ennis and I discussed this, and we would like to try and get a small ranch of our own.”  Mrs. Twist was silent.  She tried to understand what her son was telling her, but she just couldn’t wrap her mind around the words.  “You want to get a place of your own,”  she sputtered. Jack smiled.  Perhaps if she could just repeat what he said, she would begin to understand and accept his decision to leave.  “But what about your pa? What about the ranch and the barn?”  Ennis looked at Jack and spoke up.  “No need to worry about that, Ma Twist,” Ennis whispered as he squeezed her shoulder.  “Jack contacted Uncle Harold.  He said he’ll round up a few of his friends and they can have the barn up in little more than a week.”  “Sure did,” Jack added.  “And we don’t have to worry none about Harold’s health.  The doc examined him last week and he’s as fit as a mule!”  Mrs. Twist smiled at that.  She always loved her brother Harold.  It would be nice to have him around the place.  “But what will your father say?”  Jack looked down at his mother’s squeaky clean kitchen floor.  “We already spoke to pa.” Jack spoke so softly his ma barely heard.  “What did he say?”  Mrs. Twist braced herself for the answer.  Jack looked positively miserable.  Ennis sighed.  He had better take this one.  “He told us to leave straight for hell.”

Jack looked around his bedroom.  He left Ennis downstairs in the basement to pack his things while he placed a few of his own belongings in a duffle bag.  Jack planned to travel light.  He knew there would be no need to take everything he owned.  With any luck, he and Ennis would find work, a play to stay, and make enough money to buy new clothes and put something away for a down payment on a spread.  Jack was getting excited as he packed his shirts.  He refused to let his dad’s attitude bring him down.  Old Man Twist just needed a little time.  After all, absence makes the heart grow fonder.  Jack was convinced that his pa would come around.  He had to!  His things all packed, Jack sat down on his bed and ran a hand over the homemade quilt.  His grandma made it for him.  He would leave it behind.  As he scanned the tiny room, a million images of his childhood danced before his mind’s eye.  He didn’t want to relive everything that happened in his room, but his psyche seemed to have other ideas.  Jack saw shadows of himself and Alan Sims, laughing and passing a ball back-and-forth across the cold wood floor.  The images were plentiful.  His mother appeared before him as a young woman, moving toward him with a tray of milk and cookies.  And later, he saw her a bit older, looking down on him with great concern, her hand on his hot forehead when he was sick in bed.  Jack saw all of this!  It was just something he had to do.  And, yes, he saw the black nights when his pa climbed into bed with him.  But even the painful memories of abuse couldn’t break his spirit.  Jack shook the images from his mind.  It was time!  He rose from the bed and grabbed his duffle.  He was ready to start a new life.  Jack shouldered his duffle bag and headed down the stairs.  The idea of heading out on his own terrified him, but he was prepared to see it through.  Ennis asked him to wait in the living room for him.  Jack lowered himself onto the sofa and placed his duffle on the floor beside him.

Ennis was happier than any man had a right to be.  He couldn't believe that he was about to start down the road on an incredible journey.  He had everything all packed, and was just about to pack the last of his things: a blue shirt, but decided against it.  Ennis placed the garment down on the twin bed and spread it out nice and neat.  He found a piece of note paper and a pen in the small bureau and scribbled out a note as best he could and placed it square on the breast pocket of the shirt.  Satisfied that everything was in order, Ennis took once last look around.  He had tears in his eyes as he hoisted his bag onto his shoulder and headed for the house.

Mrs. Twist wanted to stand, but her legs couldn’t support her weight.  She blew air out of her mouth when she thought about kissing her son goodbye.  She knew the day would come, but knowing that Jack would leave someday didn’t make it any easier.  In fact, saying goodbye to Jack and Ennis was the hardest thing she had ever done.  Ma Twist sat down on her favorite chair and watched from the window as Jack and his best friend walked off down the main road.  Her heart fluttered a tiny bit whenever Ennis or Jack looked back toward the ranch.  She smiled as she watched them walking side by side.  Soon they would disappear out of sight.  Mr. Twist walked into his living room and noticed his wife looking out the window as tears streamed down her face.  Old Man Twist knew all about his rep as a hard man and knew that some considered him a bastard.  He just couldn’t bring himself to care what people thought of him.  Until now.  He wasn’t exactly sorry that he refused to say goodbye to his only child as he left to start his life.  He was more than a bit angry that Jack chose to leave at a moment’s notice, especially when there was so much work to be done. Mr. Twist cursed his son under his breath, and called him a selfish bugger.  But one look at his wife and John Twist began to soften.  He found himself fighting back tears.  It was an odd, foreign sensation for him.  It troubled him.  “I must be human, after all!” He spoke aloud.  His wife heard him and reached a trembling hand out to him.  Mr. Twist sat down beside his mate and placed her head on his shoulder.  He cooed and stroked her thinning hair.  He looked outside the window and watched as Ennis and Jack walked away down the road.  “There, there, mother,” he soothed, as he rocked his wife back and forth.  Mrs. Twist wept softly, not only out of a sense of loss, but because she never experienced a more tender moment between them.  As Ennis and Jack seemed to disappear from the landscape, something inside of John Twist shifted.  He gently pulled himself away from his wife and stood.  “What is it, John?”  Mrs. Twist asked, worried now.  Her husband looked down at her and patted her shoulder.  “They couldn’t have gotten far, mother,” he announced as he moved toward the coat rack.  Mrs. Twist was either too stunned or too scared to say a word.  John Twist pulled on his wool jacket and opened the door.  “I won’t be long, ma.  I gotta go after ‘em!”
« Last Edit: April 03, 2008, 06:05:21 pm by littlewing1957 »

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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« Reply #3323 on: April 03, 2008, 11:42:15 pm »
The passage below is part of a poem titled Santana by Julie Smith.  I'm reminded of Ennis and Jack whenever I read it, and thought I would post it here for your enjoyment.

I walk into the mountains
And I see the stones
The wild cascades have missed,
Outcroppings of a thousand ranges
That cannot be blown away
Or burned
Or worn down smooth-
A plain of desolation that
Might hold my weight.

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Ennis and Twist
« Reply #3324 on: April 05, 2008, 01:01:13 am »
Ennis and Twist by Littlewing1957

Mr. Twist didn’t want to appear rude, but he couldn’t help but study the young man who sat opposite him at his kitchen table.  His wife answered the door, and he was a bit alarmed when she led a sandy-haired stranger into his home.  So this is Ennis Del Mar!  Mr. Twist thought as the young man introduced himself.  For some reason, he never imagined that Ennis would be so damned handsome.  Jack never described his friend, and John Twist never knew what to expect.  He hated to think that his son was queer, but he had to admit that if he himself were queer, he wouldn’t chase Ennis Del Mar out of his bed.

John Twist watched as his wife offered Ennis a cup of coffee and a piece of cherry cake.  His stomach churned as he noticed Ennis’ reaction.  He was sincerely saddened; practically numb with grief.  John didn’t think he could ever be jealous of his son, but in this one instance he realized that Jack had something he may never achieve: the unflinching love of another.  Surely Ennis loved Jack beyond all measure, beyond all control.  John Twist hated him for it.

Old Man Twist couldn’t resist the chance to hurt Ennis.  He knew he shouldn’t have told him about the “other fella” that Jack mentioned to him only in passing, but it served Ennis right.  “You have a nerve coming here thinking I would give you my son’s ashes,” John Twist muttered under his breath as Ennis gripped the bag that contained two bloody shirts.  He spat into his metal cup once more and watched as Ennis, tears welling up in his expressive eyes, said his goodbyes and left the house.  Mr. Twist rose from his kitchen table and turned his back on his wife.  His eyes had filled with tears, and he didn’t want his wife to see him weak.  He walked out of his house toward the grieving plain.

Offline Shasta542

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3325 on: April 07, 2008, 09:52:48 pm »

Just checkin' in while T. is in Hong Kong!

Hope all is well.
    :-*  :-*  :-*
"Gettin' tired of your dumbass missin'!"


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3326 on: April 07, 2008, 11:21:56 pm »

Just checkin' in while T. is in Hong Kong!

Hope all is well.
    :-*  :-*  :-*

Hey, Shasta!  I'm glad you dropped by.  I would love to hear what you think about our new stories.  I think everyone else has abandoned us!

Offline Luvlylittlewing

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« Reply #3327 on: April 07, 2008, 11:44:17 pm »

Jack didn’t like the sight of blood, but that never stopped him from tending to Ennis' scrapes.  Whenever Ennis Del Mar slipped and skinned his elbow, naked from being exposed from a rolled up sleeve, Jack stopped on a dime and found some water to wipe the blood stain away.  When no water was handy, he held up a not-so-clean handkerchief and had Ennis spit on it.  It is always better to use your own spit to wipe your own blood.

Ennis was amused by Jack’s ministrations, but most of the time he felt like an infant as Jack hurried to make him whole.  Ennis was not an accident prone man, never really hurt himself, but when that bear scared his mule, he banged his head up a bit.  Little did Ennis know that if Jack didn’t have his bandana handy, he would have used his mouth to lick away the trickle of blood.  He would have done that in a heartbeat!

One afternoon when Jack rode in from his commute, Ennis was holding up his right hand by the elbow.  He was opening a can of beans when his fingers slipped on the jazzed edges of the lid.  It was a Jack Twist move, and Ennis was instantly ashamed that he was so careless.  The wound was nowhere near being serious: just a few cut fingers.  He had stopped the blood for the most part, but his fingers were smarting.  Jack looked at the raised hand and instantly knew what had happened.  He walked over to his mate and reached out for the injured fingers.  Ennis pulled away.  But Ennis knew better than that!  Jack wouldn’t give him a moment’s peace until he found some way to baby him, make him feel better.  Jack sat in front of Ennis and pouted until he reluctantly lowered his hurt hand into Jack’s lap.  Jack picked up the hand gingerly and inspected the fingers.  There was only a lone tickle of blood.  Jack didn’t have a handkerchief or neckerchief handy.  Nothing left to do but use his full mouth.  Ennis didn’t say a word as Jack licked his blood and began to suck on the cut fingers.  That stung a bit, but after awhile, Ennis became quite aroused.  Jack couldn’t believe how sweet Ennis’ life fluid tasted.  Neither said a word as Jack fetched the first aid kit from the tent.  He placed a small bandage on each cut and turned away to eat his dinner.  Ennis smiled at his lover and took a place beside him.  He raised his injured hand and swung his arm around Jack’s shoulder.  They ate in a comfortable silence, anxious for the coming of night.


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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3328 on: April 08, 2008, 03:38:20 pm »
I love your stories, Marie. Hey, I see you changed your username. Why's that? I changed mine, too.  ;D

I was about 15 when a boy did exactly what Jack does with Ennis's cut fingers. Oh how I understand Ennis's reaction.  :laugh:

Thanks for being so generous, Marie.

When is Oscar supposed to be back? I'll be gone on April 17.


Offline Luvlylittlewing

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Re: Introducing the "Jack with Ennis" Fan Fic Game - the BetterMost Edition
« Reply #3329 on: April 08, 2008, 09:03:28 pm »
I love your stories, Marie. Hey, I see you changed your username. Why's that? I changed mine, too.  ;D

I was about 15 when a boy did exactly what Jack does with Ennis's cut fingers. Oh how I understand Ennis's reaction.  :laugh:

Thanks for being so generous, Marie.

When is Oscar supposed to be back? I'll be gone on April 17.


Hey, Dagi!  What's happening?  You're going where?  Will you be gone long?  Thanks for reading the stories.  I'll have a few others and Right 87 posted soon.  I changed my username when I saw so many people doing the same thing.  I'm not one to jump on the bandwagon, but I've never changed my username, and thought I would give it a try.

Oscar should be back by the end of the month.  I sure miss that cowboy!  I'll miss you, as well.  I hope you won't be away for long?